《Prince Edward X Reader {Enchanted}》The 'Date'


Edward's pov

Giselle and I walked around on this 'date'. We saw many interesting things. Many of which I had already seen once or twice with (y/n). It wasn't as exciting this time likely because I was ready to take my bride back home and be wedded. Giselle seemed to be greatly enjoying herself however. She explained many different things to me. It was confusing. After getting a green crown and what Giselle called a 'hot dog', which wasn't made out of dogs apparently, I figured it was best we go hole finally. "Well this was a lovely date. Are you ready to go home my love?" I asked her and to my surprise Giselle seemed upset. "We don't have to go right away." She said as she walked around me. "How long are these 'dates' suppose to last?" I was ready to go home and be married to Giselle. "Well they can go on for as long as you would like. I know! We should go to the ball! Oh it will be marvelous and full of dancing!" Giselle's face lit up as she said this. I couldn't deny her this when I saw how happy she was. "Alright but then can we go home to Andalasia?" She nodded frantically. I couldn't help but wonder if (y/n) would want to go to this ball as well. It would be a nice way of parting with her. After all she did help me greatly by assisting me with finding Giselle. And it would be a fun evening for the both of us. Giselle and I decided that she would go ask the young girl from this morning to help be her fairy god mother for the ball. As Giselle ran off I began walking back to (y/n)'s castle.


(Y/N)'s pov

I had just gotten off of work and finally was able to sit down. I sat on my couch and let my mind wonder. It was weird how quiet my apartment was without Edward. I missed the energy that he brought with him. I sighed as I fell sideways onto my couch and let my face hit the cushions. I felt weird feeling this way about someone I really didn't know to well but I couldn't help myself. I reached over to grab my remote but before I grabbed it there was a knock at my door. I sat up wondering who would show up to my place so randomly. "Peasant it is I!" My heart began racing. Why was Edward back? I jumped off my couch and ran to the door. I hesitated to open the door. Why was he here? What do I say to him? Is Giselle with him? "Peasant are you home?" I heard Edward ask. My hands were shaking just inches away from the doorknob. I don't know why I suddenly became so anxious. After all the situations Edward has thrown me towards, opening a door is what makes me panic? "(Y/n) are you there?" My eyes shot wide open. Edward hasn't said my name once the entire time we've spent together. Without thinking I threw the door open and Edward and I both stared at each other with wide eyes. "Hey." I mumbled like a fool. I could tell my face was hot and my hands were still shaking. "Hello." Edward smiled and straightened up. "I was wondering if you would like to come to a ball tonight?" "What? Uh what about Giselle? I thought you two were going home." Edward glanced away for a second and his smile slightly disappeared. "She will be there to and we will be going home after. But I want to enjoy once last night with you since I won't get to see you anymore after tonight. It would be delightful if you accepted my invitation." My chest felt cold as he spoke. I didn't want to see Edward go, but I couldn't exactly stop him from living his own life. "I'd love to go to the ball with you Edward." I leaned against the door frame as Edward jumped with excitement. He suddenly picked me up and spun me around just like he did with Giselle this morning. I grabbed onto his shoulders and my face went hot. To feel his arms around my waist was definitely a surprise. "Oh you will not regret this peasant! Not at all!"

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