《Prince Edward X Reader {Enchanted}》The Missing Bride


I decided to take Edward back to my apartment after he told me he's been chasing a woman he's only known for three days around. I knew the guy was a little off but I didn't think it was this extreme. The next morning after he begged me to take him back to 116th on Broadway I agreed against my better judgment. "Alright Edward we can go back but if she's not there or doesn't want to talk to you that's it." Edward looked taken back. "Why on earth wouldn't she want to talk to me?" "You've known her for three days Edward. You can't possibly be engaged to someone you've known for not even a week!" I know this sounded crazy coming from the person who started helping this man after knowing him for less then an hour but crazy attracts crazy I suppose. And I couldn't deny that something was very endearing about Edward. His bright smile and stunning eyes and not mention his charming attitude. I run my hands across my face trying to her my mind straight.

Edward and I finally make our way back to the other apartment complex and once again Edward is back to knocking on every door he sees. Surely he's going to get us arrested. He knocks on one door and a small girl opens it. Her eyes instantly light up when she's Edward in his attire. "Are you looking for a princess!" She practically shouts at him. Edward nods at her with just as much excitement as the child. Without hesitation she lets us both in. "I am here to bring home my bride!" Edwards loudly announces as we walk further into the apartment. Edward goes from room to room as if he owns the place. It doesn't feel right to just parade around someone else's house so I kind of just stand in one place. The woman from the news walks into the same room as me smiling brightly. Edward sees her and quickly runs to her lifting her up and spinning her. It feels weird seeing him so happy with her. My own thoughts confuse me and I can't think on it any further when I see a man with a robe walk into the room. He looks at me with a shocked expression. "You too?" He asks me and I'm slightly taken aback by his question. Once Edward notices his presence he sets Giselle down and pulls out his sword, pointing it at the man. The room suddenly is full of tension. "You're the one whose held her captive! Any last words?" "You've got to be kidding me!" The man says as he covers his face. Edward hesitates. "Strange words." Giselle quickly steps in between both men and explains to Edward that the man and his daughter are her friends. Edward starts singing to Giselle and she doesn't respond back to him. Once again he starts singing the same song but is met with no response. "What's wrong?" Giselle asks him gently. "You're not singing." "Oh. I'm not.. I'm sorry I was thinking. Before we go home I want to go on a date." Giselle explains as edwards gets on his knees in front of her. "A date. Oh a date! What's a date?" He asks and looks at me confused. I just stare at the other man and he shrugs his shoulders. 'Before we go home..'For some reason it was upsetting to think about the fact that Edward would be going home soon. I know I didn't have any right to object to him leaving but I would definitely miss him.


Edward and Giselle stood together outside and Giselle said goodbye to her friend and Edward stood in front of me smiling. "Thank you so much for helping me find my bride peasant. I am truly grateful and will always remember this." I smiled sadly at him. "I'm glad I could help you out Edward. You always know where to find me alright?" "That is very kind of you peasant but I won't be returning here. Giselle and I shall have this 'date' and then be returning to our home." Edward was grinning the whole time he said this not knowing that his words were tearing me up inside. He gave me a gentle hug before taking Giselle's hand and walking away with her.

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