《Prince Edward X Reader {Enchanted}》King and Queens Ball


(Y/n)'s pov

I stood in front of my mirror and looked at my dress. I never really wore dresses to often since I never had any real reason to but tonight was important to Edward and I wanted to make it perfect. I quickly fixed up my hair and walked out of my room. Edward sat on my couch as he watched whatever was in tv. When he saw me he slowly stood off the couch and just stared at me. It felt weird just having him look at me in silence. I gently coughed just to break the silence. "So umm.. do I look alright for a ball? I've never really been to one before so I didn't want to overdo it." I awkwardly chuckled to myself. "You look, stunning." I looked down at my feet trying to not grin like an idiot at Edward's words. He held his arm out in front of me. "Shall we?"

When me and Edward got to the ball we saw that Giselle and he friend were already there and taking together. Edward glanced at them and I felt awkward. I shouldn't be the one holding his arm. Giselle is his fiancé and here I am practically all over Edward. I gently pulled away from Edward which he took notice of quickly. "Is everything alright?" "Yea yea, I just don't want Giselle to get the wrong impression of me. I'd hate for her to think that I was overstepping any boundaries with her fiancé." I pushed a piece of hair behind my ear while avoiding eye contact with Edward. Before Edward could say anything Giselle and her friend walked towards us. Giselle seemed to be in a great mood and her friend also was smiling next to her. "Oh Edward isn't this wonderful?" She looked at me and smiled brightly. "It is so very nice to see you again! My name is Giselle and this is my very kind friend Robert." Wow she seemed really chipper. No wonder Edward was so in love with her. "This is my wonderful peasant friend (y/n)." Edward had a hand on my shoulder as he introduced me to Giselle and Robert. "May I please have each gentleman have the lady he invited come and join one another for the King and Queen's dance?" The man on the stage announced as music began to play and the lights dimmed down. Edward turned to me before offering me his hand. "May I have this pleasure?" I looked to Giselle but her and Robert were already making eye contact with gentle smiles on each of their faces. I looked back at Edward and smiled as I took his hand. Together him and I danced together while the music played. It felt like it was just the two of us in this room together. Our hands together we danced back and forth without breaking eye contact. I wish this moment would never end and that we could just enjoy it forever. I told Edward that I thought it was crazy for him to love someone after barely knowing her but now I've found myself in the same situation. He held me close while we danced and it broke my heart to know I'd have to let him go soon. Soon the man on the stage announced that each man switch their dancing partners and me and Edward slowly pulled apart as Giselle and Robert approached us.


Edward's pov

I watched as (y/n) begun dancing with Robert while Giselle and I danced together. Neither of us spoke at first while we danced. Giselle was the first of us to speak up. "Your friend (y/n) seems very lovely Edward." "She is. She has been a great companion of mine these last few days. If it weren't for her I'm not sure if we would have ever been reunited." I smiled to myself. "I'm glad you were able to meet her. I know that meeting Robert was a wonderful experience." I wasn't sure how to feel now. I was so ready to go home with Giselle and have her become my wife. But now, I wasn't so sure of what I wanted anymore. Giselle could tell something was wrong. "Are you alright Edward?" "I'm not sure anymore." Giselle stopped dancing and I did as well. "Edward Robert has made me very happy these last few days and I can tell (y/n) has made you feel the same way. Perhaps you should go talk with her before either of us decide to go back to Andalasia." With that being said Giselle walked off and I went to go find (y/n).

(Y/N)'s pov

Robert and I danced together while we both talked about each of our own adventures with the 'prince' and 'princess'. It was nice to know that I wasn't the only one who through hell and back for the past four days. I could tell that Robert seemed very fond of Giselle and I knew he felt the same dread that I felt about the upcoming departure of our new friends. I felt a hand tap my shoulder and turned to see Edward standing behind my smiling. "My I have this dance?" I blushed and looked back at Robert who just gave me a gentle smile and let me go. As he walked to likely go find Giselle, Edward and I slowly started to dance again. "I have had a wonderful time with you (y/n)." I chuckled, for days I wanted Edward to call me by my name but now that he's doing it it was a little odd. "Me too Edward. You have definitely livened up my life for sure. Being around you has been the most exciting time of my life. I'm going to really miss you." Edward frowned as we danced. We ended up dancing in front of the elevator which opened as we were about to pass by. When the doors opened Edward stopped completely which made me come to a stop also. "Mother?" Edward asked in a surprised voice. My eyes widen when I saw a women in another crazy costume standing in the elevator. "That's your mom?" "Well, step-mother. What on earth are you doing here?" I noticed something on the ground behind the woman's dress and my grip on Edward tightened. "Is that Giselle?!"


(Wow back again after like a year my bad lol. Just finished watching Disenchanted and I liked it but nowhere near as much as the first movie. Depending on how I end this story and if people request it enough I will make a second story continuing into the second movie as best as I can since edward sadly barely got any scenes. I will also probably be making some edits to this story since I started it back when I was like 16/17.)

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