《I'm A Krieger Harris》Chapter Twenty Nine


- Paige's POV - Monday, November 30th, 2020 -

So, Covid is basically gone, thank God.

(A/N - Not everything about soccer will be right in this chapter with Covid and all, and obviously Covid hasn't actually went away, so please stay safe, wear a mask, keep your hands washed and all that other stuff we've all been told, especially with the holidays coming up.)

The National team isn't holding a camp this month but they will be next month in the Netherlands, which we'll have a friendly against them.

Some of the girls thought about going overseas for soccer during the pandemic but they decided just to wait it out and stay in the US.

Laura gave birth to my nephew, Leo Alexander on November 5th, so he's not even a month old yet, but he is just the cutest. Brandon is now an NWSL reporter so I think that's kind of cool.

Danielle and Sonnett are still together, and they're actually a very cute couple and Sonnett's been treating her right.

Mal and I are still together and nothing has happened between us.

Anyways I'm back at school at Lake Nona now, and not online school, since I wasn't actually attendng school anyways.

Oh and another thing... There's these two girls, they're fourteen and twins. They were abandoned a few years ago and were put into the system.

We met them at a group home, and they're really nice girls. I've only met with them twice so I don't know much about them besides they're fourteen, twins, and they're from Orlando like me. I also know their names, Maya and Oakley.

They don't go to in person school right now because of Covid mainly even though they're allowed to go back, but it's because Maya has a weak immune system because she battled cancer for a few years when she was younger.

I think the twins may be becoming my sisters today, not really sure because Mom and Mama have been busy lately.


I'm now walking into my science class I have for senior year, AP Biology, and I have my sister. Again. Which I don't mind.


She's literally my first period and I'm the first person here. Like always.

Here's what I'm wearing.

With some dark ripped jeans, and these shoes:

And of course a damn mask because we still are required to wear them.

"Morning." Danielle says. "Morning." I say quietly as I take my assigned socially distanced seat at a lab table by myself in the back left corner of the room.

Today marks one year since the shooting happened here. One fucking year.

One year since my best friend was killed by my abusive ex.

And I still think it was my fault.


There's not many people in this class in first period. Just me and like five other people.

We are just working on a project anyways and I'm already done so I'm not really doing anything for this class.

I just sit there and scroll through pictures on my phone of me and Kaylee.

It causes me to get a little emotional, but I fight it back.

"May I go to the bathroom?" I ask as I pull upy QR scanner. "Yeah, go ahead." Danielle says and I get up, heading to the door where the QR code for the link to fill out a hall pass is.

I scan it and fill out the short Google form before heading to the bathroom.

I have tears falling already but I just go into the bathroom and stand at one of the sinks, looking at myself.

I remove my mask and wipe my snotty nose with some paper towels before wiping my eyes and cleaning my face after a little bit.

I dry my face off, put my mask back on, then head back to class.

I see a post it note on my computer when I get back.

Are you alright?

- Danielle

I look up towards her desk and nod.

Soon it's class change time and I don't have to leave because I'm in Danielle's advisory so it works out great.

Except we have a memorial assembly... And we all know how this went last time.


There's three people in my advisory, so Danielle leads us down to the gym and we're the first ones down so we head up to the top of the bleachers.

Soon, the gym starts filling up.

"Good Morning, students. Today marks an exact year to this date, of an event that happened and really, really, impacted all of our lives. It was a scary and tragic event, which will live in our memories forever. One year ago today at this very highschool, there was an active shooter situation that most of you experienced, and you all lost classmates, friends, family. Please join us in a moment of silence in honor of those we lost."

The gym is dead silent now.

"Here are the ones we lost. They will forever be remembered at Lake Nona."

The gym goes dark and there's a projection of a video with pictures and names.

I watch and when it gets to Kaylee, I silently let loose.


Everyone's kind of fucked up after the assembly because the memories were brought back so it was kind of a gloomy afternoon in the school.

I walk into my last period of the day, and remember it's in the classroom Kaylee and I were in.

I look to where we were and see Kaylee laying there on the floor, me on my knees beside her, blood everywhere. The classroom dark and it's just me and her.

Then the bell rings and I'm snapped from my trance.

Just let this school day be over with damnit.


When the final bell rings, I leave as quickly as I can and drive to the cemetery in which she's buried.

I bought some white roses on the way to school this morning. They were her favorite flower.

I grab them and walk to her burial place before replacing the old flowers with these, and sitting down.

"One year, huh?" I start. "It's been a crazy damn year. A year without you. It's been so hard without you, KK. A year without a best friend to immediately turn to. A best friend to go and do stuff with." I say and start to get choked up and cry hard. "I'm sorry but I can't talk right now... I miss and love you. I hope I'm making you proud like you wanted me to." I say and stand up before walking away.

I feel guilty for that but I just... It's too much.

I drive home, and I've stopped crying besides a few stray tears here and there.

I walk in the house and set my keys and backpack down before taking my shoes off.

"I'm home." I say throughout the house. "Kitchen." Mama says loudly.

I walk into the kitchen and find Moms, and the twins.

"Hi." I say to everyone. "Hi." They all say back, and the twins give me small smiles, which I return.

"You alright bubbles?" Mom asks. "Yep. Just having a rough day since you know what today is." I say and Moms nod.

"What's today?" Maya asks me. "Uh... I was in an active shooter situation at my school and my best friend... Uhm... She kind of passed in my arms. And that was a year ago, today." I say. "Oh... I'm sorry." Maya says. "It's okay, don't worry about it." I say. "You sure?" She asks. "Yeah." I say and send her a small smile.

I look to see Mom and Mama smiling at our exchange. "Well, maybe this will brighten your day a little." Mom says. "What?" I ask.

"Maya and Oakley are now your sisters." Mom says. "Really? That's awesome. Welcome to the fam." I say and hug both of them.

We then head upstairs and I change real quickly before joining them in their new room, which they share.

We then get to know everything about one another, and it's really great.

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