《Mercy》Chapter 5



he had read in his fiels that he wouldn't let anyone undress him so he had to be sedated before being washed. his mission today was to change that. alec quickly sat up and backed away from him with a scared look on his face.

"can i take you shirt off?" magnus asked with a soothing tone.


alecs hands instinctively closed around his chest.

"i won't take it off against your will. but alexander, darling you haven't bathed in two weeks" alec let his hands fall back to the bed and nodded still looking down magnus carefully unbuttoned the shirt

"come on" magnus said helping him up and into the bathroom

"can you take your pants off for me?" magnus continued alec hesitated for a moment before letting it slide down from his waist and magnus helped him into the bath.

once alec was sited he closed his eyes to enjoy the warmth on his skin. magnus decided to give him privacy and got up from where he was kneeling next to the bath tub but alec grabbed his hand. magnus turned towards him to see alec looking like a puppy. so he kneeled back down.

"what is it?" magnus asked but all he got was alec tightening his grip on his hand

"do you want me to stay here with you?" magnus asked and alec gave a week nod when the water got cold magnus helped alec out dried him up and put on his cloth for him. but he still observed every inch of his body from his tattoos to the scars and then he put him back in bed.

[To be continued... ]

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