《Dressed as the soft cannon fodder of the chronology》Chapter 77: Years Ago


Today, it is still Hao Jianjun who has other bags, and the more skillful the techniques are, the faster the speed is, and the longer the little guy sleeps.

Halfway through, the little milk bag was pulled, Hao Jianjun washed the small milk bag with a basin and fed some milk, and the little guy slept again.

At noon, it was almost finished, and the dumplings that were eaten at Tang Tiantian's house were almost finished.

Tang Tiantian left people behind: "Raw joy, eat the fire pot at home at night, don't go, everything is ready, eat the copper fire pot."

Sheng Xi nodded and said good: "We will come back in the evening, and there is still fermented milk at home."

"Then I'll go back with you and do it, and let the regimental commander and Qi Dongfeng watch the children, and the twists and turns of the province will be affected by the wind."


Sheng Huan and Tang Tiantian went to their homes and just happened to meet the political commissar's sister-in-law.

"Raw joy! Sweet, what are you both doing, this cold day. Sheng

Xi stood down and talked for a while: "Sweet family bag winter dumplings." The

commissar's sister-in-law had been in the south before, and had never really been to the north, and was surprised: "And that's what is said?"

Sheng Huan smiled and replied, "Whatever there is, I am more lazy, and if it is convenient, I don't have to get up early on this freeze." "

Yes! I will also pack some when I go back, I can't get up on this cold day! You two go back, don't freeze, I'm going to the marketing agency to get some oil.

"Well, gone sister-in-law!"

When the two of them arrived home, they came to the West House, and Sheng Xi took the straw down, Tang Tiantian helped, and saw the edamame tofu underneath and was stunned: "Can raw love eat this?"

Sheng Xi looked at her surprised look and said, "Of course! It's delicious, that's what the red party does. "Really

? Qi Dongfeng said that the curd in the commander's office was particularly delicious, and he ate it once and couldn't forget it. "I'll

get you a can in a minute, go home and leave it for fifteen days to eat."

Raw like to make half spicy curd, half red curd, make enough two large altars, the seasoning raw like are finished, the two people dipped the edamame tofu in liquor, and then dipped the seasoning into the altar, the two of them one person a table.

The altar was full and there were still some left, and Sheng Xi found a few canned bottles in the house, and the rest made eight canned bottles.

"This fifteen days can be eaten directly, add some cooled cooked rapeseed oil can be stored longer, after seven days of red square boiling some large ingredients ginger water filtered and then cool in, fifteen days can eat, then this soup sauce is also very delicious."

At two o'clock, holding four canned bottles of curd milk, the two returned to Qi Dongfeng's house, and Hao Jianjun and Qi Dongfeng prepared the dishes.

The two of them could eat after they entered the house and opened the fire, and after eating and at dawn the two took the children home.

When the fire was added when Sheng Xi left, the house was very warm and the four cans of curd milk were brought out: "This is made of two, one is spicy and one is red curd, you give it to Xiao Wang!" "I'll


take it to work tomorrow."

Sheng Xi put things on the table for him, and instead sat on the couch to call home, and on Sunday, the family was there, and Hao Jianjun hugged the little guy.

The funny little guy was giggling, and the Yu family on the other side of the phone was in a hurry.

"Oh my God, I'm too grandpa!"

"Baby I'm Grandpa!" Call Grandpa! "

What a grandfather!" How old is the little guy! Milk Packs! I'm a grandmother! The

little guy heard the voice and didn't see anyone, the novelty was bad, and the aaaahs were struggling in the mother's arms.

Sheng Xi hugged his son and turned on the speakerphone: "Mom and Dad, don't worry, wait for the summer I will take the child and Hao Jianjun back to stay for two days."

"You don't fold, the child is too small, stop and hang the family to carry, wait for the big one to come and see Grandpa Oh ~"

Yu Dad said something against his heart, but Yu Mother Yu Ye also thought so, both thinking of the child, but also afraid of folding the child bad.

"Look at it later, right Daddy Grandpa, the name of the milk bag I got it, it's finished, it's called Xiu Yuan."

Sheng Xi heard the sound of Grandpa patting his thigh, and Yu Dad Yu couldn't stop the music, and Sheng Huan wondered: "What's wrong?" Mom?

Yu Mu smiled: "Your grandfather turned the book and found five names, Shuyun, Jianbai, Xincheng, Jingmo, Xiuyuan, and the one we like most is Xiuyuan, thinking that you have no name and give you an opinion." "

Smile in your eyes: "This is the heart with the spirit of the sharp." "That's

right! The heart is sharp! Hanging

up after a while, Sheng Huan thought of calling one for the family, and Hao Jianjun shook his head: "The phone at home is too expensive, it will take half a year to play a game, and they are distressed."

Sheng Huan thought the same, and then took the letter: "Then write a letter!" Later, it is convenient to call Daddy! The

corners of Hao Jianjun's mouth smiled, but that is to say, it is thousands of private telephone lines.

Because of the constant communication, that is, the relationship between the two old bodies, talk about the growth of the little guy, ask the big brother's family a few little guys, ask the old four old three about the study.

Hao Jianjun hugged the little guy, the little guy was milky and soft, and felt how there were such cute creatures in the world.

After writing the letter, I want to eat some snacks: "Husband, you go and get the frozen dragon and lobster to dissolve, and the crab!" I want to eat it! "


Hao Jianjun put his son in the stroller and went down to the cellar to take out a basket of frozen dragon lobsters and river crabs.

Hao Jianjun picked the fattest when frozen, cleaned up one by one, and found that each piece of meat was full of yellow fat.

After Hao Jianjun cleaned up, Sheng Xi fried the crab and made a spicy crab, and the lobster was also the spicy that the two of them liked the most.

Sitting on the kang, the two of them were talking about spicy and fragrant little lobsters, Hao Jianjun was biting the crab shell, the little guy's big eyes were not enough, look at the father and look at the mother.


After eating Hao Jianjun did not eat enough, Sheng Xi cooked two bowls of noodles, and Hao Jianjun mixed with the soup of the lobster to eat.

The next day, Sheng Huan rubbed his sore waist and got up, looked at the calendar, there is still a month to go to the New Year, this year's New Year is late, the end of February is only the New Year.

Sheng Huan suddenly remembered that this year was Hao Jianjun's life year, and he rummaged through the cabinet, and sure enough, there was still red cloth at home.

Sheng Huan wanted to make Hao Jianjun a set of red underwear, a pair of pants and a vest, and then a red belt for the whole shirt.

I looked around, found some red wool, and thought about knitting a sweater and sweater.

Sheng likes to think of it, put his son on the side, make underwear because he has experience in making clothes for the little guy, it will be finished in a short time, the shirt is not complicated, and Hao Jianjun's figure has not changed for many years.

It was almost noon when I finished it, so I went through the water and dropped a lot of floating colors.

At noon, he boiled the dumplings, made a vegetarian soup, and ate some of them, and Hao Jianjun saw the clothes hanging on the clothescloth and was surprised: "Daughter-in-law! What did you give me?

"Well, you wear some red this year, and you'll help me get the wool for a while."

Hao Jianjun hugged his daughter-in-law's daughter-in-law's soft and tender cheeks, which were even more fragrant and tender than his son's face.

After eating, Hao Jianjun bathed his son, washed and cleaned and then smeared incense, the little guy did not see his father for half a day, sticky no, Hao Jianjun could not stop saying that he was a little sticky spirit.

I like to seize the time to play sweaters, but I am finished before the New Year.

Hao Jianjun will not train at twenty-eight: "Daughter-in-law! Going public or not?

"Don't go, there's nothing to buy, and you can't throw the milk bag at home." The

milk bag heard the shouting to himself, raised his brain and looked back, and Hao Jianjun picked up his son: "Hey, with your mother, your mother is not willing to go out for a walk."

"Then you go with Tang Tiantian, and I will take care of the house with my son?"

I like to think that as soon as the memory arrives at the New Year, the supply and marketing agency door clapps the long line and shakes its head: "Don't go, too tired." "Thirty

days we go to the cafeteria together to eat, all go, and what about the show, you perform a no?"

What would you like to think about yourself? Is it difficult to perform a poetry recital? Shake your head, or forget it, you really don't have any talent to get your hands on.

Just after eating breakfast, I heard a knock at the door, and I saw that Tang Tiantian was carrying Qi Dongfeng and Xiao Jun, carrying a lot of things: "Raw joy!" Thirty nights we spent together! "

Oh well! Boom! Sheng Xi welcomed the two of them in, and even Xiao Jun's arms were holding a big that had been killed, and Hao Jianjun took it, and the little guy was relieved.

"Uncle! What about the younger brother? "Play

in the house, go for it!"

The four of them took out all the dishes in the kitchen, there were three striped fish, and Sheng Huan thought, "Do you want to eat dry fried striped fish or red-hot striped fish?" "Dry


"Okay! 生歡歡本子上記下來。 "And

the fish?"

"Well, Qi Dongfeng is screaming and grabbing!"

Sheng Huan wanted to make a roasted fish, make a big shrimp in his own house to make a big shrimp, and then make a tiger skin elbow, just this time the meat was divided into two pig legs.

"Get another roasted roast fish, eggplant sauce shrimp, tiger skin elbow and sauce pig's hooves, this meat will make four hi balls, the whole chicken stew mushrooms, get a squirrel fish, make a pot of meat, get a canned silver ear, get a big lift, make a vegetarian stewed soup, roast a lamb chop, wrap, dried bean carob, beef sauce!" Sixteen dishes! Let's celebrate the New Year! The

three of them swallowed their saliva, and for the first time they heard that they could still eat so many dishes in the New Year, they were looking forward to the New Year.

Xiao Jun shouted with his hands dancing, "Good! Happy New Year! New Year's Day!

Sheng Xi rubbed a handful of the little guy's brain melon, laughing softly.

Several people packed things out, should be chopped, should be cut, at noon raw like to make a pot of lamb mushroom soup, a red stewed lamb chops, Hao Jianjun has not eaten red lamb chops for too long, ate six bowls of rice in one breath, Qi Dongfeng did not hesitate to let go, even Xiao Jun ate a full bowl of a small bowl.

Tang Tiantian grilled the meal, and said with a happy face: "Raw joy, how carrot is so soft and sticky!"

"If you go home and do this, it must be the same taste!"

"Whoops, I don't want to suckle!"

"You eat it at my house, and if you don't eat it, I will teach you to do it, or you can take tofu to your house to make it."

Tang Tiandessert nodded: "Hmm, my family is reluctant to eat that, Xiao Jun especially likes red curd, it's amazing!" "So

happy, I feel as if I was at home!" No! Happier than when I gave it home! Sheng

Huan shook his head funny, Tang Tiantian was not at all in line with her age, twenty-five years old and so cute.

Yes, Sheng Huan only learned today that she is twenty-five, the same age as Hao Jianjun, this year's life year, Qi Dongfeng looks so young that the baby's face feels younger than Hao Jianjun, and the smile is even more lovely, who knows that he is thirty, no wonder he does not know him.

Hao Jianjun belongs to the kind of pimp qi that belongs to the pimp, but if he does not hide it outside, he can only feel that he is full of righteousness, and when he acts, no one can drag him.

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