《Dressed as the soft cannon fodder of the chronology》Chapter 76: Interaction


In the evening, when the family left, Sheng Huan took the remaining sticky bean buns back.

Raw like the whole person tired of the virtual, took a bath, teased the son for a while and then went to sleep.

The next morning, Hao Jianjun went to work again, leaving Sheng Happy alone with his son.

Sheng Xi found that his son was growing faster and faster, and found a name to call out, and the little guy was still strangely cooperative, lying in the small basket and grasping the edge.

This said, it turned out that the little guy was ten pounds, and he was happy to hold up and wave his hands to the baby's son to kiss: "Our little milk bag is ten pounds!" The

little guy seemed to be able to understand and grabbed Sheng Xi's ponytail and danced, and Sheng Xi was grabbed by his hair and scattered before he found that his son's strength was so great.

Open the loose ponytail and stick a ball head directly so that the little guy can't reach it.

The little guy got angry, hummed and put down his hand and grabbed the clothes on his mother's chest, and the little brain buried him and ignored him.

Sheng liked to see this little guy's little look and laughed non-stop, afraid that the little guy would be stunned, and found a wave drum for him to catch.

The little guy was directly attracted, and he fell asleep with a wave drum in his hand.

Sheng Huan thought that this little guy hadn't eaten milk yet, presumably couldn't sleep for a while, so he wrote something for himself.

Sure enough, the sleeping little guy still smashed his little mouth, and after a while he woke up, and he cried and cried, and he didn't cry because he was happy to breastfeed.

The little guy was sleepy-eyed and clutching raw flesh, and the little hand was clutching raw and painful, and hurried to give the drum a wave drum and put it in his hand.

The little guy was suckling while the little eye was chasing the wave drum, and he found that his son was more and more sleepy, unless he was extremely sleepy.

The little guy's hair is a little long, the little guy himself is shaved from time to time, and he is really afraid that he will regret that he has grown up to himself.

The little one just lay on his back in the baby bed, looking at his mother from time to time, and playing with the drums from time to time.

Sheng Huan thought about putting away the book, folding some thousand paper cranes, hanging them on the line and hanging them on top of the little guy, blowing lightly with his mouth, and the thousand paper cranes drifted with the wind.

The little guy is curious to scratch, to catch when the raw joy to blow the wind, the little guy is anxious to let the paper fall for a while, scratch tired and fall asleep for a while.

I was going to write a little more, but when I saw that it was already ten o'clock, my son still had to sleep a little longer, and he liked to think about what to eat at noon.

Remembering that I hadn't eaten lamb chops in a long time, I took out a dazzling one, marinated it and then baked it in the oven.

Sliced a loin and marinated in pepper starch for a while, just yesterday there was some hot pot base left, making a boiled meat slice.


Then take out a cabbage and a piece of frozen tofu and add some noodles to make a pork cabbage stew noodles.

Looking at so many cabbages at home, raw joy to clean up the cabbage, brush the jar clean, then layer by layer of salt and layer of cabbage full of the pot, and finally pour in the cool white, and then press on the big stone, estimated that half a month and a month can eat.

Sure enough, the winter without sauerkraut was not perfect, Hao Jianjun this man was excessive, the curd milk and everything was taken away, and Sheng Huan thought about letting him take it back tomorrow.

When Hao Jianjun went home and entered the house, he smelled the aroma of vegetables, and Sheng Huan was cutting the roast lamb chops and sprinkling spices.

When Hao Jianjun entered the house, he saw: "Daughter-in-law! Give me one first!

Sheng Huan took the plate and motioned for him to take it himself, and Hao Jianjun took one plate after another and put it into the oven.

"Excuse me, what a fragrance!"

"By the way, husband, you bring back the curd altar at night, and you don't have any eyes to eat without curd."

Hao Jianjun was embarrassed to shake his head: "Daughter-in-law, those are all gone." Surprised

: "So fast?" What about soup?

"I ate with Xiao Wang and the two of us, and Tang let this boy cook."

"Well, the altar will be brought back another day, and at night I will come back to grind the beans, this time I will do more, and you will get some for Xiao Wang." "

Okay! Then I soaked the beans and just got more frozen tofu to eat!

"Well, it just so happens that you buy it every day."

Hao Jianjun soaked thirty pounds of beans at once, raw and happy and funny, when to eat so much to what time to go, eat no more and then get it.

After Hao Jianjun finished soaking the beans, he rushed into the house to see his son, and he did not see his son when he came back today.

Then the kitchen Hao Jianjun saw the things hanging at the head of the bed, like the little bird folded by the daughter-in-law, his daughter-in-law was really clever, close to see that his son had woken up, staring at the bird with a small eyebrow, and even his father did not see it when he returned.

Hao Jianjun watched his son spit out his small tongue, and the saliva jumped out, Hao Jianjun gently stroked the little bird, and the little guy's tight eyebrows spread out, and he reached out his small hand to grasp.

Hao Jianjun saw that his son was in a hurry, picked up his son and sat on his arm, gave him the little bird, the little guy grabbed it and stuffed it into his mouth, Hao Jianjun's eyes quickly blocked the small mouth.

The little guy avoided his father's hand, Hao Jianjun helplessly sat down for the little guy to put into his arms and hold it, reaching for a thousand paper cranes, who knew that this little guy was so big, Hao Jianjun was afraid of hurting him and did not dare to make it, and he could not take it out for a while.

When Sheng Huan entered the house, he watched the two of them fight with wits and courage, and took the wave drum to shake it to attract the little guy's attention, and sure enough, the little guy gave up and took the wave drum, and the squashed thousand paper turtle fell into Sheng Huan's hands.


Hao Jianjun was relieved.

"Husband, I will cut the hair of the milk bag, it is too long, he is hot, or always shaved."

Hao Jianjun finished eating, and after the little guy was asleep, he dared to carefully cut the scissors, and he looked at the sweat in his palms and brain doors, and funnily wiped him.

After cutting, Hao Jianjun exhaled a breath and carefully made a few stubbles out of the hair, careful that he was afraid that the stubble would get on the little guy, and he had just fallen asleep if he took a shower and estimated that he would catch a cold.

Hao Jianjun cut the little guy's hair, waited for the little guy to wake up, and kissed the little guy on the face and went to work.

Sheng Xi found that his son slept for a particularly long time, watching and sleeping for four hours, Sheng Xi touched his face from time to time to see if it was hot, touched the urine from time to time, probed his breath from time to time, and the little guy suddenly slept for a long time and was still a little unaccustomed to it.

Hao Jianjun went home and went into the house and asked doubtfully, "Is this little guy sleeping again?" "

No, I've been asleep." "

Ah!" Hao Jianjun hurried into the house, probed the little guy's breathing and brain door, thinking that it was okay, but he was still in a hurry, picked up his son and kissed him, the little guy opened his eyes in confusion and cried.

Hao Jianjun panicked, his son generally did not cry, hurriedly opened the urine without moisture, carried the little guy into the bathroom, and the little guy went to the toilet Hao Jianjun cleaned up.

The little guy is still crying, raw joy to take the bottle, the little guy is hanging on the tears, grabbing the button on his father's clothes, grunting and drinking, the milk that was still left, today is not enough, raw joy can only get these, the little guy ate half of this spirit.

Hao Jianjun's brain was running wildly, and his son's performance seemed to have entered the stage of a two-month-old baby, and his eyes swept over his son, looking as if he was nearly sixty centimeters.

"Our little one develops a little faster from time to time?"

Sheng Huan thought about it: "It's not absolute, but almost, our baby is not a few days away."

Hao Jianjun thought about it too, and estimated that the raw milk was nourishing after all, bathing the little one, and was completely in spirit.

The little guy slept for a long time and was not happy to sleep, sticking to Hao Jianjun's body, Hao Jianjun helplessly got the stone mill into the house, holding his son to push the mill.

Hao Jianjun couldn't stop turning in circles, the little guy was a little confused, simply buried in his father's arms and didn't look, the small mouth seemed to find fun, and he grabbed it in one bite.

Hao Jianjun slammed his head down in disbelief at a drunken little guy, and when he looked over in disbelief, he saw Hao Jianjun lift his son up, and Sheng Xi looked at the saliva on his white shirt for a moment, and then he immediately supported Shi Mo's straight waist.

The little guy was not happy to be broken, and was raised high by the father's hand, and the whole little guy was anxious to reach out and hug.

Hao Jianjun was helpless, he could only change into a sweater, so he held the small milk bag, the milk bag was excited to open his mouth to bite, bite a mouthful of wool, the little guy doubted the button, the buckle could not come out and arise, the little brain was crooked, looking at the mother through the gap.

Sheng Huan hung up the gap to tease him, from time to time let him not see that it was appearing, and the little guy would giggle happily at a moment's notice, and climbed in Hao Jianjun's arms.

Hao Jianjun could only hold him tight and not let him have the opportunity to get out, for fear that he would be frightened by a flash.

The beans that should have been ground in an hour were ground for two hours, and I didn't know how this little guy was so energetic, but the moment Hao Jianjun stopped, the little guy was in his father's arms, and the little lump began to snore.

Hao Jianjun put him in the baby bed, so that he made tofu with Sheng Xi, the tofu was made for about half an hour, Hao Jianjun left some to eat tomorrow, half took the outside and put it away, half cut it into pieces, the westernmost room kang was filled with straw rods, the tofu was dipped in hairy mushrooms on the straw poles, and the tofu was put on the straw poles again.

It was already more than nine o'clock after finishing, and the little guy hadn't woken up yet, and Hao Jianjun felt that he didn't have to get up so much at night to go back to the night.

Sure enough, the little guy got up twice a night, and Hao Jianjun got up early to clean up for the little guy and estimated that the little guy could sleep for a few hours, steam the dumplings, eat more than half of the pot and go to work.

Hao Jianjun's dumplings, half of which he had not eaten, mainly because he was at home all day, three times a day, and he was really not so hungry.

The little guy writes when he sleeps and likes to sleep, and the little guy plays with him when he is awake.

On Sunday morning, the couple got up early, and the little one also looked at his mother with wide eyes, guessing why his mother hadn't slept this morning.

The little guy didn't doubt for a moment, and then his father put on the thickest big red flower cotton shirt made by his grandmother, wrapped in the thickest small quilt that his grandmother had made, and wrapped a leather jacket on the outside.

"Daughter-in-law, you go to the back, I want to send him to Qi Dongfeng's house."

Sheng Huan is preparing milk powder, flying pigeon bottles, flying pigeon water bottles, little guys' drums and clothes, diapers and handkerchief blankets, and small mattresses and quilts.

Smell good, think of what to go to the back room to hold the plastic bottle for the little one to bathe.

Locking the door and pushing the heavy baby car towards Qi Dongfeng's house, Hao Jianjun had already entered the house, and Tang Tiantian and Qi Dongfeng burned the house very hot.

The little guy was ripped open by Hao Jianjun layer by layer, Tang Tiantian Kang still had Xiao Jun's childhood mattress on it, and Hao Jianjun laid three layers of left and three layers for the little guy, and then laid a urinal pad to change the little guy's clothes a little thinner.

The little guy can be regarded as unsealed, the little face is all red, the accuser ah-ah-ah-shouting, until he is picked up and then suspended.

Tang Tiantian and Qi Dongfeng were stunned by this scene, and then they watched the raw joy pushing a full cart of things, and their jaws were about to fall.

The unfamiliar environment of the little guy is restless, he wants his father to hug it, fortunately, someone laid a hand, Qi Dongfeng and Tang Tiantian reconciled the living noodles, chopped the pie, raw and happy seasoning, Qi Dongfeng and Qi Dongfeng reconciled.

Qi Dongfengjia twenty pounds of pork, fifty pounds of mutton, raw to get ten pounds of pork shrew, ten pounds of pork sauerkraut, twenty pounds of mutton carrots, twenty pounds of lamb dumplings, ten pounds of lamb dumplings.

Looking at a pot full of bean paste, and a few pots of noodles, Sheng Huan thought that some of them were dry today.

Hao Jianjun started to cool to about forty degrees, put it into a flying pigeon glass bottle, put the milk powder, kneaded it and fed it to the little one to drink.

This bottle is not comfortable for the family, the little guy originally ate and spit and played, Hao Jianjun thought about not letting the daughter-in-law feed it, fortunately, the little guy will eat it seriously in a moment.

Hao Jianjun especially gave the little guy several times a few times today, and only when he slept well did he put the little guy on the small bed, and the little guy smelled the familiar smell and found a comfortable position to fall asleep.

Qi Dongfeng put the table into the house, just in the house to pack, convenient to warm up and can also watch the children.

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