《Prince Edward X Reader {Enchanted}》116th on Broadway


"What is this place? Why is everything so difficult?" Edward asks me while he sits on my couch in front of the tv. "That's the big city for ya Edward. The place where dreams go to die." I grin to myself while searching through the fridge. "What?! To die! You mean Giselle could be in danger!?" Edward shouts as he stands up quickly sword in hand. I made a mistake with my wording. Before I can explain what I meant the news lights up with a story about a chipmunk attack. "-And next is a word from the victim of this insane chipmunk." The news anchor says before passing the microphone to a woman next to her. I hear Edward gasp loudly before throwing himself to the floor with his face practically against the screen. "Giselle!" My eyes widen when I realize that this is Edward's fiancé. So he was actually telling the truth. I lean against the counter as I watch as much of the screen as I could see behind Edward's head. From what I could see Giselle was beautiful. And she seemed to be almost cartoonishly sweet. A man comes up from behind Giselle and quickly pulls her aside away from the cameras point of few. "What villain is this?" Edwards says to himself before standing up quickly and pointing his sword at my television. I quickly run to his side and put my hands on his arm trying my best to prevent him from destroying it. "Woah woah woah man! Restrain yourself!" Edward raises an eyebrow at me before facing the tv again. "Magic mirror I beg you, tell me where she is!" As if timed perfectly the news woman happens to mention an address. "1

16th on Broadway!" Edwards repeats before running up to me television and hugging it tightly with his face pressed against the screen. I'm regretting my decisions again. "Do you even know where that is Edward?" "No but I'm sure you do peasant! Now let's us be on our way!" Edward once again takes me by the arm and together we run out of my apartment and off into the streets.


After a few minutes of running we finally stop at a different apartment complex. By the time we get there I'm nearly out of breath. "Give me a second Edward I'm dying here." "Dying?! Peasant no! Not you as well! You were right, this is the place where things die!" Edward is grabbing my shoulders and looks as if he is about to cry. I really have to work on how I phrase things around him. "'No I'm okay don't worry. I didn't mean it literally." Before either of us can say another word we both noticing the front door to the complex being opened by a man running outside. Edward takes my hand and drags me inside with him. I was surprised by the sudden contact with him. We run up a few cases of stairs until Edward knocks on several doors disturbing as many people as possible. After what feels like an eternity he slides against the wall looking defeated. I sit next to him silently. "Oh Giselle." He mutters sadly. I feel bad for him. Even though he's not what most would call 'normal' Edward really seems to have a good heart and genuine love for Giselle. I put my hand on top of his and give him a small smile. "We'll find her Edward. We're one step closer than we were this morning." Edward smile softly. His eyes lighting up. "You're right peasant. Thank you." "So Edward, how long have you known Giselle anyways?" Edward sits up slightly and looks at me with a large grin on his face. "Three days."

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