《Return to Ninjago (Book 2 of the Enchanted DVD Player tetralogy)》12


-----Cole's POV-----

"Ugh, is this battle ever going to end?" I complain, slicing at the ghosts in front of me.

"Yeah, and where are y/n and Lloyd?" Jay asks.

"They went to go save Garmadon from the cursed realm," Kai replies. "Hey, is that them now?"

I whip my head around, to see y/n, Lloyd, and... Garmadon?

"You made it!" Nya exclaims.

The three of them rush out to us, and immediately rejoin the fight. But suddenly, y/n stops, as if she's zoned out.

"Y/n? What is it?" Lloyd asks her.

"W-why was Garmadon in the cursed realm? How did he get there?"

"What do you mean?" I say, interjecting into the conversation. "Don't you remember? All villans go to the cursed realm after they die, and Garmadon passed away, so yeah. "

"When did that happen?"

"When you and Lloyd defeated the overlord, duh."

Y/n's eyes go wide and she looks like she's about to have a panic attack. "You mean I killed someone?! But... I thought... I didn't realize... Garmadon died?"

"You didn't know?" Zane asks. "Was him dying not supposed to happen?"

"Of course not! Garmadon was supposed to survive the final battle! Or at least that's how I remember it..."

"Well, perhaps since you are from the cursed realm, when you defeated Garmadon when he was possessed by the overlord, you accidentally banished him to your home world, and therefore altered the expected outcome," Zane thinks out loud. "Besides, it's not the first time you've 'killed' someone; think about all those ghosts you've destroyed!"

"That was different! They were already dead!"

"Hate to interrupt, but can we focus on de-ghosting this place?" I say.

y/n shakes her head as if clearing her thoughts, and with a determined nod, gets her head back into the game.


-----------Y/n's POV---------

I'm still a little confused about the whole Garmadon-being-in-the-cursed-realm thing. Right after rescuing Garmadon, I remembered that he only ended up there because he sacrificed himself, so it was confusing to see him in there when the tournament of elements hasn't happened yet.

But after I calmed down a bit (I was shaken at the fact that I accidentally murdered somebody), I realized that Zane's explanation made sense.

"Focus, y/n!" Sensei calls. He's swinging his staff around like some badass karate dude, which makes me laugh since he's so much better than all of us combined yet he's like ten times my age.

I continue to demolish some more ghosts, struggling to come up with a plan to stop the Preeminent from destroying the rest of Earth.

"We need to come up with a way to get rid of Morro and the Preeminent!" Kai shouts.

"You just read my mind," I say.

"Nya, Maybe you can shoot Morro down from here," Zane suggests.

"I can try!"

She swirls a ball of water around and fires it at Morro. He dodges it, and Nya's next fifteen shots.

"Argh! I can't hit him!" Nya cries, frustrated.

"Hand me a sword; let me try," Garmadon says, and Nya tosses him her water katana. Garmadon throws it live a javelin at Morro once he's not looking, but he misses by a mere 5 centimetres.

"Now what?" Lloyd asks.

Cole looks lost in thought for a moment, but then he looks at me with a mischievous expression.

"You seem like you know how to fly," he says to me, coming closer.

"What is that supposed to mean?!?!"

"Quick, help me throw her!" Cole instructs to the others.

"Wait, what?! What are you doing?! Cole!!" I protest as the others all start to form a base underneath of me.


Zane and Kai form a square with their wrists, while Jay goes underneath their arms and uses his hands as support. Cole picks me up and forces me to stand on top of the platform, then he joins Jay under the base, while I place my hands lightly on Kai and Zane's heads for balance.

Kai and Zane squat down, then they stand up and slingshot their arms upwards while Jay and Cole push from underneath. As they do that, Lloyd sends a jolt of energy (that's his element, right?) through everyone to help them throw me higher. Thanks to Cole's super strength boosting from under my feet, I'm now flying through the air.

"How the heck is this even possible?!?!" I shriek as I soar through the sky. I reach behind my head to grab the water katana I was keeping behind my back.

"There is no logic to this!" I say to myself. "And I'm not even in Ninjago anymore!"

My eyes are shut because of the wind, but when I open them, I see that I'm heading straight towards Morro. I gasp, then I hold my sword out behind me, ready to swing.

I really hope I don't f*ck this up.

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