《Return to Ninjago (Book 2 of the Enchanted DVD Player tetralogy)》15


----------y/n's POV---------

We arrive back in Ninjago a few moments later, all together as a team.

"I can't believe it's finally over!" Lloyd exclaims. "Morro's gone, and now everything is back to normal."

"Well, sort of," I say, thinking of my parents.

Lloyd notices my expression and hugs me, and then is joined by everyone else.

"I love a good group hug!" Jay says.

"Hey guys? I sort of need to breathe," I say as they're all crushing me.

"Oops! Sorry y/n," Cole says, backing away.

"Also, have any of you guys ever heard of something called deodorant?"

Nya bursts out laughing. "Some things never change."

"Hey, Ninjago city looks a lot different," I say, noticing our surroundings. "It's like it got an upgrade or something."

"Yeah, well after the overlord was defeated, we sort of had to rebuild the entire city," Kai explains.

"Cyrus Borg made a huge contribution to modern technological advancements," Zane adds. "So now almost all of Ninjago city is digitally connected."

"D-digital?" I stammer. I glance around nervously, remembering what this could possibly mean. Suddenly, I see a traffic light start zooming towards us. "Uh, oh."

"What?" Lloyd asks. "What is it?"

"Rampaging robot!"

I dodge out of the way just in the nick of time before the traffic light rams into me. I pull Lloyd along with me, getting him out of range as well.

"Is that normal?" I ask.

"Uh... no?"

There's a rumble behind us, and when I turn around, I see all the robots in sight swarming around us.

"Seriously?" I exclaim with annoyance. "When are we ever gonna get a break around here?"

"What is going on?!" Jay shrieks.


Suddenly, there's evil laughter ringing all around us. Everybody turns around frantically in every direction, searching for the source. Finally, the owner of the voice is shown on all the screens attached to the sides of buildings, but all that's shown is a pair of purple glowing eyes.

"Overlord!" Lloyd shouts, recognizing the villain. "I defeated you once, and I'll defeat you again!"

"Uhgunn," I groan, tilting my head back. "Did you really have to show up now?"

"Shut it, y/n," the overlord snaps. "Evil never sleeps."

"Really?" I question. "You took an awfully long power nap for the past few months, sooooo..."

The eyes glare at me.

"Stop making him mad, y/n!" Jay warns.

"Too late," the overlord growls. All the robots surrounding us start charging.

I sigh. "Here we go again."

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