《Return to Ninjago (Book 2 of the Enchanted DVD Player tetralogy)》8



Cole's POV

"Where are they?" I wonder out loud, scanning over the edge of the flying bounty.

"Shouldn't they still be in the courtyard?" Jay says, joining me at the railing.

"They were, but now they're gone."

Nya and Zane join us as well, and we all look for where they could have disappeared to.

"Hmm," Sensei says, stroking his beard. "It may have happened."

"What?" I ask, turning around. "What may have happened?"

Sensei stops stroking his beard, and begins pacing back and forth. "Do you remember how y/n went home after the final battle?"

"Of course," Zane says, entering the conversation. "She returned the same way she came here; using an enchanted DVD player."

"Yes, exactly. But can any of you think of why the DVD player was enchanted?"

Nobody had an answer.

"It is because the artifact contains the realm crystal. Or in this case, contained."

"So you mean to say the realm crystal has been extracted?" Zane clarifies.

"Yes. Morro found the player and took out the crystal, and he must have used it."

"Hey! Look there!" Jay cries, pointing at a black object in the middle of the courtyard.

"What is it?" Nya says, squinting.

"I believe it is the enchanted DVD player," Zane says. "Except, it may not be enchanted anymore."

"Where do you think they've gone, Sensei?" I ask.

"I have a hunch that they went to the cursed realm."

"Well, then how are we going to get there?"

"Using this," Misako says, bringing out a pot of tea.

"Traveler's Tea?" Nya asks hopefully.

"No," Misako says sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "Positivi-tea. Of course it's Traveler's Tea!"

"Great, now we can get to them!" Jay exclaims. "Anybody got anything that's linked to Kai, Lloyd, or y/n?"


Everybody starts searching for an artifact that has a direct connection to one of the three.

"Found something!" Nya cries triumphantly. "It's y/n's clothes that she left up here before changing into her gi."

"Perfect," Misako says, and pours the tea on y/n's garments. "Everybody clasp hands!"

---------------y/n's POV--------------

"What are we going to do?!" I shout to Kai, as the Preeminent rises into the sky.

"I don't know, but we've gotta get out of here!" he replies, grabbing my hand and running towards Lloyd. He picks him up and slings him over his shoulder, and continues running away from the monster up in the sky.

I stay close behind Kai, but I turn my head back for a second to see where Morro went. I finally spot him, and he's directing the Preeminent towards one particular house... mine.

"No!" I cry, and run in that direction.

"Y/n?" Kai questions. "Where are you going?"

"I have to save my parents!"

I run as fast as I can, dodging the beams of light or whatever-you-call-it that the Preeminent is shooting.

"Give up, y/n," Morro sing-songs. "There's no way you can save them now."

"Why? Why are you doing this?"

He doesn't answer, which is predictable. In my opinion, villains never seem to have a good reason for all the lives they take.

I'm about to run into the house, when the Preeminent blasts it into smithereens.

"No," I whisper, on the verge of tears.

"Y/n, we have to go!" Kai says, taking my arm. I hadn't noticed that he followed me here.

"I can't just leave them!" I argue, and start searching for my parents. I finally find them, both sitting on what used to be our couch. Neither of them are breathing. I check their pulse, but there's nothing there.


"No, no, no! You can't be dead!" I cry, hugging both of them, not wanting to believe it.

"y/n..." Kai warns, and this time I don't fight as he drags me away.

"Sweetie," I hear someone say. It sounds like my mom. "Honey, we're right here."

"Mom? Dad?" I say, turning around. I shake my head in disbelief. My parents are hovering in front of me, in ghost form.

"I'm so sorry," I mutter, as they come over to me and give me a hug.

"It isn't your fault," my dad says soothingly. "We may be gone now, but you need to protect the rest of the world. Now go, make us proud!"

I nod, in a state of shock, and take Kai's outstretched hand as we run away from the building. I turn my head one last time to see my parents, and I look just in time to see them fade away into the air.

We run for a bit, trying to get as far away from the Preeminent as possible so we can come up with a plan.

"Hold on a minute!!!" I say suddenly, remembering something. "Did Nya ever unlock her true potential?"

"What?" Kai replies, confused.

"What do you mean 'what'? Did she unlock her true potential or not?"

"Samurais can unlock true potentials?"

"No! I mean as the water ninja!"

"What are you talking about?"

I stare at him blankly. But as I realize why he's so confused, my eyes go wide and I press my hands to the sides of my head.

"You mean Nya never started training to become the ninja of water?"

"She's an elemental master?!"

"F*ck! Without her, we can't make the ghosts disappear!"

---------------Nya's POV-----------------

"Hey, is that Kai?" I ask, noticing someone in red running in the distance. He's carrying someone wearing green, and running beside him is a girl in f/c.

"Yeah, and that's Lloyd and y/n with him!" Jay says.

"Come on boys, let's go!" Cole orders, and all the ninja run towards their teammates.

I sigh. Of course they don't need me to go with them. I'm useless without my samurai suit.

As the ninja get closer, Kai and y/n notice them and run in their direction. But then y/n looks beyond the ninja and sprints towards me.

"Nya!" she exclaims. "I need you!"

"For what?"

"Come with me!" she orders, and drags me by the hand.

"Where are we going?"

"Lake Ontario!"

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