《Prince Edward X Reader {Enchanted}》Good morning


With the light shining in from my window I dreadfully decide to get up. I really wanted to sleep in and just rest. Walking down the hall I hear a loud grumbling noise from my living room. What the heck is that? I look out the nearest window to me. It's a sunny day out, so why am I hearing thunder. As I walk closer to the sound I realize that it's not thunder. It's Edward. I somehow forgot all about him! Not wanting to wake him I walk to my kitchen and decide to make some cereal. Pouring milk into my bowl I slowly hear Edward stirring on the couch. He'll probably want cereal also. "Peasant!!" "Ahhhhhhhh!!" I shout terrified and drop the milk all over my bare feet and the floor. "What is wrong with you!?" I shout at Edward. Turning to face him I - of course - slip on the milk and land face first on my tile floor. "Peasant. Are you alright?" I hear Edward slowly ask me. Looking up at him I feel milk drop down from my face. "Oh yes, just peachy." I saw back sarcastically. "Peachy? But you are not a peach you are a peasant." Edward says with full concern in his voice. I sigh and lay my head back down. This is why I should've just stayed in bed longer.

After cleaning up both my floor and my face, I decided that me and Edward could just eat some muffins and orange juice that I had. "So Edward, why did you scream for me this morning?" Edward looked up from his food and stared at me, his eyes slightly widened. His face turned slightly pink and he quickly looked over at the nearest thing that could interest him. Was he embarrassed? Sitting there in silence with Edward looking at my fake plant, I awkwardly ate my muffin. Wanting to change the subject I coughed into my napkin which caught Edward's attention as he glanced at me. "So do you still want to go to Central Park?" I asked with a small smile on my face. I knew how excited he was yesterday about going to Central Park. He looked at me with a huge grin on his face. "Of course peasant! We must leave at once if we are to ever find my darling Giselle!" Edward quickly stood up and ran to the door. I was about to call out to Edward to remind him to unlock the door. But before I had the chance to he walked right into the door. "Uh Edward...the door is locked." I said almost whispering it. "How dare this door not open for me! Does it know who I am?!" Edward yelled reaching for his sword. "Edward!! I'll open the door after I change clothes you do not need to cut it open!" I panicked and ran up to him grabbing his shoulder. I could not afford to buy a new door for my apartment. I can barely afford to buy fake plants...

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