《Dressed as the soft cannon fodder of the chronology》Chapter 75: Wrapping the Dumplings


Not long after, Hao Jianjun heard that there was no movement outside, and took a bud rice rod and pestle back and forth a few times: "It's okay, it's not so big, it's not over the roof."

Hao Jianjun took the hammer and first cleaned up the steps around the house, because the snow next to the wall had melted.

Then they cleaned up the yard, cleaned it up, and a bunch of people were cleaning up the way, and the children were wearing thick cotton jackets and playing snowballs, piling snowmen rolling in the snow.

After they were all packed up and ready to go into the house, the logistical personnel came to be something, and Hao Jianjun gave a piece of meat to take into the house and decompose it, and then directly froze it in the snow pile, and inserted a wooden stick to mark it.

"Husband, are you giving home today?" Wrap the dumplings together?

When Hao Jianjun was cleaning up the snow, he made several pots of noodles, which were frozen in the winter and were very convenient for eating.

Hao Jianjun roasted the fire and hugged his son: "Well, today to the family, then I chop the meat!"

Sheng Huan took out the meat machine, and Hao Jianjun wondered, "What is this?" "Wrap

the meat machine, put the meat cut into it and just shake it with your hands, it's quiet."

Hao Jianjun was momentarily addicted, took this thing apart and washed it once again to know the principle of this iron lump, went to the cellar to get ten pounds of pork, twenty pounds of beef and twenty pounds of mutton, and also brought leather teeth.

Hao Jianjun grabbed meat, raw and happy, lamb round, beef round, pork round, this year there is no pickled sauerkraut, raw like to buy directly, and then and pork sauerkraut and pork cabbage dumplings, as well as beef mushroom dumplings.

Sheng Xi cut vegetables and water seasoning, and saved this power to live Hao Jianjun directly past.

Suddenly, I heard a knock at the door and wondered, "Who?" Is it a knock at the door?

Hao Jianjun had washed his hands: "Well, Qi Dongfeng's family, I'll open the door."

Hao Jianjun had already heard Xiao Jun's milk voice and said that he wanted to see his brother's voice.

The door opened, and sure enough, Qi Dongfeng said, "Captain! My son is coming to see his brother.

Hao Jianjun nodded, "Just come in and help pack the dumplings."

"Huh? What about your buns? Qi Dongfeng was a little embarrassed to go back to catch up with people for dinner.

"Well, raw dumplings for the winter."

The couple did not know what to experience, embarrassed to enter the house, to the kitchen to see that the large basin at home has been taken out to decorate.

"Excuse me? Are you both here? Just help me pack the dumplings, I and Hao Jianjun don't know when to wrap them!

Xiao Jun walked around Hao Jianjun and hugged Sheng Huan's thigh: "Auntie! Brother! "My

brother is in the house, and you see if your uncle has given you a hug?"

Hao Jianjun went into the house and picked up his son, who was already awake, and put him in the stroller, put it to the height where he could see the table at a slight tilt, and the little guy saw the world from this angle for the first time, and he was very surprised.

Hao Jianjun first took a basin of noodles and a pot of dumplings and put them on the table, and a large sheet of plastic sheet was laid on the steps of the backyard and pressed with stones.


"Will you both have a baby?"

Hao Jianjun looked distrustful and wondered if he still had to teach?

The two of them nodded their heads, Hao Jianjun saw that the two of them should be, so they began to pinch the drug, the three of them rubbed, Xiao Jun sat on the edge of the stroller, holding a small wave drum to tease his brother.

The little guy was not interested in the drum, but was interested in the table, reaching out to grab it, and Xiao Jun thought that his brother was playing with him.

Hao Jianjun could provide the three of them with one person, and Qi Dongfeng and Tang Tiantian couldn't keep up, and soon the speed would be faster.

After piling up a pile of skins, Hao Jianjun took the dumplings from the two wrapped curtains to the outside and neatly placed them on plastic sheets.

The skins of different kinds of bread are not large, others can't feel it, but they can be clearly seen on the plastic sheet.

In fact, the dumplings are also the way for people in the northeast to relieve their boredom and get together, and Tang Tiantian looks at these dumplings, feeling tired for a day, and then it is so convenient.

"Raw joy! Sunday on our home bag! "


"Oops, it's so good now! I couldn't have imagined a time when my children would be free!

Qi Dongfeng also sighed: "Well, my family only eats dumplings every New Year's Festival."

Hao Jianjun thought with a blank face: "During the famine, my family could only wrap a meal of brown rice noodles and white noodles in the New Year, and that was still the white noodles and meat that my grandfather brought."

Sheng Huan painfully touched Hao Jianjun's face with his flour-filled hand, and suddenly gave people a laugh, and Hao Jianjun's face rubbed white like a flower face.

Hao Jianjun was helpless, a little bit of the tip of his nose, so he went to wash his face back, feed his son some milk, shoot a milk burp, and the little guy fell asleep whirringly.

Several people's voices were quiet, and Hao Jianjun brought out some snacks for Xiao Jun to eat.

"Your baby is really convenient."

Sheng Huan looked at his own little obedient with a smile in his eyes, and his grandmother should be the most delicious thing in the world to him, and he fell asleep with the child.

"Well, it's good, but it's a little saccharin, very sticky."

Hao Jianjun smiled, his son's personality was like her.

Sheng Huan suddenly thought of something: "You pack, I and a little sticky noodles, boil a bean paste."

Sheng Huan put the washed beans directly into the pot, and the firewood was burning all the time, and a point estimate was almost the same.

Sticky noodles just happened to be divided into a lot at home, and ten pounds of genus is really tiring.

"Raw joy, sticky bean bun how to do ah?" I'll make bean bags. "Did

you grind the fine glutinous rice noodles?"

"Grind, plan to do donkey roll convenient!"

"Well, just use the method and noodles of hot noodles for glutinous rice, and then wake up in a hot place for two hours, and then make a pot of bean paste, the bag can be simple, then teach you."

"Okay! Is this also frozen?

"This steaming is on the freeze, and when it is steamed, it is convenient."

"Yes! Then I'm whole! The


dumplings were all frozen, and Hao Jianjun was put into a large vat.

Sheng Xi left some of each kind of cake, and finally wrapped it up and boiled two pots.

He also beat a vegetarian soup with a dumpling soup, and cut a box of beef sauce, which was a perfect match for the dumplings,

and Hao Jianjun twisted the bean paste in the pot into mud and put it on white sugar, and then cooled, and shouted happily: "Husband! Eat first! "Here

it comes!"


skin is thin, the meat is tightly packed, a bite of the soup, each chopstick is thinking about what this is a filling.

Plain soup is also the first time to drink, not only because there are many ingredients in the soup, but also because I did not expect that a simple soup can be so delicious.

Sheng likes to shine brightly, this soup himself went to the classmate's entrance banquet once and drank it once and could not forget, and then every time he ate the table, this is the most expected, some without this soup, feel that the seat is not perfect.

After eating, it has to be dried, the sticky bean bag is simple, no skin, the four people wrap together is more efficient, and the small sticky bean bag is placed next to the curtain.

Tang Tiantian wondered, "Sheng Xi, won't this stick together?" "Only

by sticking to the surface can it not collapse, and then it will open as soon as it is frozen."

The sticky bean bag is fast, all the pots that can be used at home are used, the temperature rises straight, and Hao Jianjun takes off the small cotton jacket for his son and changes into a small cloth shirt.

"Oh my God! Where did you buy this dress? It looks so good!

Sheng liked to see that Hao Jian took out a set of folio red jumpsuits with golden tigers on his chest, and the good guys really bought this set.

But he also said without any discouragement: "Ah, this is done by yourself, this is not exactly this little guy is a tiger's head."

"Your hands are too clever!" It's so cute! Oh my god how did this come about? "Children's

clothes are simple, if you want to learn from me to teach you." 」

Tang Tiantian even shook his head: "No, no, no, I can't, I was confused as soon as I saw the needle." Surprised

, I didn't expect Tang Tiantian to be a faint needle, which is rare.

Hao Jianjun thought that there were still people who had fainted, and the next special military review was added.

Fifteen minutes later, Hao Jianjun went to the kitchen to open the pot, picked a good one to pick up and take a bite, when he exhaled in his mouth, swallowed the sticky bean bag with sticky teeth, licked the upper tooth chamber, and the good guy burned the skin.

The remaining half of the cool spot is put into the mouth, and the direct end of several large steamers is served directly to the outside, and the steamer is steamed down and then wrapped up.

Take a few bowls, put sugar on it, and take the small curtain of the stove to the house: "Sigh, burn, give your son a cold meal."

Sheng Huan smiled and looked at Hao Jianjun sarcastically, his eyes were right, and Hao Jianjun knew at a glance that his little fox knew that he had stolen food and burned it.

Sheng Xi didn't know where Hao Jianjun didn't have any resistance to sticky and sticky snacks, let alone the sticky bean bun with sweet bean paste.

Raw love also likes sticky bean bun dipped in sugar, very good to make the sticky bean bag less sticky teeth, the bean paste inside is not only sweet and dense but also has a good grain feeling.

One of the curtains was not eaten, and the rest was frozen, and the two of them were about to leave, and Sheng Huan said: "Eat the stove at night, and eat the hot and noisy together." The

two of them swallowed their saliva, and since that leadership inspection, the two of them had not eaten the fire pot for a year, and they could not resist the temptation to nod.

Hao Jianjun went to the cellar and took out two black fish, and the things in the cellar were not frozen on the side, and Hao Jianjun took some frozen ones from time to time to eat them conveniently.

One by one, the big shrimp are pried open and placed in the big jar, take some out and put some into the frame and then put the cylinder cover.

Qi Dongfeng entered this cellar for the first time and was stunned to see all these things, as well as the summer dishes and the fruit freeze.

Hao Jianjun went deep and took ten pounds of lamb chops: "When I was pregnant with raw joy, I was afraid of fire, and I didn't eat any lamb, and I kept eating fish and shrimp ribs.

"I have to be tidy up for three or nine days this year, and if I don't do it, I'm really going to die of envy."

"The ice in my place has melted a lot, and you have to drain the water well, otherwise this ice is real."

Qi Dongfeng nodded, and the whole person was envious.

Hao Jianjun took a few frozen tomatoes, a can of strawberries, and the cow hundred leaves that his daughter-in-law had in mind, and this time he had to take out what he bought on the reel set.

These have killed a lot of chickens in a year, the claws are left, grab a handful and put it in the box, a ball of blanched water and freeze the cabbage, the two of them carry things up the ladder and go up.

Soaking everything in water, Qi Dongfeng began to cut meat and cut fish, he was best at using knives, and Hao Jianjun entrusted this job to him.

Sheng Huan soaked in wood ear and yellow cauliflower, fortunately there were a few sauerkraut left in the morning, Hao Jianjun cleaned up the chicken claws after cleaning up the shrimp, and fried them in the pot.

Raw joy is stir-frying, there is butter at home, fried a spicy, I haven't eaten it for a long time.

Just a while ago, Hao Jianjun felt that it was inconvenient to eat a fire pot, and welded a running pot with an enamel basin, and Sheng Huan felt that he was simply too clever, and sure enough, the potential to eat goods was infinite.

Then stir-fried a tomato soup bottom into the basin, and finally water, put ginger, and then shabu lamb.

Sheng Xi also made a sesame sauce seasoning, a sesame oil dish, Qi Dongfeng shook his head with Tang Tiantian, and felt that eating this was absolutely funny.

It doesn't matter if you like it raw, get two pots, who eats and who holds it.

I remembered that I had never eaten the dried sausage, so I took it out and cut it three times.

Qi Dongfeng was still nervous about cutting fish, and Sheng Xi called Tang Tiantian: "Teach you something delicious." "Good

, good, good!"

Raw like to beat a few egg liquid, just a little pork dumplings left, raw like to open the stove cover, brush the spoon oil and put a spoon of egg liquid stall, put a little meat after the pack.

"Look, omelette, simple." Sheng Huan got a few more, Tang Tiantian took over, she learned quickly, originally she still failed as soon as she got it, and she did better and better in a short while.

Hao Jianjun put the raw charcoal into the mud cooker, and Sheng Xingbao took another plate of noodles to freeze and made some noodles.

Everything was done, Hao Jianjun first fed his son, coaxed his son to sleep and put him into the small bed in the house, the door was open, and the ears listened to his son's uniform breathing all the time.

Xiao Jun did in the child seat that Hao Jianjun gave his son to sit in, and originally only a small brain leaked out, but now the whole person can see it.

In the burning mud stove, Hao Jianjun opened the vent and watched the grunting and open pot swallow happily.

Tang Tiantian and his wife directly mixed the lamb in a clear water pot, and Hao Jianjun put a few pieces of fish into the tomato pot and then these clips into the spicy soup.

Sheng Huan has eaten a spicy and crispy hairy belly, too long has not eaten spicy pot, too addictive, Hao Jianjun's lamb shabu is good, raw and happy also caught up and eat.

Hao Jianjun was helpless and could only put the contents of the tomato pot into her bowl from time to time.

Sheng likes it, but the charm of the spicy pot who can refuse it, raw like to wipe the sweat while eating, look at the red Tong Tong Tong bottom scared Qi Dongfeng and Tang Tiantian can't help but swallow the saliva, feel that the shabu lamb in the mouth is not fragrant.

Tang Tiantian did not hold back, and after a long time of chicken claws, the chicken claws were going to be out of the bone, the spicy taste came to the nose, and he ate a mouthful of straight cough.

Qi Dongfeng handed her a glass of water, and Tang Tiantian, who had drunk the water, seemed to open the door of a new world, and raised his chicken claws, glutinous and soft, spicy soup soaked everywhere, simply absolute.

Sheng liked to see her eat a chicken claw and drink a pinch of cool water, thinking that she went back at night to estimate that she had diarrhea, and couldn't bear to simply not look.

"Raw joy! How does my hairy belly look like a rag?

"Oh yes, this one will be eaten in thirty seconds, and it will be old after a long time!"

Tang Tiantian was shabu according to Sheng Huan's words, this crispy taste made her want to stop, it can be said that her whole body fell in love with the fragrant and spicy butter fire pot.

Qi Dongfeng couldn't help but try, eat a bite of mutton and couldn't help coughing, Xiao Jun saw his father and mother so hard to eat, chewing eggs in his small mouth, his calves dangling slowly, and the little adult shook his head, he couldn't understand it.

Hao Jianjun especially loves shabu lamb, and he also likes spicy pots, but the next day is really too uncomfortable, and it is enough to eat some relief.

Halfway Hao Jianjun took another slice of lamb, which he cut much faster than Qi Dongfeng.

Sheng Huan felt that the spicy pot how to eat can not eat enough, if there is spicy tender beef is good, the spicy pot put yellow cauliflower and wood ear fungus is not too delicious, raw like to eat the whole person is slightly drunk.

Tang Tiantian felt that this stove was so delicious and said happily: "Raw joy! Wait for Qi Dongfeng to go to work with the regiment leader, and now I will not go to class, then I will come to you, we both wash the pot! "

Cheer up!" Good, good, good! You come every day, we both eat spicy pots every day! "

Okay! Then I'll come tomorrow!

Sheng Huan looked at her sympathetically, thinking that you don't want to eat the stove for at least a week.

Hao Jianjun and Qi Dongfeng had a black line on their faces, and they did not expect that the two of them were directly abandoned by their daughter-in-law, and Qi Dongfeng directly said: "No! Let's come together!

Xiao Jun chewed the shrimp kernel in his mouth, and Mei Zizi shook his head: "No, no, no, Mommy bring me along!"

Hao Jianjun also gritted his teeth and said, "You can both wait for dinner or lunch, or Sunday appointment." Sheng Huan took a

look at Tang Tiantian, her eyes were unstoppable abandonment, Sheng Huan smiled, sure enough, close to Zhu Zhichi, people with the same three views can last long.

Sheng Huan originally thought that Chief Staff Liu was very good, but he didn't expect it to be a cold and violent person, and Sheng Huan wouldn't let Hao Jianjun get close to Chief Staff Officer Liu.

Hao Jianjun was also not ashamed of Liu's staff for treating his sister-in-law so well, but no one Liu sister-in-law cared, it was also a family affair, so naturally he didn't go so close.

The political commissar is a daughter-in-law who is afraid of her daughter-in-law, but the age is not a big mess, so Hao Jianjun's friendship is Qi Dongfeng.

It is also the daughter-in-law who is close to Qi Dongfeng's daughter-in-law, and her daughter-in-law still likes his family's small point, which is getting closer and closer.

Otherwise, Hao Jianjun is a cold feeling, not far from anyone, and with a raw liking, it is like being pulled into a warm environment.

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