《Dressed as the soft cannon fodder of the chronology》Chapter 71: Chestnuts


"Husband, are you going to make me two molds today?"

The bigger the raw month, the more you can't stop it, so take out some chestnuts to dry.


Sheng Xi drew a mooncake mold for a few months, and then drew a chestnut mouthpiece to come out.

When Hao Jianjun saw that this was not simple, he directly found a wooden board to make a chestnut mouthpiece.

After trying it twice, I found that it was very easy to use and had to give it to my daughter-in-law, and Sheng Xi found that it was really very good.

Look at Zhen Jia Lou @ Bakery Garden Mystery Dump ∠笥笥 Around the Deer This time I want to make it and eat.

After opening the chestnut and boiling it to peel it, Hao Jianjun was still carefully carving the tools, steaming the chestnuts in a pot, and taking out a piece of nest honey that Hao Jianjun had brought back two days ago.

Using a basket and a cloth to filter out a bowl of honey, Hao Jianjun also made a mooncake mold with a circle of petals on the outside of the happy word.

"Husband, you made that chestnut fine mud."

Hao Jianjun put the chestnut into the stone mound, and then pounded the chestnut into a fine mud one by one, and Sheng Xi poured the honey into it, and Hao Jianjun then punched it.

This just started to brush a little starch on the mold and then blow it out, a small ball of chestnut mud was put in to pat it flat, knocked on all sides to be solid, and finally a piece of chestnut cake with a happy word old-fashioned pattern came out.

Sheng Xi can't wait to taste, sure enough, the taste is dense and delicate, the taste of chestnuts is rich, the sweetness of honey and the sweetness of chestnuts are well integrated, with a faint fragrance of osmanthus flowers.

Sheng Xi gave Hao Jianjun a bite, Hao Jianjun felt that the taste was good, that is, it was a bit choking, and he hurriedly ate two strawberries and pressed one by one.

The beautiful woman is speechless: "Hello chew slowly and swallow!" Okay, you make those molds, and then we'll go to the Captain Seven's house.

"Okay, I didn't think it through, I didn't expect his daughter-in-law to be born a month earlier, which was his last task this year."

"Well, but no one would have thought it wasn't."

"Well, the camp has found two sisters-in-law to serve his daughter-in-law and children."

Sheng Huan nodded, and sure enough, he was more reliable: "That's just to get some chestnut cake, and eat it when you are hungry in the middle of the night with a meal."

Hao Jianjun thought that his daughter-in-law was thoughtful, chestnut mud did more, raw like a mold to do twenty tricks, happy words to do fifty.

He found an oil-paper bag, wrapped two packets of a twenty-piece chestnut cake, and picked fifty eggs and put them into the frame, and Hao Jianjun went with him, mainly taking things, and he did not go in and wait at the door.

The two of them walked to the front, each squad of people lived on a street, the seven captain's family gave the third street the first, and the women of the seven teams who had just given birth to children were here to help.

Sheng Xi carried things in and saw it, the house was very clean, diapers hung in a yard, and there was not only the smell of milk but also the smell of soap when entering the house.


"Are they all there?"

"Sister-in-law, come and see Shumei and the child, in the house." The woman washing the diaper whispered.

Sheng Xi carried a basket into the house, a large curtain hung on the kang, and an older woman coaxed the child, and it was very experienced at first glance.

The daughter-in-law of the seven captains was wearing a headscarf on her head, and she was drinking millet porridge, and two eggs were boiled in it.

"Sister-in-law, sit down!"

"Oh, I'll see you and the kids." Sheng Huan whispered, putting things aside.

"Sister-in-law, you will come here and bring something."

"I'll take some chestnut cake and make it myself, eat it when you're hungry, and eggs, which are essential to replenish the body."

Sheng Xi also wants to say that eating too much cholesterol is high, but now supplementing the body is also considering eggs.

"Thank you sister-in-law." Shumei was also very grateful to see so many eggs, after all, at this time, it was two or three eggs, and the sister-in-law was so old when she took it, looking at each head must be double-springed.

Raw like to open the chestnut cake: "Come, eat first, taste the taste."

Shumei did not see much with the sister-in-law of the head of the group, and she was not familiar with it, plus the sister-in-law was so great, she felt that she was not a class with herself, and she was respectful and far away from life, and she did not expect her sister-in-law to be so gentle.

"Sister-in-law, don't you hold the child?"

Sheng Huan was a little confused, and even hurriedly whispered, "No, I'm clumsy and scared." The

sister-in-law smiled and hugged the child: "It's okay sister-in-law you try, you are also pregnant with it sooner or later." Sheng Xi's

arm stiffly hugged the little guy who put it in, a little bit, no bigger than a slap, soft like cotton, and suddenly the little guy woke up and was shocked.

Who admitted that the little guy fell asleep for a moment, and Sheng Xi hurried to let the sister-in-law take the child back: "It's too small, and my tears are going to come out of my nervousness."

"Well, it's too small, I'm a little one, but the sisters-in-law say that children are like this, and a good feeding for a month or two is no different from a full-term child." 」

Tang Tiantian came over with Teacher Liu and saw the leader of the group sitting on the stone pier at the entrance of the door, and Tang Tiantian was curious: "What about raw joy to the inside?"

Hao Jianjun nodded, "It's been half a day since I went in."

"Then I'll go in and have a look!"

Tang Tiantian took his son, and Teacher Liu followed him, and when he entered the house, he heard the sound.

Shumei took a small bite of the chestnut cake: "Sister-in-law, this is really delicious~" "

Well, if it's delicious, I'll send you some after eating."

"Auntie! What a delicious taste! Xiao Jun entered the house and heard the

familiar voice on Sheng Xi's leg, knowing that his aunt was pregnant with his little sister, and he was afraid of stepping on his aunt's stomach.

The eldest sister-in-law put the child in the small quilt on the kang and beckoned Tang Tiantian to sit down with Teacher Liu.

Shumei beckoned to eat chestnut cake, and both of them were not polite, but they were also eaten by several people.


Tang Tiantian took ten eggs and a can of milk powder, her chicken Qi Dongfeng did not raise well, did not love to lay eggs, took less.

Teacher Liu and Shumei have a good relationship, and although the two men are not from a squad, they used to belong to a unit family.

She brought thirty eggs, and then two pounds of cake that she had put aside for the sales company in the morning, and he and the two of her family lined up to buy two pounds.

Sheng Xi and Tang Tiantian didn't stay long to see that Hao Jianjun was still sitting at the door, Tang Tiantian had the feeling of a regimental leader's eyes, and he shook away the useless things in his head before he felt that they were just hallucinations.

"You go up to my house and take back a bag of that chestnut cake."


Several people walked leftSide road, a street behind four homes, Sheng Xing's family next to the chief staff officer's house, Qi Dongfeng's family next to the political commissar's house, in fact, separated by two homes and a small road, but the president is also quite far away.

On the way, I came back to see my sister-in-law Liu: "Captain Hao, where did you two return to Shumei?"

"Well, sister-in-law, go ahead, this will be no one."

"Okay, then I can go, I moved my lunch break to come, and I can't see people at noon."

Several people know that there are places where they cannot see the patient after twelve o'clock, but they do not know why.

Before arriving at the door of Hao Jianjun's house, he saw Qi Dongfeng sitting under the fruit tree at the entrance eating only fruit.

The saliva that was raw and happy to see was sour, and Xiao Jun ran to his father: "Daddy! I'm going to eat too.

Hao Jianjun gave him a bite, the little guy is real, he wants a big piece, the acid directly cried out, Qi Dongfeng smiled and picked up his son.

The angry Tang Tiantian went up and kicked him, and Sheng Huan really wanted to make these two mouths laugh to death.

"Why did you come?"

"I have planned for my daughter-in-law to go to your house and have a meal, who knows that you and my sister-in-law have also gone."

"Come and give it to the family, just my daughter-in-law stewed a big pot of beef sauce, it is really a blessing."

Saying that Hao Jianjun opened the door and entered the hospital.

"I have to have a whole one in the winter, I look at your cellar too much, and the beef I bought last time can be put into the present."

"Hmm, I got it in the cafeteria last year."

As soon as they got on stage, they smelled the aroma of the minced meat, and several people couldn't help but swallow.

Hao Jianjun fried the packed big shrimp to make a big shrimp with eggplant juice, then made a small cabbage ball soup, and fried a spinach powder carrot bubble.

Qi Dongfeng was stunned: "Captain, last time you went back to your house for dinner, you didn't know how to cook yet, now how can you be so skilled, good guy this big shrimp rushed to the Capital Hotel to do it!" "It's

all good teaching by my daughter-in-law."

There is a bowl of chicken soup, and Hao Jianjun divides it into two small bowls: "The daughter-in-law drank all these today, Tang Tiantian, you and Xiao Jun drank a bowl."

Tang Tiantian was frightened by the pampering, and hurriedly took the chicken soup, which opened his eyes when he took a sip: "Commander, this chicken soup I drank when I was pregnant with the small army, this is not fishy at all, it is not oily, why is it so fresh, so clear?"

"This is as simple as soaking the chicken in ginger water for an hour, using it without blood, copying the water, washing it dry, and then putting it in a sand pot and two soaked dried mushrooms to stew for an hour without the chicken."

The most important thing is to leave a piece of chicken breast minced and then add pepper noodles and water, boil it on a small fire and pour the chicken soup in, wait for the foam to come out and then the next second time, wait for the meat to sink down The chicken soup is clear, and then put the salt to taste. "Then

don't you eat chicken?" Tang Tiantian was stunned, this thing is so complicated, but think that the group leader can do it for his sister-in-law, Qi Dongfeng can't do it.

"Eat! After the chicken is seasoned with a sauce I eat. Hao Jianjun brought out a bowl of chicken and a bowl of juice.

"Doesn't you like chicken raw?"

Hao Jianjun laughed and gave Sheng Xi a pickpocket shell: "She had to be coaxed by me to drink chicken soup one day, and she refused to eat chicken."

Tang Tiantian glanced at Qi Dongfeng, who was running to the feast, and thought that he really had to let his man and the leader of the group be infected with it.

Cut the beef into slices and chop a plate over high heat with potatoes and stew.

This time, the family of three was relieved, in fact, their own cooking was not satisfactory, and the food cooked in the canteen was delicious but the lamb every day in the autumn was yellow.

Hao Jianjun looked at the sky: "They say that winter here always comes unexpectedly, you know?

"Huh? Why does it have to be November? I used to give Haikou summer all year round.

Hao Jianjun had also felt that his former camp was also here, but there was still no side to the north, watching several local soldiers buckle plastic sheets and quilts and straw on the windows,

Hao Jianjun felt that it was too early.

"What about organizing the organization to go up the hill tomorrow to cut firewood and let the old country add sheepskin to the army coat?"

"The logistics said that it would be sent at the latest, and it was not going to be soon."

"Okay, when you arrive, you will distribute it, ask for coal from the coal mine, pull it up quickly, divide it equally according to the house, and the meat and the farm will be sent every Monday after the temperature drops, and ask them if they have enough food and can exchange it for materials."

"Well, I have all this in mind, and when I tell Director Huang at that time, the rest will be nothing more to ask the political commissar."

"Seven teams, the Snow Wolf Special Team, and the Tiger Special Forces are not all on mission, so take more care of their families, especially the children of his daughter-in-law."

"Well, the seven teams completed the task perfectly, the vulture injured his left hand, and after bandaging, he knew that the red daughter-in-law of the crane had given birth and had rushed back."

Hao Jianjun nodded, he knew this, but it would take some days to get back from the northwest border.

The joint operation of the Snow Wolf and the Tiger cooperated with the southern border forces to surround and suppress a large organization that smuggled and traded people, and Hao Jianjun believed that he had trained soldiers, but he could not help but be single-minded.

The two men chatted, and Sheng Xi and Tang Tiantian sat down to eat a snack: "Sheng Xi, why did you do this?" Isn't it? "

It is not difficult to open the chestnut and then cook it for five minutes to peel the skin, then steam it while the hot mud, add some honey and then stick it to the form." Saying

that Sheng Xi reached out and took out one side of the mold: "Just this, put the chestnut mud in and pat it flat, knock the four sides to knock on the solid and solid after a pat out, sprinkle a layer of starch on this mold and knock it out, just leave some noodles."

"I think this can work, go home and I will do it, just when the east wind takes it back to order some chestnuts, I make sugar fried chestnuts."

"I also like sugar roasted chestnuts, that is, the heat must be grasped." The

sun was just right, Xiao Jun was also sleepy, and Sheng Huan was also sleepy, so Tang Tiantian said goodbye to Sheng Xi with a bag of snacks.

Sheng liked to wash his face and went into the house to sleep, Hao Jianjun took a nap with his daughter-in-law, got up and found that the innocence seemed to be a little cold, and put a quilt on the daughter-in-law before leaving the house.

Thinking about the weather, Hao Jianjun went straight out and put a few knots into the river, thinking that it would be inconvenient for his daughter-in-law to eat on the river in Shrimp Province.

Sheng Huan suddenly felt leg cramps in his sleep, and the tears fell straight out in pain, Hao Jianjun entered the house and found that his daughter-in-law had cried, thinking that he was having a nightmare, and hugged his daughter-in-law with dry tears.

After a while, I was happy to have a little bit of my calf and cramped and cried: "Hao Jianjun my leg hurts!" Cramps!

Hao Jianjun also noticed the strangeness of his daughter-in-law, and even hurriedly picked up his daughter-in-law's thin white calf, and sure enough, there was a little abrupt adjustment.

Hao Jianjun knew the difficulty of cramps when he was training underwater, but he also knew the method of rapid relief, and even busied himself with giving his daughter-in-law a massage.

Sheng Xi's legs didn't hurt anymore, and angrily stretched out his little foot to kick him in the face: "All blame you!" I just had so much pain! "Sorry

baby, sorry daughter-in-law, I shouldn't go out ~" Hao Jianjun continued to massage the daughter-in-law's calf in pain.

Sheng Huan snorted and knew that he didn't blame him for this, but it was actually his first cramp.

Hao Jianjun thought that the book said that pregnant women cramps have three points, one is that too much exercise causes local soreness, and one is that too much meat intake affects carbohydrate absorption, or calcium deficiency.

Hao Jianjun felt that his daughter-in-law was definitely not deficient in calcium, he toned for shrimp, drank milk every day, a chicken custard one morning, and calcium deficiency was unlikely.

The daughter-in-law eats meat every day, but she eats a lot of spinach herself, and her food is not large.

Usually, his daughter-in-law's aisle is as far as going to the canteen, or not going to school, the seven captain's family is in the southernmost part of the camp, it takes twenty minutes to walk, see the daughter-in-law walking like a fly, he also forgot this stubble.

Sheng liked to see that he was absent-minded and hoofed him to the ground: "What do you think?" "

Thinking of you." Hao Jianjun replied with a sentence of embarrassment to Sheng Huan.


"Really daughter-in-law, your cramps today should be too much walking, too much exercise back to lead to local sweet and sour, especially today the temperature has cooled, a cold direct cramp." 」

Sheng Huan thought that today seems to be walking a lot, but he is not tired, and he did not expect to come back and actually cramp.

Hao Jianjun hugged his daughter-in-law: "I'm sorry, I didn't think it through.

Sheng Huan did not blame him, grabbed Hao Jianjun's strong waist, looked up and kissed his lips: "Sorry husband, I shouldn't wash your temper, obviously I don't blame you." "Daughter-in-law

, I didn't do a good job of you before I got pregnant, so I can't help you because I can't help you."

Looking at Hao Jianjun like a big aggrieved dog, he likes to shake his somewhat hairy hair: "Husband, I am very happy that we have a baby and have our own little family, he is the crystallization of our love, isn't it?" "

Yes." Hao Jianjun couldn't stand her small mouth that didn't mind talking indifferently, which was really unbearable, and at the same time, she was looking forward to the birth of her child.

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