《Dressed as the soft cannon fodder of the chronology》Chapter 72: Production


Since Sheng Huan had a cramp, Hao Jianjun paid more attention to his daughter-in-law.

On Saturday, the camp harvested sweet potatoes, and Hao Jianjun rode his bicycle to go there, mainly because he did not want his daughter-in-law to go too far, and the sweet potato field was a little far from the camp.

This year's sweet potatoes are big and the harvest is high, but they are good and bad.

Hao Jianjun looked at the warehouse of the camp, consulted with the political commissar, and distributed grain in advance with a big hand.

Early the next morning, I heard a radio that told everyone to go to the barn to share the food.

"Husband! I want to go too! "


The grain warehouse was not far away, and Hao Jianjun pushed the scooter out to carry his daughter-in-law up: "Go, divide the grain!"

Hao Jianjun came out, and so did the families, and because

Hao Jianjun was the leader, he found a bench for Sheng Xi after he arrived at the venue, he commanded it himself, and only then did he get their turn after they were all divided.

Sheng Huan looked at both adults and children, one person divided into 100 pounds of sweet potatoes, 100 pounds of bud rice, 100 pounds of wheat and 20 pounds of red beans, 30 pounds of soybeans, 50 pounds of sticky rice, and 10 pounds of rapeseed oil.

There are also several processing machines on the side, some people grind wheat into eight five powder, some grind seven five powder, some grind the brown rice and some grind the ballast piece.

The sticky rice was ground with flour, presumably made in the winter to make sticky bean buns.

Hao Jianjun, who was on the task of being a man at home, had someone send him yesterday, and Hao Jianjun looked at the rest and said, "Send another wave before the New Year, and after leaving enough, the rest will be sold, and those who are related to the food relations to the canteen will be given equal money tickets." "

What about the ones who come to the training?"

Hao Jianjun glanced at the political commissar in amazement, this person is not the holy mother that the daughter-in-law said, right?

"They didn't take part in labor, they didn't make up with us, we worked and they rested in the dormitory, what do you think?"

The commissar also regretted that he had said this, but it was really not considered, mainly because he was afraid that the whole mill was so big that he would go back and say that the whole camp would have to be investigated.

Hao Jianjun is least afraid of investigation, they have opened up their own wasteland, they have planted their own land, who is willing to criticize who will come to smash, it is not a big deal, it is good to go home and accompany their daughters-in-law.

The political commissar also knew that when the sky fell, Hao Jianjun was on top, and it was also these years that made them afraid.

This year's farm work is almost the same, just a short time after the rice harvest has completely entered the winter.

That night, many people wrapped up their families with dumplings, and no longer had to worry about two pounds of white noodles to keep for the New Year, nor did they have to carefully calculate that a month's worth of food tickets was not enough.

Hao Jianjun put the grain in the Westinghouse warehouse, put on the rat trap and the rat medicine, and the windows were open to keep the grain dry.


Hao Jianjun packed up the garden and broke down all the late bud rice in his house and went down to the cellar, so that in the winter his daughter-in-law would also want to eat the brown rice.

Then plucked the fruit down into the cellar, the door of the house is not big two trees, sometimes the children go through the plucking and eating, so there is not much underneath, even the upper side is not much, two trees picked six barrels.

The persimmons on the persimmon tree are very tender and tender in the mouth of the persimmons, and they are usually picked up now and covered, and when they are frozen in the winter, they will be eaten as they please.

Hao Jianjun thought about letting it be almost cooked and then plucked it, thinking very well, but when he looked up, he found that the persimmons were all ripe by the birds.

Helpless took a ladder to pick all the persimmons, and Sheng looked up at him and said, "Husband, first give me a basket, I will make some persimmon pies!"

Hao Jianjun would let her reach out and go straight down and put the persimmon on the stone table and then pick it again.

After Sheng Huan washed the hard persimmons and dried them, the skin was all clean, and Hao Jianjun took them off and fought with Sheng Xi in a short time.

"Husband, let's make more persimmon cakes for my father and mother to mail back, right, my sister-in-law is about to give birth, right?" Why haven't you been still? "

Call a question later."

After beating the persimmon skin, the persimmons are tied into strings with hemp ropes and hung around the pavilion like a curtain.

The whole pavilion was full of persimmons, and it seemed that some time could not come to the pavilion to sit.

"Daughter-in-law, has this been sunny?"

"Hmm! After three days of sunshine, the persimmon should be soft, pinch and dry for more than ten days a day, leave the persimmon skin to dry, and then frost with the persimmon peel.

Hao Jianjun washed and dried the persimmon peel and placed it on a stone table.

Sister-in-law Liu went to the room to dry the persimmons and saw the little couple playing with persimmons, and shouted, "Captain Hao!" Sheng Xi, what are you both doing here?

Sheng Huan laughed and shouted, "Sister-in-law, pay attention to safety!" I have persimmon biscuits!

"This thing can still be sunbathed on its own!"

"Well, hang it up after peeling, pinch it every day after three days, and eat it in ten days!"

"Then I'll let a few of my boys go up the mountain and pick more persimmons!"

"Old three and four told your brother to go up the mountain and pick some persimmons!" Mother let you eat enough persimmon cakes this year!

Sheng Huan only listened to a few cheers, followed by the sound of opening the door, presumably already gone.

Sheng Huan thought of something, wrote this Fang Zi down, Hao Jianjun sent it directly to Lao Huang, and on that day the Logistics Department went up the mountain to pick persimmons for several days, picking them for several days in a row.

The main old man thought, this thing can be sold as an agricultural product!

When Hao Jianjun went out, Sheng Huan made a phone call to the village, the voice of the familiar old accountant.

"Find someone also!"

"Uncle Lu, I'm from Hao Jianjun's family, can you help me call out to my father?"


"Ah, the builders! Your sister-in-law started yesterday! Your father and mother and your eldest brother are taking you to the hospital! If even Hao's

sister-in-law knows about it, it is mainly because Hao Lao'er went to the cattle car to go to the hospital in the middle of the night last night!

That morning it spread, after all, who dared to go to the hospital at this time, how much money it would take, it was all the family who spent five dollars to find a delivery, and this became big news.

After saying thank you, he hung up the phone, thinking that his sister-in-law should be in a hurry.

Hao Jianjun said that he would follow when he returned to life, and Hao Jianjun said that he didn't need to be in a hurry, and he would know it at night.

Sure enough, that night, Hao Big Brother called at the post office, and only then did he know that Hao Dajie's fetus, which was only started at term, thought he was a fat child.

But as soon as Hao Mu found a stable mother, the stable mother experienced that there may be a small one here, and Hao Mu immediately called the old man to borrow a bullock cart to go to the hospital.

When she arrived at the hospital, it was better, and Mother Hao let her stay in the hospital for a few days, don't fold it, and now that her wife has money in her hands, she is not panicked.

I didn't expect that the child was still in a hurry to come out, and he started at noon,Two o'clock gave birth to a big fat boy.

Sure enough, there was a small one in it, and it came out at half past two, his brother was five pounds and six two, and this little guy was three pounds and two pounds, and Brother Hao cried as he spoke.

Sheng Huan was also distressed, tears swirled in the circles of his eyes, listening to the child did not know whether he could survive, the tears could not be stopped.

Hao Jianjun's heart was hard and his throat tightened: "Big brother, let your sister-in-law and their children stay in the hospital for a dangerous period and then go home, I will send you money tomorrow, not enough to call me again."

"Dude, thank you, brother thank you, brother has no money in his hand, wait for brother to have money to pay you back."

"The eldest brother is fine, now it is mainly children, we have a full-term chicken leg in the camp, the child is so big as a slap, now it is healthy, you don't have to worry too much, this family still depends on you." 」

"Thank you brother two, brother don't tell you, I'll go out to buy a meal and call you."

Sheng Huan suddenly thought of busy talking: "Brother! You can rent a house here for a month, change shifts with your mother to take care of your sister-in-law, and cook a meal. The

eldest brother choked up, "Well, thank you brother and sister, I'll go back and talk to your sister-in-law and your mother." After

hanging up the phone, he went back to the state-run hotel and took the food back to the hospital to tell Hao Mu about it.

Mother Hao punched her son twice: "Call your brother, your mother has money in her hand, and during this time your brother and sister have even returned more than three hundred dollars to the mail for building a house, and your mother has brought it all." Saying

that Hao Mu turned to open the clothes and pulled out a roll of money from her underwear, Hao Big Brother was shocked, he didn't expect the old woman to think of such a walkway, and he couldn't stop crying.

"No need to rent a house, once you go to your grandfather's house and talk to your grandmother, I haven't stayed at home for many years, his father will go home, and in two days of farming, you will take the old three and four to work, and the big baby and the eldest sister will go to us, this key to our cabinet."

Father Hao nodded and took things, and after making sure that he did not use himself, he did not feel at ease to go home.

After eating, Brother Hao went to his grandfather's house, and soon the three of them returned, and Hao Grandma looked at the little heavy grandson and tears in pain, and his hands did not dare to touch the sterile small glass cover.

The mouth said, "The heart and liver, why are you so small, and it is a full term."

A few people were afraid, but it was not, it was a full term, otherwise this little guy would be gone.

Grandpa Hao hugged the neglected little heavy grandson, well-behaved and cute, older than his sister, but compared with other children, he also thought of little monkeys.

Hao Jianjun wanted to go or made a phone call, fortunately the bank did not close, Sheng Xi is also a big account of the bank, the next morning the remittance form did not reach Hao Big Brother's hands.

Grandpa Hao came with five hundred pieces of money, Big Brother Hao was gone, Grandpa what was this, the old Ben took it out, Grandpa Hao knew what he thought, smiled and patted his grandson's shoulder.

"This is the old second exchange, the bank president specially found our factory president, confirmed my identity this is given to me, you brothers are grown up, sensible."

Brother Hao couldn't hold back the money and cried out in the corridor anymore, and Grandpa Hao patted his grandson's shoulder: "Well, sort out your emotions, you are now your wife's husband, the father of four children." The

man's emotions are always instantaneous, after tidying up and washing his face, Hao Big Brother began to wash the diapers of his son and daughter.

Sister-in-law Hao stayed in the hospital for fifteen days, and one phone call a day passed, fortunately, the child grew four centimeters in fifteen days, grew more than two pounds, and was almost like a newborn before being discharged from the hospital.

Brother Hao called Hao Jianjun and said that he had actually spent more than thirty yuan in fifteen days, and the money had already been given to Hui Huisheng to give him a happy account.

Hao Jianjun had originally planned to let the eldest brother spend, and it took some effort for him to raise four children alone.

Brother Hao said that the eldest sister-in-law and his father came down, and then the eldest sister-in-law went to the village primary school to teach, and several children let the mother help bring it.

Hao Jianjun thought that he also let his father and mother rest, and when he was older, the work in the field was really tired.

Sister-in-law Hao was also cold after the confinement day, and every day she squeezed out enough milk for two children to eat for one morning, come back at noon and stay for another afternoon, take the child home at night, and then pick it up the next day.

Sheng Xi's stomach has been staring at it for nine months, and looking at her belly is not much bigger, Sheng Xi is still thinking about whether he can hold the two of them for a child, it seems that he only has a share of envy.

Hao Jianjun now longs to look at his daughter-in-law all day, and now that the office has moved to the house, something has also come to the house to discuss, Hao Jianjun has changed the West House into an office conference room.

The training was handed over to the Tiger Special Forces and the Snow Wolf Special Forces, Commander Qi Dongfeng, who reported back on the training every day.

Hao Jianjun also booked the north window early, afraid that his daughter-in-law would be cold, or that he would suddenly start confinement and be affected by the wind.

Hao Jianjun put out everything for the baby bed, and waited for the little baby to be born, who knew that every day he was waiting for this little guy to be lazy.

On this day, Hao Jianjun finished collecting the last cabbage in the family, so he took out the persimmon cake with white frost in the vat, and after packing it, Hao Jianjun took his daughter-in-law slowly and leisurely to the communication line.

Hao Jianjun had just finished mailing things, and when he walked out of the door, his daughter-in-law suddenly stopped, and as soon as his arm hurt and his daughter-in-law pinched her, he listened: "Whoop ~ Hao Jianjun I leaked urine!" Whoops! Seeing

the daughter-in-law crying, she was sad and responded for a moment to pick up her daughter-in-law and walk quickly to the bathroom, afraid of walking unsteadily for her daughter-in-law.

"Daughter-in-law, don't cry, it's the amniotic fluid that's broken, it's the baby who's going to give birth, don't cry, be good."

Hao Jianjun's hands holding his daughter-in-law were sweating, and he looked at the Sheng Xi who was carried in by the regiment leader, and at a time several doctors came forward to push them to the bed.

Hao Jianjun grabbed his daughter-in-law's hand, and for a moment his legs didn't know how to walk: "Bao, does it hurt?"

Sheng Huan shook his head in confusion: "It doesn't hurt, I don't feel it!"

Several doctors suddenly changed their breath and pushed Sheng Xi to the single ward: "Captain, Madam, don't worry, I stay with the doctor to observe, usually in one day can be delivered, after one day we will have a caesarean section, we are all very experienced doctors, please believe us."

Hao Jianjun naturally believed them, but his worries could not be diminished at all.

Sheng Huan sat on the bed, eating the small snacks shared by the nurse's sister, all supplied by the supply and marketing agency, delicious and delicious, Hao Jianjun was worried on the side, and Sheng Huan felt as if he was going to be self-conscious.

"Oh! Yikes! "Daughter-in-law

! Yikes! "Pain

~" "

Sister Yan! That's the whole thing! Doctor

Yan had a look in his eyes, Hao Jianjun was stopped, and he did not dare to be tough, rawLike being pushed directly into the delivery room.

Hao Jianjun did not hear the movement and was more worried, and when his mother gave birth to two younger brothers, he shouted loudly.

Hao Jianjun shouted, "My daughter-in-law is not moving!" Just

listen to the doctor roar angrily: "Shut me up! She's going to come out! All at once let you roar back!

Hao Jianjun was immediately frightened and did not dare to make a sound, holding the door where he could not see anything, biting his lip and tearing and snapping, but he did not dare to make a sound.

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