《Dressed as the soft cannon fodder of the chronology》Chapter 149: Little Year


Just after eating breakfast, Brother Hao and his father and the old man and the old man and the four elders came back with pigs carrying ducks and ducks.

"Raw joy! Let your mother burn some water, and we will kill the pigs and eat the meat!

"Mother, they buy something and go, I'll go boil the water!"

Saying that he would tie up his apron when he was happy, Hao Jianjun fed water into the pot, filled it with four large pots, and chopped wood on the shelf: "Mother-in-law you can just watch!"

"Okay, kill the pigs and don't let the little ones see it!" Don't be scared!

"Well, I'll give them some little oranges and snacks, and I'll go up and kill them with them!"

"The second elder comes out of the water all the time, take another basin of blood, let's kill the chicken first, and wait for your mother to come back and let Sister Zhou back clean."

"Here it comes!"

The courtyard of the three entrances crossed the courtyard, and Sheng Huan really did not hear many pig killing sounds, there were subtle bits.

"Oh! Hello your dad are they coming back?

"Mother, Daddy, they kill pigs for the back."

"Then I will go over, pack up my stomach, eldest daughter-in-law, you and Sister Zhou will retire the goose, Sister Zhang, you will go up with me, and the big baby you both take your younger brothers and sisters into the house to see the little brothers and sisters."

"Got the milk!"

"Ladies and gentlemen!"

"Oh my second child~" The little girl was embarrassed to grab this dress.

"It's all right, the second grandmother told you, there is food on the table in the house, you take it out and eat it with your younger brothers and sisters."


Sheng smiled and rubbed the little girl's delicate hair, a little bit of this would already be a beauty billet.

Raw Joy burns the fire while cleaning up with the sister-in-law: "Raw Joy doesn't need you to get it, the smell is quite big, you go find a plastic bag, put this up and freeze it." "

Good! Daddy like this duck is really fat. "Not


The old man took back a lot of them, and after getting the pigs, he killed them and moved into the house.

"Oh, this pig is really good, eldest daughter-in-law, you wash this water and oil and plate oil to clean it out."

"Good mother!"

Hao Jianjun had a live liso in his hand, the work of dismantling the meat was handed over to him, and he asked for a few shaved dried sticks and bones to stew a soup, not complicated, that is, to boil a chicken rack pork bone soup, today to finish tomorrow.

The sauerkraut stew with large bones was left, and this time a good chunk of meat went in.

"This backbone of the second daughter-in-law sauce, raw and delicious sauce."

"No problem Daddy!"

"This rib is reserved for tomorrow's cooking, and this pig's head and pig's hooves are salty at night and will be served tomorrow."

"Okay, give me the salt at night."

"Good!" Saying that the old man carried the pig's hoof into the kitchen to get the gas to burn it and then brushed it clean.

The raw sauce bones are more skilled, and after stir-frying, they are coated with sugar and stewed with water.

Duck Zhou Jie to make a specialty dish shiitake mushroom Dong Zheng burnt duck, sauce fragrant rich color sparkling red look delicious.


Pig blood was filled with blood intestines, chicken duck blood plus ginger peppercorn noodles steamed with blood tofu.

Yesterday there was half a bloodsausage, today I ate the pig vegetables and went in together, no one in the family will irrigate, Hao Mother and Mrs. Hao will follow the learning to infuse the blood intestine to cook the blood intestine.

The pig is stewed the better, and the little ones can come out, one by one, wearing small cotton shirts all over the yard.

Raw love beets, not today, thinking of taking a piece of loin sliced and wrapped in a crispy paste, making a sauce to make a bun of meat.

The old Hao family likes to eat dumplings, and when they get here, they find that they eat more rice, and now that they have enough food, the family has a big white dumpling, and this life is happy to buy some japonica rice.

Sheng Xi finished out of the kitchen, it is actually too many people, came out to see a few little guys are playing snowball fights, only baby is willing to talk about idleness, people return dishes, beaten even rolling belt climbing.

Sheng Xi was funny, the little guy found a backer like a small ball and flew to the back of Sheng Xi, holding his aunt's thigh and throwing the snowball in his hand.

Seeing that the aunt did not use the brothers and sisters to come, the little guy ran to the kitchen, saw the uncle crept up, Hao Jianjun was afraid that he would fall into the pot, and directly picked him up and put it on his shoulder.

The little guy was immediately happy, and he liked to see his little appearance of the fox fake tiger Wei and couldn't help but smile and bend over.

"Well, first stop the war, eat and then play!"

"Yes! Chief! Hao Jianjun put the baby down, and the little guy immediately panicked and hugged Hao

Jianjun's thigh and did not let go.

Taking a hand towel to sweep the snow, Hao Jianjun took off the shoes one by one and carried them to the kang to warm up.

After a while, the milk bag shouted, "Daddy! My brother pees on his pants!

Hao Jianjun was stunned, thinking that it should be cold, and picked up the steaming baby funny: "Baby peeers!" "No

! I didn't pee!

Hao Jianjun raised an eyebrow, the little guy's pee pants are all giggling, today he was wronged,

Hao Jianjun took off the pants and the pants were not wet.

"The little guy put the snowball in his pocket and went into the house to heat it up."

Hao Jianjun was amused: "I guess he has oranges in his pocket." The

baby hugged his uncle's neck in embarrassment and laughed.

Sheng Xi put his pants on the kang and found woolen pants and cotton pants for the little guy to wear.

After putting on his pants, the little guy rolled over and went to the pile of his brothers and sisters.

In the evening, when you are hungry, you will heat up leftovers, and you will cook some seafood porridge for the little ones.

Early the next morning, the Yu family came to the door with gifts in large bags.

The chef that Big Brother Hao was looking for also brought two young apprentices with him early and sat down with Sheng Huan to discuss the cuisine.

"What are your specialties?"

"My daughter-in-law's family is from southern Sichuan, I learned some from my father-in-law, my family is from Jiangsu and Zhejiang, I learned Jiangsu and Zhejiang cuisine with my master since I was a child, and then I settled down in the countryside here, and I will have some dishes here."


"Okay, that squirrel cinnamon fish Dongpo meat Qing Tong Yue chicken dragon well lobster kernel dried vegetable stew meat oil fried shrimp you are good at, right?"

"This is often done in my shop, you are a connoisseur, fish to make soup with yellow fish."

"Hey, what a connoisseur! Then make a rebate meat, palace chicken with boiled meat slices and husband and wife lung slices. "


"Dried meat silk, sputtered sea cucumber, slip three times, sand-pot white meat is no problem, right?"

"No problem! And lo and see! Is there a requirement for sorghum? "If

not, it's up to you to play!" This pork meat is directly coolly cut to a little soup sauce and hoof sand pot a boil. "


After Sheng Huan finished his explanation, he went to the kitchen together, Sister Zhou Zhang helped to lay the groundwork, and Sheng Xi and Hao Jianjun were busy jumping the wall of the Buddha.

Pigeon egg salvia sea cucumber mushroom beetle gel winter basket into the flavor of the bone soup boiled in turn, and then in three large sand pots, after adding soup, low heat and high heat, simmered on low heat, the aroma of the nose.

"Oh, I like to be a Buddha jumping wall, but I haven't eaten it for a year, which is a tight thought."

"I went to the state dinner a few days ago and tasted like that." The old man said with a proud face.

Hao Jianjun nodded, "Well, it is not as good as my daughter-in-law's taste." "Where

is the chef that little Hao is looking for?" It will be a lot of weirdness!

"I'm a student parent, talking and knowing that he opened a hotel and went to a few times to taste good, this will be busy to invite you."

"Old man, old man, and four of you, went to Shanghai Tangyuan to move that big table and chair in."

"Good Daddy!"

However, the table was too big, the two of them moved back in a trip, and some chairs shouted that the second brother and the second brother were with the elder brother Yu, so that the table was moved over.

The dishes ordered by Sheng Xi are all big dishes, but also kung fu dishes, and there are many stove holes in the kitchen of the courtyard, and each dish is simmered over a low heat.

The house became two tables of mahjong, talking about playing to a little more, dishes on the table, mahjong also scattered to the place.

Old Lady Shu was proud of this courtyard, and walked around with Grandma Hao and the two of them, and the little ones came to call the two grandmothers to eat.

The chef and the apprentice and the guards have a table, the man drinks at the table, and the woman carries the child at the table.

Raw like every dish is snorted, did not expect that this chef is talking like bragging, people have real skills, not the old taste of the norm, have changed to make people bright.

Dongpo meat with the big elbow, fat but not soft glutinous sweet entrance melts, raw like this the most, eat a few bites of rice will be bottomed out.

The husband and wife lung slices are made of fragrant and spicy, the inner cooking is just right, and there is no smell of the dirty utensils.

The most amazing thing is the clear soup duck, the duck soup is clear and fragrant, the mushroom melts in the mouth, and the duck meat is light and soft.

The little guys like squirrel cinnamon and dragon loamander shrimp kernels, and they like to pick the thorns together to find that the thorns have been picked out.

Each one brought either guards or secretaries, so he could also drink recklessly.

Grandpa Hao and Old Father Hao deliberately took out the wine that their daughter-in-law had brought back, and they didn't want to drink it normally, but they all took it out at this time.

The table is big and can turn, and several little guys are very sensible, watching no one pick up dishes before slowly turning the table to their favorite dishes.

I took care of myself and ate everything, and I didn't eat the table, so I sat down and ate small oranges waiting for my brother and sister to go out to play.

"Oh yes, the one that Sheng Xi brought me is called red wine!" I haven't drunk it yet, just when the child is off the table, let's drink! Sister Zhou helped clean up the little guy's food. "Okay


The sister-in-law went to the kitchen to get a cup, and after having money, she saw that the good-looking sister-in-law she liked bought a set, just to have a wine glass.

Sheng Xi took the red wine, took the bottle opener and poured a cup one by one, and when Sheng Xi received the wine, he found that the wine was sweeter than ordinary red wine, the wine was not concentrated and more like grape juice, a box of six bottles, and later there was a little hoarding, and the family gave a box.

"I like this wine to drink, but this brand is not very good, your father and grandfather like it, and they continue to buy a lot and don't drink."

"This thing is not about delicious for a long time, but it will taste better when the barrel is fermented for a long time, and it will be sealed in the bottle, and the shelf life will pass for a long time."

"Huh? That's it! It seems that they have to ask if they sell wine with oak barrels.

"Dad, you can't make ends meet and hoard wine!"

"Next year will not be better, this year the money will be handed over to the base station."

Raw joy is funny, thinking that next year will almost be able to return the cost, then train more technicians to set the price of mobile phones, and now the twenty thousand pieces of imports, their company's fifteen thousand can all come down, but still that sentence, the audience is still small.

Sure enough, a bunch of big men still drank too much at night, and the Hao family was in a big place, and they all stayed here that night.

Big Brother Hao wrapped a big red packet for the chef, and the chef returned happily with the two apprentices.

The next morning, after eating a premature meal, I went home with meat and dust.

The Sheng Huan family has been cleaning up these days, catching up with the total mobilization of the family on the twenty-fourth of June to clean up.

After finishing the third floor, I was paralyzed on the couch: "Oh my God, I'm so tired, I don't want to cook, I'm getting the house dirty again."

"I went to the cafeteria to see what I ate today."

"Or let's go to my parents' side and eat!"

"Are you willing to move?"

"I don't want to" "I'll

go and see, you're waiting at home."

It is said that Hao Jianjun carried several meal boxes to the canteen, which is said to be a canteen, but there are more kinds of dishes.

When Hao Jianjun came, it was already late, many people ate quietly, and Hao Jianjun slipped around.

"Master, bring me a box of kyu meat."

"Well, do you want rolls or dried tofu?"

"Roll the pie, another stir-fried mixed dish, and this roasted duck will also come in a box."


This window picks a few dishes and goes to the next window: "Master, this lion's head has brought me four." "Okay

, is four enough to eat?"

"Enough to eat, the children in the family are small, and this red braised meat is also put in, all one."Taste it.

"Yes, let's order some shiitake canola no?"

"Well, come half a box, this oil pot come half a box to fight."

Then I bought oil bulk cockroach and mutton soup, so I carried the meal box home and turned to my mother-in-law's house.

"Congratulations, the army is here!"

"Mom, what are we going to eat at noon?"

"Eat small food at noon, stay here to eat, raw and happy at noon without cooking!"

"I was packing up the house, and she wasn't happy to leave the house behind."

"Then wait for your mother to send you!" Mom look at what your grandmother's house does, what else do you eat, and let Lao Zhao do it for you. "

Thank you, Mom! No, I packed some dishes in the canteen, or you would go to my house to eat it.

"That's okay, Mom will pass in a minute."

Mother Yu herself was not interested in staying at home alone, so she simply went to the house of the lady to eat.

Give your mother a phone call and know that the old lady is out socializing, and she goes to the next door with the cooked preserves.

"The milk bag opens the door, it's Grandma." Hao Jianjun directly warmed the dish on a gas stove with a meal box, and directly put the meal box to eat especially fragrant.

"Congratulations Mom, what a delicious little fly, I love it when you make some soup for the night."

The raw smell followed her mother to the dinner table, and the mother took all the food and flew, and the family let the old man cook it again.

"Mom, let's have a night's lunch."

"No, yesterday I ate too much and haven't digested it, these two days of eating light, old age metabolism is not good."

"Husband! I want a bowl of rice and I think I can eat a cow now! "I'm

going to eat cattle too!" Yuan Bao raised his small hand for fear that others would not see him.

Hao Jianjun laughed and gave her a bowl, gave Yuan Bao a small bowl, and the little guy looked at his face accusatory and looked at his father.

Hao Jianjun tapped his brain: "Do you want to eat vegetables?" "

Ahem!" The little guy brought his small bowl to the table, amusing Yu Mu funny.

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