《Dressed as the soft cannon fodder of the chronology》Chapter 78: The Reunion Meal


There are already many people in the canteen, cutting vegetables, chopping and chopping, men picking vegetables and washing vegetables, children running back and forth.

Seeing that Sheng Huan was coming, Lao Huang was excited and broken, and even rushed to pull him into the kitchen: "Raw Joy come quickly, the whole Chinese New Year's Eve dishes, you teach us those they don't like to eat." The

two dim sum masters heard that Sheng Xi was also busy: "Sheng Xi, look at what you said about this beef candy, we have not been able to eat it very well!"

Sheng Huan took the book brought by Lao Huang, walked around, saw what ingredients were there, and then sat down at the table with Lao Huang.

"This pork chopping, making four happy balls, how can a person score a hundred grams, and then chop some roots, one-third of the meat, the meat should be four fat and six thin."

"Okay, this year's pork is enough!"

"How many tables do we have?"

"Today everyone is expected to come, but there are also those who do not come, go home, and meet forty tables."

Sheng Huan turned his pen: "Are there 40 pig elbows?" "

Yes! Twenty pigs were killed this year!

"Well, hurry up and clean the pork elbows and then boil them, and I'll grill them in a moment."

"Xiao Wang, hurry up the whole forty pork elbows and blanch the water to get rid of it!"

"Good! Don't cut it? Raw

Joy shouted, "No need to cut!

"That's the recipe, the fish just make a squirrel fish, will you?"

"I will!" Just no tomato juice?

"No tomato juice, with sweet and sour juice, pine nuts are floated in hot oil and sprinkled on."

"Okay! I can do this! "Chickens

stew potatoes with mushrooms."

"This week, let Zhou Er do it."

"Make a lotus box, put the lotus slices, wrap the meat in the middle, and then hang the paste and fry, can you get it?"


Sheng Xi counted the five dishes and then asked, "How many do you want to get?" "The

whole thing is perfect!"

Sheng Huan nodded: "Then you are making a plum dish button meat, you ask who pickles the plum dish."

"Your sister-in-law loves to fry pickles, but it's not delicious!"

"You know if I'm doing it well." "

Okay! Lao Qiu! Go home and get some plum vegetables and come back to it! Little Yu wants! "

Good! I'll go back. Teacher Qiu wiped the water on the apron, put on the cotton jacket and went home.

Raw like to see that these are six dishes: "Is there a pig's hoof?" "

Yes! Pack it up! "Marinate

a pig's hoof, which is also cooked first and then salted."

"Xiao Yu, don't you want to make a red braised meat?" Everybody wants to eat.

Sheng Xi waved his big hand: "Whole! To loin, give the whole of you.

"Make another white searing shrimp lighter, it's all big fish and big meat oil, get a lamb no?"

As soon as Sheng Huan finished speaking, he heard several people speaking in unison: "Today is the New Year, don't eat lamb!" Neither of you are afraid!

Hao Jianjun smiled: "To you! No more lamb! Usually one by one to eat is not also very fragrant!

Hao Jianjun holding the milk bag was not so majestic, and several people were not so afraid of him, greasy and slippery tongue.


"Well, if they don't make lamb for the New Year, do they have any taboos not to eat pork?"

Hao Jianjun shook his head, these people were all strictly trained, and they had not eaten anything.

"Then make a plain soup, old yellow, you go along and fry some potato silk, carrot sauce."

"Good! That's ten dishes! Get dry! Xiao Yu, you pick a dumpling for them, the captain of the regiment has a daily smell of dumplings that can give them a bad taste!

They didn't dare to ask the regimental commander if they didn't dare to ask Tang Tiantian, this is not a cake that is raw and happy to pick.

Sheng Xi put some sugar in the direct secret sauce ginger water, and after frying the peppercorns, he said: "This ratio is two pounds of meat and half a spoonful of oil and a spoonful of water, and the salt and flavor are added normally."

Sheng Huan hurried to the small kitchen, the two masters copied the dried fruits, and Hao Jianjun followed his daughter-in-law's ass behind.

"How simple is this, the milk is boiled in a pot, a lot of soup and honey are put into the house, the color change is added to the peanut noodles, and finally the dried fruits are added, and finally the power is handed over." Because of the large amount, Sheng Huan took his son and handed it to Hao Jianjun, who took the shovel and turned it over, knowing that he saw the bottom of the pot, and the sugar was put into a ball and put it into the

iron plate brushed with oil.

Sheng Huan did not expect that his own small milk bag is also a sweet one, just when Hao Jianjun fried, the sweet aroma of milk in the house is emitted, the small milk bag looks confused like drunk, and the little nose can't stop moving.

After finishing it, he returned to the kitchen and opened his elbow twice into the big pot of salt, and the hoof was also pickled up, so he got the taste early.

Hao Jianjun was responsible for stirring up the seasoning and the root into the meat pie, and then it was fried, and after frying, the balls were boiled and stewed, simmering on low heat.

After the pork belly is stewed, raw and happy to wash a piece of meat skin noodles down and fry in oil, after frying into ice water, soon the tiger skin will appear.

Next, the meat is sliced and spread at the bottom of the bowl, and the plum vegetables are fried and put into the bowl and then steamed.

Cut the pork belly into large pieces, find some straw to tie the knots, and separate the meat of the province.

After the boiling copy of the water, hot water washed and clean, a little oil in the pot put sugar, fried sugar color after the meat into the color, ginger pepper cinnamon bark leaves put in, and then add soy sauce and a little wine, and finally add warm water without meat, after the fire is boiled, it will be burned for a few more times.

It takes time to make these dishes, and a few little warriors look at the fire in the stove, and the stomach beats the drum.

Raw joy came out, a bunch of people occupied a table, the canteen was full of people, this would be wrapped up.

Tang Tiantian even hurriedly shouted, "Raw joy! Come on!

Sheng Xi used to sit on the side, and Sister-in-law Liu smiled: "


Sheng Xi has made something delicious again, so fragrant!"

"Director Huang let me take charge of the kitchen, I helped make some dishes, what can I do with this little body, I don't have to help them."

"The food is delicious! Captain Hao was so blessed. "

"Oh! Xiao Yu is blessed, who does not know that she is pregnant is the leader of the group to make food! Oh! You see that the child is now in the hands of the regimental leader! But it is bitter for me to be a neighbor.

Sheng Huan was embarrassed to smile, in fact, the two of them said nothing, in front of the whole camp, somewhat despised Hao Jianjun's meaning, after all, at this time it was all men in charge.

Tang Tiantian couldn't look at Liu Tiantian's sister-in-law and rolled his eyes: "No, the head of the regiment is good for the birth of the child, at night the child wakes up at night and does not have to be happy, the child is still in a hurry with the raw joy, the morning to get the child to work, at noon rushed back to bring the child, afraid that the student is tired, after all, the regiment leader said that his daughter-in-law gave birth to a child but suffered a big disaster, in the absence of pain for his daughter-in-law that is still called a person, that is called a beast, is it not a Qi Dongfeng?"

Qi Dongfeng nodded, "Hmmm, women have a hard time having children." The

political commissar's daughter-in-law held back a smile, and Liu's sister-in-law thought that her man's face was green.

Sheng Huan secretly gave Tian Tian Bi a thumbs up, Hao Jianjun said this he had not said, but Tang Tiantian said this really relieved, after all, this is a woman's battlefield.

Hao Jianjun thought to himself, Liu Jianjun is not wrong, that is, the sister-in-law at home is confused, and he thinks about comparing himself with his daughter-in-law all day, and he thinks in his heart and minds.

Within a few months, Liu Counselor was transferred away, Liu's sister-in-law still showed off a wave at the camp, and was scolded at night, and the whole camp watched jokes, who did not know that Liu Counselor Ming Sheng and secretly fell, who did not know that in this independent group there was more prospects.

This is the last word, Sheng likes not to be happy to compare with this person, mainly because he does not want to lower his identity and be a person he hates.

It is Liu's sister-in-law who thinks that talking can bury the life, in fact, who does not envy her, even if the words are sour, is not it also jealousy.

No one at the table dared to offend Liu Sister-in-law except Tang Tiantian and Shengxi, and the political commissar's sister-in-law was a round and slippery one, and everyone immediately changed the topic and said that this year's children were going to perform a show.

Talking about children, the crowd was full of joy and fluttered, and Sheng Xi was ashamed and fled back to the kitchen, and Tang Tiantian and Qi Dongfeng and Hao Jianjun followed.

Sheng Xi looked around, the old yellow fried the coupling box, Sheng Xi picked up a, the outside is crisp and tender inside, looking at the old yellow in the eyes, Sheng Xi gave a thumbs up: "That's too bad! Delicious!

Sheng Huan fed the remaining half to Hao Jianjun, who raised an eyebrow and nodded: "Not bad." The

little milk bag watched his father and mother eat, and he was anxious to pick Hao Jianjun's lips, and Hao Jianjun hid a little, and there was a pinch to eat.

Tang Tiantian also took one, and when the excitement shook her head, like her son, she covered her mouth and said, "Old Huang, absolutely!" Delicious! Old

Huang was embarrassed to shake his head and then fried it more.

Sheng Huan looked at the fish that were all fried and shaped, took the basket and flew the pine nuts, and picked a pot of sweet and sour sauce.

Sheng Xi looked at it almost, the table dumplings were wrapped on the table, the chicken stewed mushrooms were about to come out of the pot, and Sheng Xi let the red braised meat heat to collect the juice, and then put the plate on the red soup again.

The plum dish button meat was taken out, and Qi Dongfeng Tang Tiantian helped to buckle the bowl on the plate, pour the soup into the pot and hang the mustard and then buckle the meat again.

The pork elbow is directly pulled out, and the four hi balls are put in ten in a plate, and some soup juice is hung on the side.

The sauce hoof juice is thickened and plated, and finally made a vegetarian soup with Sixi balls, garlic seedling egg liquid, carrot scallops, potato silk, dried tofu silk, wood ear silk, and make a vegetarian soup.

Blanched shrimp, fried coupling box, chicken stewed mushrooms, sweet and sour fish are also on the table, and the dumplings are boiled together after being boiled.

The position given by Hao Jianjun and the political commissar is that they sit together in a queue, and they can do it with their wives and children, or they can sit with their brothers.

During the speech, Hao Jianjun and the political commissar did not talk much, which directly made everyone happy today, and everyone cheered to pick up chopsticks and eat immediately.

Hao Jianjun, political commissar, instructor, chief of staff, and Qi Dongfeng sat together, with his daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law, and the chief of staff's sister-in-law sat with the child.

The commissar's children are all older, not around, the counselor's family has two little girls, one eight years old, one twelve-year-old, well-behaved and very shy, the big guy gives the two people a dish, and the two little girls have red faces.

The Qi Dongfeng family is a small army, the little guy has to sit next to the raw joy, Hao Jianjun's family has a milk bag held in his arms, watching his father and mother eat and stretch out their little heads like a small swallow waiting to be fed.

A table of dishes, each is full of decent, if it were not for Hao Jianjun's quick eyes, Sheng Huan felt that he could not eat, indeed, now is that the family is living well, and has not eaten such a fragrant table of dishes.

Every dish made is fat and not bleak, and it is a meal, and the dumplings become the next meal at a time.

Sheng Huan has not eaten the pork hoof for a long time, the hot pig hoof is soft into the taste, the entrance is melted, the tendons inside are sticky, Hao Jianjun likes to eat the hot road, and the raw joy feels too tired when it is cold.

The grilled pork elbow is also soft and smelly, even the lean meat inside does not feel like chewing, and the elbow skin is like jelly, which is Hao Jianjun's favorite.

The red stewed meat in the big pot is incense, the vibrancy is majestic, the red is sweet, and I want to say that this is my god!

Chicken stew mushrooms are also delicious, Sheng Huan felt that he could learn from Master Zhou, how to make the wandering chicken so tender, so flavorful, without too many spices to bless, all rely on the flavor of the mushrooms, stew with potatoes to make a mellow taste.

Several small children especially like coupling boxes, and sure enough, children will always like fried things.

Sweet and sour fish sweet and sour appetizer, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, raw joy feels that Director Huang's mastery of the fire technique is also a must, raw joy does not know that Director Huang is soaking in the kitchen all day, just to master the oil temperature for proficiency.

Raw love can also eat half of the button meat, no matter how delicious raw or feel fat, wrapped in plum vegetables and rice, a bite down the rich taste is all satisfaction.

The political commissar's sister-in-law covered her mouth in surprise: "Ah, this is a plum dish!" How can it be so delicious? I like plum vegetables, my children and Lao Wang don't like it, I rarely pickle it.

"This is made by Director Huang's sister-in-law, and I also feel delicious, so I will cut the plum vegetables and stir-fry them with oil or pork belly with ginger, ginger, pepper and butter and salt."

"What about the meat on top of here?" It's good to eat it fattening and not stingy.

Everyone listened to it with great hope, mainly because they didn't eat enough or watched a few grandfathers mix the plum vegetables and eat them.

"This pork belly is cooked, then smeared with some soy sauce on the pork skin, fried under the pork skin, cut and put in cold water for ten minutes to slice, add a little sugar MSG peppercorn noodles to spread at the bottom of the bowl, and finally put the plum dish in the middle and steam it for half a point, then put the bowl on the plate and you can eat it directly, like the concentrated taste of the juice will come out and hang a root to the side, it is difficult to listen, it is very simple."

"I'll do it when I get home!" Tang Tiantian is a loyal fan, especially if he opened the second pulse of Ren Dou, as long as he has seriously heard it, the taste of going home is good, and the taste of doing it a few times is even exaggerated, and Qi Dongfeng feels happier every day。

The political commissar's sister-in-law smiled: "I will try it when I go home, so that I like plum dishes, and Lao Wang can eat it with me." The

commissar nodded, if only such a plum dish could be eaten every day.

Today's dumplings are also particularly delicious, the skin is big, a bite of the juice, Hao Jianjun ate a lot.

Raw love especially like a variety of shrimp, pregnant not only did not eat bread, after giving birth to milk bags more like, others almost did not eat, mainly like meat, so Hao Jianjun gave raw joy to grill.

The little milk bag watched the father finish, open the small mouth ah ah enough, the eyes dripping into the mother's mouth, again and again, the little guy rushed straight up, and finally did not eat, wow a cry.

As if he knew that too many people were looking at themselves, the little guy turned over in Hao Jianjun's arms, holding his small mouth and sobbing, Hao Jianjun did not expect that this little guy had just finished drinking milk, and he was stunned to cry for the sake of him, and he couldn't cry and laugh at the moment.

Hao Jianjun was helpless to give him a shrimp kernel, and the little guy was about to ± to play with the tricks of the duck to drink the despicable stew and impeachment × into blind and easy to shake the br/> Hao Jianjun's laughing chest shook and wiped his face clean with his small handbands, and the cute little model

Hao Jianjun bowed his head and kissed it several times, but he was shocked to see the eyes of the people on this side.

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