《I'm A Krieger Harris》Chapter Twenty Four


- Paige's POV -

So, it's now March 16th. Yep I've been in Colorado longer than I was supposed to be but that's because I'm trapped here. COVID-19 is the cause. The pandemic is huge and I'm having to stay in quarantine with Mal, which I'm not complaining about besides being a burden to her parents but they say I'm not. Anyways, it's like seven in the morning I think and I just woke up because Mal got out of bed.

"Baaabe!" I whine. I can just see her shadow moving about the room because only her led light strips are on and they're blue. "I'm coming back just give me a minute." She says then turns on a lamp after grabbing something from her desk. "Ew that's bright." I say and shut my eyes and she just lets out a soft laugh and I feel the bed dip. "Sorry babe but I gotta do a class call. We're doing the lesson then we're gonna do our work off the call." She says and runs a hand through my hair. "Can we sit like this?" I say and move to where my head is against her chest so I'm laying in a weird straight position between her legs. Yes we can sit like this but you're gonna be seen on the call, and you're basically holding my laptop." She laughs and kisses the top of my head. "I don't care." I mumble and watch her log onto Zoom and join what she needs to. I see the time to be 7:50. "Why's your cla- I can't say anything my classes use to start earlier." I say and she laughs at me pouting up at her. "Stop." She laughs. Then the call connects and I see that there's not many people here. Mal has her camera and mic off right now since they're still waiting for people. "What class is this?" I ask. "Science." She says. I close my eyes and just stay against her. I listen to her teacher talk for a bit asking students how they're doing and then Mal's told to show and unmute herself. "Mal who's with you?" The teacher asks and laughs with some other students. "My partner, Paige." Mal laughs. "Is she asleep?" Some kid asks. "Are you asleep?" She asks me. "No. I wish." I say and that causes people to laugh. "Is it Paige Krieger Harris?" The teacher asks causing me to open my eyes since I'm starting to recognize the voice. "Yes." Mal says. "Hey Paige!" The teacher says. "Oh hey Mrs. Hill." I say with a small smile. "How are you?" She asks. "Good. How about you?" "That's good and I am as well thanks for asking." She says so I nod and smile softly. "What. Is. Happening." A kid says. "Mrs. Hill taught me this year before she came to Colorado." I say. "She was the top of the class." Mrs. Hill says. "Pfft no I wasn't." I say and Mal slaps my forehead. "Ow." I say and rub where she slapped. "Anyways, you may teach." I say. "How come you're not doing class for Lake Nona?" She asks. "I don't go there anymore. I homeschool." I say. "Alright then. Okay students..." I close my eyes as she begins talking and I guess Mal turned off her camera and mic because she then rubs my head, causing me to fall asleep.


"Babe." I hear someone say. "Hm.." I mumble. "It's noon, you gotta wake up." Mal says. "Mm hm." I mumble and stuff my head further into the pillow. I guess she moved me. I'm then continuously hit with a pillow causing me to roll to the right as I groan. I roll to far to the right and fall off the bed, landing on my back, knocking the wind out of me.

"Shit." I gasp. "Oh my god, babe are you okay?" Mal runs over to my side of the bed worriedly. "Yep, just got the wind knocked out of me." I say and she helps me sit up. Once I have my lungs under control, we go downstairs and join her parents for lunch.


A/N - Sorry for the short chapter guys. I've been doing other things lately and I still haven't really had the motivation to write.

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