《Prince Edward X Reader {Enchanted}》The Search Continues


Authors note: It's been about three to four years since I've written this story so if the writing seems different from how the story started out as that's why. I've recently rewatched the movie and it made me want to get back into writing this story and hopefully completing it this time around.


(Y/N)'s pov

After eating breakfast and taking a quick shower Edward and I make our way to the park to continue looking for Giselle. "So Edward, tell me about Giselle and preferably a little bit more than just the fact that she's pretty and can sing." I grin at Edward. "Well dear peasant, she is the keeper of my heart. My one and only. The light of my life!" Edward shouts and throws his hands out dramatically causing some people to stare at us. I raise and eyebrow at him. That still doesn't describe her in the slightest way to me. I stop walking and Edward does as well. "What's wrong peasant? Why have you stopped?" "Edward I can't help you find Giselle if I don't know what she looks like. Can you tell me how tall she is or what her hair color is? Give me something to work with." Edward puts his hand on my shoulder suddenly. "She has the most beautiful red hair that frames her face in the most elegant way imaginable." Wow. That's definitely one way to phrase that she's a red head. "Alright. Now we're getting somewhere." I say as I continue walking. "What? But we haven't gone anywhere at all. Especially if you just stop walking like that." Edward states in confusion but I just keep waking as I chuckle at his remark.

After walking around for a while I decide it's best we sit and take a break. "Let's just sit down for a bit and then we can keep looking alright?" I ask Edward while I he keeps looking from left to right. Just as we're both about to sit at a park bench loud singing and instruments can be heard not to far away from us. Edwards face lights up and he has the biggest grin on his face. "Giselle!" He shouts and without hesitation jumps from the small bridge that connected to the pathway in front of us. "Jesus Christ!" I scream and run after him. I lean over the bridge and see that Edward has somehow landed on his feet and is fine. I breath a sigh of relief until he starts singing. "I've been dreaming of a-!" Edward is suddenly ran over by a group of cyclists who all then start piling on top of one another. With wide eyes I quickly make my way down to him. Note to self- never help random men who claim they're a prince looking for their missing fiancé, it's not worth it.


"Are you okay!? Why did you jump off the bridge like that?!!" I quickly help Edward pick himself up off the ground trying to ignore the angry cyclists behind us. "I heard her! Giselle is close by!" Edward smiles and starts to run off again. "Wait! Edward come back!" This man needs a leash.

Edward and I search the entire park twice before I can convince him that Giselle isn't anywhere to be seen. "But I heard her peasant! She was here." I sigh and run my hands through my hair. "Key word is WAS Edward. If she was still here we would have run into her by now." I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I can't keep walking around the park all day long. "Peasant I have to find her! I can't live another day without my dearest Giselle!" I hold myself back from rolling my eyes at his remark. I get that he loves this woman but she's obviously not at this park. "Let's walk back to my apartment and we can keep looking for her on the way. She's not here but that doesn't mean we won't run into her somewhere else." Edwards demeanor instantly changes back into his charming attitude. "Fantastic idea peasant! Let us be on our way!" Edward takes my arm in his and starts to lead the way. I would have likely blushed if it wasn't for one thing. "Edward you're driving me nuts with this whole 'peasant' thing. Please call me (Y/N). Ya know, my name."

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