《Dressed as the soft cannon fodder of the chronology》Chapter 69: Land Acquisition


Raw and dry and white noodles, cut some leeks and pick some shrimp, to ask why not to make meat, it is not that the cellar is too deep and too cold.

This may be the last leek of the year, and you have to start raising it after eating it for a while.

The dumplings are easy to pinch, and after a while they wrap a curtain, boil the water in the pot and go straight down, and then throw out some sesame oil to drop it over the bridge to taste it.

Put the dumplings in the meal box, bring a pot of cold green bean soup, carry a basket and a sun hat, and go to the ground when you are happy.

In fact, if there is a back door estimated to be two minutes to reach, that is, the wall is too high and there is a power grid, take the pass out of the base gate, within a few minutes to see men cutting beans, women breaking buds, very fast, faces are full of happy smiles.

The strength of these soldiers is not covered, and the buds of rice are visible to the naked eye.

Sheng Huan looked around and saw Hao Jianjun carrying a bag, and many people saw it as Sheng Xi walked by, and even hurriedly shouted: "Regiment Leader! Sister-in-law is here!

Hao Jianjun poured the brown rice into the car, folded the bag and ran to his daughter-in-law and took the basket in her hand.

"Daughter-in-law! Why did you come? Hot or not?

Sheng Huan smiled and shook his head, and wiped his sweat with a handkerchief: "It's very hot, drink some green bean soup, I wrapped the dumplings, see if you haven't eaten in the morning, let's eat together." "Sister-in-law

, you've worked hard." Hao Jianjun rubbed the little girl's head, and some guilt came out.

"Eat it!" Sheng Huan opened the meal box, Hao Jianjun put the belt in his hand under the tree, and the two sat down next to each other.

"Daughter-in-law, I haven't eaten your meal in a long time, this dumpling is so delicious!" What a fragrance! Smiling

and smiling, listening to Hao Jianjun's brainless daughter-in-law blowing, the mood was happy.

Hao Jianjun wanted to give his daughter-in-law some green bean soup, but he just picked it up and found the ice, and he rushed over to take out his own water tank: "Daughter-in-law, drink some water."

Sheng Huan drank some hot water from the sun, while Hao Jianjun grunted and drank the cold green bean soup The whole person was speechless.

"Daughter-in-law, you can eat at home at noon, and I will eat with them at noon."

"I'm okay too, the book doesn't say that pregnant women exercise more, I'll come to you at noon!" What do you want to eat?

Hao Jianjun was helpless, there were more people and safer here, and the children were also playing, thinking about it or nodding: "Then you pay attention, you don't have to do anything at noon, you just hang out and play."

Sheng Huan nodded, Hao Jianjun had to go to work after eating, cleaned up and looked at it for a while, watching Hao Jianjun wave his hand towards himself,

Sheng Huan waved his hand more than a big love, and the funny Hao Jianjun couldn't help but smile.


"Go back!"

Sheng Huan waved his hand home, thinking about what to give Hao Jianjun at noon?

It seems that it is still convenient to make buns, and Hao Jianjun can also eat full, so he thought of going home and sent a pot of noodles.

Raw joy to chop, take out the glutton, in the morning have forgotten that there is space, buy two pork belly out, grab the feed and put it away for the machine, sure even if the hand is shaken, it is very tired, but fast.

Add ginger water to the meat dumplings, add some chicken juice, add oil-consuming raw pepper noodles, salt sugar and add some sesame oil and vegetable oil to seal the aroma.

Looking at the noodles that have been made, raw and happy to put some flour and knead them, then pick the skin, while watching TV and playing with them, slowly and leisurely and without hurry, the wrapped chicken bun will wake up and steam directly.

Looking at it at only half past ten, the steamed buns still have a while, soak some rotten bamboo and fungus, go to the yard to pick some cucumber and coriander, stalk the carrots that are not too big, and go into the house to fry a peanut rice.

Slice the cucumber caroon, cut the tofu bamboo, tear the fungus open and put it in the pot, chop the garlic, put the coriander peanuts and rice into it, and finally add sweet and sour chicken essence raw soy sauce and mix with chili oil.

After getting it right, it was directly put into the meal box, just when the bun was also at the point, the lid was lifted, the fragrance came from the nose, and the big buns of Bai Xuanxuan were next to each other, and the soup juice was soaked into the skin.

Sheng Huan couldn't help but take out a soup that looked at the juice the most, and when he took a small bite, the soup spilled out to stay with his fingers.

The dough is soft and fragrant, the soup is fragrant, the meat is very tender, eat one is not eating, spread a white cloth on the basket, cut the bun one by one and then put the cloth cover, put the rice box and the water bottle aside, a whole basket can sink much more than in the morning, if it is not covered with cloth buns, it will really grunt.

It was really a long way and there was nothing light, Sheng Xi was tired before he reached the camp door, thinking of waiting for the people in the canteen to pass by, just put things down and see a person running away.

Sheng Huan looked at not Hao Jianjun or who it was.

Hao Jianjun thought that his daughter-in-law must have come early, and he still went home to eat, but he did not expect that his daughter-in-law had walked to the entrance of the camp, and it must be tired to see where she stood.

Hao Jianjun thought about the field and home, as if it was still close to the ground: "Daughter-in-law, let's go to the field to eat?"

Sheng Huan nodded: "How do you get off to work?" I thought it was eleven thirty!

"Well, get up early in the morning, eat early at noon, the daughter-in-law is tired."


"It's okay, it's just that this basket is too heavy, I knew I would take it less." "Daughter-in-law

, I carry you!"

"No way! It's all people, and then you can't suppress the baby.

Hao Jianjun didn't know what to do, or Sheng Huan walked directly ahead, and

Hao Jianjun could only follow.

Soon it would arrive, and Hao Jianjun, who did not take things to life, walked like a fly, and Hao Jianjun who watched was afraid.

Tang Tiantian also came to give Qi Dongfeng a meal, and saw that Sheng Huan was busy shaking his hands: "Sheng Xi! Come on, come on!

Sheng Huan walked over, and Hao Jianjun followed, and there was still a political commissar and a chief of staff under the tree, as well as Hao Jianjun's guard Xiao Wang and the political commissar's guard Xiao Zhao.

Sheng Huan greeted them one by one: "What about the political commissar, the chief of staff, Liu Sister-in-law and Liu Sister-in-law?"

"The two of them gave it to the other side, too far away."

Sheng Huan nodded and smiled, "Then I brought buns and sloppy vegetables for you to taste." The

political commissar laughed, "Hahaha, Xiao Yu, they said that when you first came, you made a bun for Hao Jianjun to give them a bad bun, but you have to taste your bun, what is the difference between the bun made by Lao Huang."

Lao Huang just made a bun today, and sent it to this side with a smile: "Political Commissar I tell you, I have a small Yu true biography, this bun is not bad!" "Hahaha


A person here is divided into ten palm-sized lamb buns, and today even those who transfer out of the food relations also have a share, as long as they work.

Hao Jianjun took out the meal box, the largest meal box issued by a military region, which was full of a box of cold vegetables that were full of dangdang red tongtong, and the people who watched swallowed it, and Hao Jianjun broadcast a meal box to cover his daughter-in-law, and the rest was placed in the middle.

The white cloth was opened, and the old yellow of the bun inside did not hold back at a glance, and the others did not dare to think about it, and the small bun was so big as a fistA basket full of noodles is covered with soup juice, and watching the bulging small bun is compared to the big bun in your hand.

Hao Jianjun first gave his daughter-in-law one to eat, and then one person divided it up: "Taste the bun made by my daughter-in-law."

After Hao Jianjun finished dividing the rest, he put it in front of him, Xiao Jun took a bite of the bun, and the soup juice flowed down with his small hand, and he swallowed all of them and couldn't help but eat it regardless of the image.

This one can't be eaten, afraid of flowing down the soup, two bites and a bun, this meat is not only tender and solid, soup is not good.

"Why is this so tender?" The commissar did not eat so quickly, and after inhaling the soup, he savored it carefully.

Old Huang said busily: "The meat is tender with ginger water, or there are a lot of skin teeth, but this is the smell of chicken!" It's also so delicious!

"Minister Huang, you don't know, you can boil a pot of chicken soup, boil it a little thicker, and then beat it into the filling, and the meat has to be chopped into the ultimate puree." "It's

delicious, I say so delicious!" the bean sand I made with the stew!

Tang Tiantian can't make dumplings, but she can make bean paste, and the bean paste bags she makes are also delicious, because one person who doesn't do more will divide half of it.

Everyone is boozy stew, the taste is not bad, delicious, the main meat is put more, everyone is embarrassed to put chopsticks.

After eating the buns, everyone couldn't help but look at Hao Jianjun's basket of buns and swallow their saliva, and Hao Jianjun didn't see it, and from time to time he took one for his daughter-in-law.

Only then did he think of the sweet and sour taste of mixed vegetables, and the political commissar could not bear to let Hao Jianjun take chopsticks to himself to sow some buns.

Mainly who brings chopsticks to the ground, making buns is also for convenience, Hao Jianjun gives broadcast points one by one, and the Qi family has chopsticks to eat.

"Xiao Yu, this is so delicious, I see that these families also have it, I want to go home and do something." "

This is a fast dish, peanuts are fried and cooled, cucumber slices can be shot, these side dishes can be put anywhere, add garlic paste coriander after a spoonful of sugar and a spoonful of vinegar, a spoonful of sauce a little salt a little MSG after the peanut rice into the mixing." "No

wonder it's delicious! I'll mix it when I go back in the evening! "Tang Tiantian especially likes this, not to say that Tang Tiantian is that everyone likes it."

Seeing Hao Jianjun drinking water, Lao Huang remembered: "Liu'er! Green bean soup!

"Zhang Er took the bowl and went!"

"Okay! Come on! Lao

Huang laughed and said, "The green bean soup boiled in the canteen will be drunk for a while."

Hao Jianjun raised an eyebrow and smiled, and the political commissar took a look: "In the regiment leader's compound is the green bean soup that Xiao Yu boiled, right?"

Hao Jianjun smiled: "Hmm. A

few people who had obviously not eaten a few buns suddenly had a feeling of being full.

Watching Hao Jianjun eat a basket of buns by himself, they felt worthy of being Commander Hao.

After eating, Tang Tiantian and Sheng Huan went back to Hao Jianjun with him and was relieved.

Walking on the road, Tang Tiantian looked at the belly of the raw joy: "Your pregnancy is really good, I was fat when I was pregnant with my son, Qi Dongfeng was still in the team, and I cried to the family every day." Sheng

Huan imagined Tang Tiantian's chubby appearance, presumably also very cute like a doll.

"It should be cute, don't you want a second child?"

Tang Tiantian shook his head: "Xiao Jun is too small, my second brother and I are young and young, and when I was young, I fought every day, and I thought about how to wait for Xiao Jun to go to primary school."

"Well, that's fine, but the little guy was very sensitive at that time."

Tang Tiantian smiled: "I thought too soon!"

Sheng Huan smirked, too. "

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