《Dressed as the soft cannon fodder of the chronology》Chapter 67: Summer


Hao Jianjun came back to eat and had to go, and before going out, he opened the kitchen and the window of the east cave, cut some watermelon for his daughter-in-law, and put the rest into the cellar.

Sheng Huan put on a small quilt and sat on the window sill, with a small Kang table, it was rare to have the inspiration of writing in the hot summer, and from time to time he ate a bite of cut watermelon, even if it was not very cold, but it was not good.

Sitting for an afternoon, rubbing my sour waist, taking the dishes to the kitchen to wash and clean, watching the cloudy day, presumably it was going to rain.

Sure enough, the wind hung up in a short time, and I liked to close the windows, and it hadn't rained much lately, and I estimated that I couldn't be small when I looked at the cloudy clouds.

Seeing that there was nothing to be afraid of in the courtyard, Hao Jianjun's washed clothes were put into the house, and the bean-sized raindrops snapped down the door and crackled them.

It didn't rain much, I didn't go out much, so I remembered that there was no umbrella at home, and I liked to look for it in the mall to find the umbrella that had fallen to the slag, and then bought four.

When Sheng Huan put the umbrella at the door, he saw Hao Jianjun running in like a chicken, running and taking off his clothes, and when he entered the house, he was left with four corner pants.

"What are you doing!" Go take a shower! Why don't you wait for the rain to stop and come back! "It's

not about worrying about you, daughter-in-law, I'll take a shower first!"

Sheng Huan took the umbrella to the steps to put all his clothes into the basin, took it into the house, poured some laundry detergent into the warm water, and went into the house to get the short-sleeved shorts that he had just bought.

"Husband, don't you see that this dress fits?"

Hao Jianjun came out directly, startling Sheng Sheng with a jump: "Just seen, white half-sleeved black shorts, decent ones, you try."

Sheng liked to see Hao Jianjun directly on his body, his glasses lit up, as if he had discovered a new continent, and sure enough, his men were so handsome in what they wore.

"Husband, it's really good! I'll buy you a few more sets of this net! "Good

looking, still cool, waiting for my husband to cook."

"By the way, husband, you take one umbrella, I also take the school, and leave two at home."

"Well, I forgot about the umbrella too, so let's eat fish at night."

Hao Jianjun thought about the fish in the jar and estimated that the rain was complete, but fortunately there were two whales, and he took the umbrella and cleaned up the rain directly at the entrance of the courtyard before entering the house to wash and clean.

The fish is fried before it is turned into a sandpipe and simmered.

"Husband! On a rainy day I want to eat a fire pot!

Hao Jianjun should be good: "What about eating fish fire pots?"

"I still want to eat tomatoes!"

Sheng Huan also knew that the hot pot did not have to be thought about, and the hairy belly of his heart was estimated to wait for the baby to be born.

Hao Jianjun thought for a moment, "Okay! Then


pick some tomatoes within reach, go back to the house and cut the fried juice, and finally filter out the fish soup and pour it into the tomato pot.

Simmer until it is open and then put in a copper stove.

Rawn took out some golden needle mushrooms, seafood mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms and came out: "Husband wash this out!" "Okay

, give it to me." Hao Jianjun had never seen these mushrooms, but he had seen all the other mushrooms, and went to the root of the shiitake mushroom to slice half and cut half of the mushroom.

The golden needle mushroom root seaweed mushroom was broken one by one, and after Hao Jianjun finished this, he pulled out the shrimp in the cylinder to go to the shrimp line.

Sheng Huan thought about how to eat tomato pot without fish, and directly bought a big black fish and a big bass.

"My husband slice the black fish, and the skin of the basa fish is also sliced."

Hao Jianjun will handle these, and the main daughter-in-law has experience in boiling fish.

Buy another handful of bean seedlings, pick a handful of coriander in the space, pick a handful of small cabbage, the direct extraction in the space is clean, Hao Jianjun directly wash it.

Sitting next to Hao Jianjun, Sheng Huan asked, "What do you want to eat, husband?"

Hao Jianjun looked at it seriously, and suddenly saw the woman's beauty salon ~ when he said: "Daughter-in-law, eat this oyster." Sheng

likes this too, when he bought ten pounds, the merchant cleaned up and cleaned up before a plate.

Hao Jianjun is fascinated by the seafood area: "Daughter-in-law, this baitfish snort? I don't know its name or taste. Raw

joy to hear this paid off, instantaneous hegemony on the body: "Buy!

Sheng Huan bought it back and washed it clean and then slice it.

Sheng Huan bought a king crab again, and chose to kill it and take it out, but Hao Jianjun was stunned and couldn't believe that this thing was actually a crab.

After the shock, Hao Jianjun rushed to the cellar to take out a piece of beef and a piece of lamb and cut it after a while.

Sheng Xi picked a sesame sauce and picked a seafood sauce, thought about it and took out a handful of crystal powder to bubble, how can you eat the stove without noodles.

The wind outside had stopped, the rain was still falling, and the north window was opened to listen to the sound of the rain and eat the hot and steaming fire pot.

Hao Jianjun first served Sheng Huan a bowl of tomato mushroom fish soup and sprinkled some coriander: "First drink some soup to warm your stomach."

"Oh, the sour is very fresh, husband, you also drink some provincial cold."

While drinking soup, Hao Jianjun went down to the pot with a few huge crab legs, and saw that he had a black line on his face and went to the kitchen to change the knife.

Raw joy has never eaten such a large quackerel, even if the slices are very large, immediately into the pot.

Watching the crab legs turn red, Hao Jianjun first tasted one: "Well, ripe, daughter-in-law this you must love, sweet and sweet, old and solid."

Hao Jianjun felt that his daughter-in-law could eat a whole crab leg.

Because they were all shabu-shabu, Hao Jianjun tasted it first, and only when it was cooked did he let the raw people eat it.

Bobster crisp, fresh no, oysters are big, tender, all kinds of mushrooms are also not good, raw and like to eat are still able to eat.


When the daughter-in-law did not eat it, Hao Jianjun poured the rice into the pot, and then burned the remaining seafood and vegetables together, smelling the smell of fragrant rice, and Sheng Huan couldn't help but eat a few spoonfuls.

Today's raw joy is really eating too much, the truth is that she likes seafood, even if the previous conditions were okay, she did not bother to buy these, this time it is not enough.

The sea is cold, but the book says that pregnant women will be happy to eat two meals once in a while, and Hao Jianjun did not restrain her.

If Hao Jianjun had definitely left seafood to cook porridge for his daughter-in-law, he would not have been pregnant and would not have given her two consecutive meals.

The happy life looked at Hao Jianjun with special eyes, and he had some undeserved thoughts, of course, he was eaten dry and wiped clean by Hao Jianjun.

Listening to the sound of the caves and the incessant heavy rain in the middle of the night, Hao Jianjun had a bad premonition.

Fruit.Unexpectedly, after a while, he heard the phone ringing, and Hao Jianjun got up and went to the living room to answer the phone.

"Captain! The farm down the hill asked for support, and the rain was so bad that it washed down the river, and many livestock ran away!

Hao Jianjun immediately got dressed, and his mind quickly transported the farm under the mountain to the nearest side, the first time to call this side,

Hao Jianjun called the north, let them power the power department to support the northern military region, and they were stationed in the good Hanpo ten miles away from the herdsmen, and they must have gone faster.

Sure enough, Hao Jianjun gathered the troops and replied that before the power generation department they had rushed to the river where the herdsmen said they were there, and that this would have been transferred with people.

The alarm was lifted, and Hao Jianjun told them to go back, just if no one was killed, fortunately, the northern military region did not leave.

The heavy rain did not fall all the time, and the next morning the rain was small, and the sun came out at noon.

Hao Jianjun still got up early to go to training, but he didn't get up, mainly because he couldn't get up when he was tired, and rainy days made people more willing to rely on the bed.

It had just rained, and the new recruits thought they would be cooler, but they didn't expect to be greeted by hotter days and more brutal psychological training.

Hao Jianjun rarely went home at noon, and Sheng Huan simply did not dare to go out of the house, and the steaming basket was rushed outside, so he could only put ice cubes on the pot pot at home.

It seems that it has never been so hot, but fortunately it is not a drought, this hot day and rainy days cycle repeatedly, and Sheng Xi did not go to school for half a month, but the day of the exam was still going to school, fortunately, it was a rainy day.

Hao Jianjun sent Sheng Xi to the school, instructed her not to pick up a person and did not allow anyone to go home, and Sheng Huan agreed to send the test papers written these days to the hands of various teachers.

Because it is not suitable for printing machines, raw likes to copy points one day, which is enough to get the test paper.

In fact, it is okay to copy it for the teacher, but the main fear is that the teacher will be thorough for next year's salary.

As soon as the bell rang at the end of class, the students welcomed the summer vacation, looking at what they were happy to learn, and they really did not dare to go out.

Simply judging the file in the office, this is still quite fast, and the more satisfied the student who judges the paper, the faster he reads.

When Hao Jianjun came, he saw his daughter-in-law's happy look: "So happy? "

Hmm! I feel like these little guys are pretty good. "Yes

! Let me see? Hao Jianjun was leaning on the table, holding a scroll in his hand, and two large long legs were intertwined.

Sheng likes to suck in the saliva: "A good poetry is bad ~ " Hao Jianjun was deaf and deaf, riding his daughter-in-law home, entering the house and throwing people on the wall, and vaguely touching the slightly raised belly: "

Daughter-in-law, three months." Frightened

, he burped and gave Hao Jianjun a full smile: "Tease you, how can you eat first~"

Pinching the face of some meat that he had raised, he couldn't help but kiss it, too soft and tender to hold back and suck.

Sure enough, Hao Jianjun, who had been hungry for a long time, was not called, even if it was very light and very grinding, and the next day he was happy to watch the gradually bright genius fall asleep.

Hao Jianjun hugged the soft daughter-in-law, let the little girl's legs be tightly clamped before it was over, exhaled a breath and bit the tip of the little girl's ear: "Spare you." It

was just Saturday, Hao Jianjun also had a day off, and the two did not wake up until the afternoon, confirming that the daughter-in-law was not uncomfortable before getting up to cook.

Remembering the package sent by the mother-in-law who arrived at the cargo yesterday and the package sent by the old woman, Hao Jianjun cut it open.

Hao Jianjun took a look at the two sets of small quilts and small mattresses of the big flower cloth made by the old woman, which were not very soft to the touch, and there was also the fragrance of soap horns.

There are also small cotton jackets made by the old woman, and it is really difficult to think about whether the old woman has used all the cotton tickets that her daughter-in-law sent back by mail.

There were also a few coatings, thin thick ones, and some big red diapers, all of which were thin diapers stitched with cotton.

Open the mother-in-law this, sure enough, it is the same thing, the mother-in-law is a small futon with blue and white plaid on this side, there are also several sets, and there are also quilts, sewn cotton diapers.

Two glass bottles of pigeons and a box of nipples, and the milk powder jars are salted lemons and green plums.

It was raining for a while, but because they were all wrapped in plastic sheets, they had not yet returned to the tide, and Hao Jianjun took advantage of the heat to dry all these things.

Hao Jianjun looked at the sky, presumably tomorrow would be a sunny day, and took advantage of the fact that his daughter-in-law did not wake up and hurriedly got the potatoes out.

A backyard potato, even Hao Jianjun also got up for a few hours, and then washed it with water and dried it into the cellar.

Take a piece of beef, a piece of chicken, stalk the spinach to make the meal, this again put the drying stuff away, the cabbage mushroom planted, this year especially a lot of white solu and carrot bu, last year good hanging not enough to eat.

Cabbage this year is certainly not pickled sauerkraut, simply less kind, green mussels and red mushrooms are too spicy, daughter-in-law does not like, but how many kinds of one.

Looking at the garlic, Hao Jianjun thought about picking the garlic tomorrow morning, this thing is easy to put away, then put it in the cellar, and the winter is also considered green.

The three-volt sky is really too hot, many people go up the mountain during the day to escape the heat, this side is particularly north, it is so hot, it is said that many places in the south are dry.

Sure enough, the food supply of each military district has decreased, but it has little impact on the camp, mainly because the food grown by the camp itself can now be self-sufficient, and it can also exchange mutton with the people on the farm.

Sheng Huan was sitting at home watching TV, when he suddenly saw that it was raining in the south, and he didn't know why, and people who obviously didn't have a strong sense of collective honor suddenly had some tears.

"Daughter-in-law? What? Is this little leather monkey annoying you? "No

, he's very well-behaved when you're not home!" I saw it raining on the south side. "It's

really good, it's getting better and better."

Hao Jianjun's hand was placed on Sheng Huan's stomach, and when he was kicked, Hao Jianjun's finger poked at his little foot: "Daughter-in-law, why is he so skinny for four months?" Doesn't the book say that four months is a slight movement?

"I think it should be that you are more perceptive, I don't feel pain, he should be turning over, not kicking you." 」

Hao Jianjun doubtfully stretched out his finger to rub the place, and sure enough, he was kicked in the foot.

Sheng Xi is also speechless, maybe the child is too annoying to his father?

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