《Dressed as the soft cannon fodder of the chronology》Chapter 65: The Hao Family


At the same time, Hao from Xiahe Village came back from the county town with a large package and passed through the field.

"Mother! Father! The second brother sent something back! The

two old men heard the movement slowly put down the work in their hands, and the people in the field looked at Hao Lao'er's family with envy, this scene had to be staged almost every month, sometimes several times a month, but this time the package seemed to be particularly large.

Father Hao took a leave of absence from the captain, who is now especially selling the face of Brother Hao's family, and the old two go directly home.

"Hao Laosan! Hao Laosi! Your second brother has given you home mail again! The

two of them said that they would put down their work and run home, afraid that they would go back late and hide everything from their mother.

"Mother! The second brother sent us back something!

Mother Hao entered the house and locked the door, and some of the province's not long-sighted people came in to fight the autumn wind.

"Excuse me! So much meat! This is dry intestine! This is older!

Hao Lao's eyes lit up, and he was about to reach out and pick it up for the old woman to pat open, and take the scissors to cut a small piece of beef jerky.

"Mother, you also hissed, it looks like the second sister-in-law did it, and the second brother didn't think of us in the army for three years."

Old Father Hao nodded, "The second daughter-in-law has good craftsmanship."

When Mother Hao saw that there was a letter, she opened her eyes and squinted her eyes, and Elder Brother Hao saw that she had some difficulty, so she took the envelope: "Mother read it to you, it should have been written by my younger sister." "

Daddy, is everything okay?"

It is estimated that you will be busy, these dried intestines are convenient for you and your father, dry stir-fried vegetables or steamed are delicious, beef jerky pockets Gada teeth, but also replenish physical strength, under the wine to eat is also good.

Millet to supplement your body, you are not busy when put some red, gas and blood, Da Tang and fungus are all specialties here, there are pickle knots, Hao Jianjun has to say that you love to eat, I think this thing is not much nutrition or eat less.

I also brought you some cheese, which you may not taste very good, but it is very nutritious, can be fried, can also boil water, do not have to save, then mail you later.

You and your father pay attention to the body, busy farming do not sell their lives, to the young people to show the space, there are some small clothes, do you see the sister-in-law likes it?

I made it for the baby in the belly, and there are two sets for two little guys, the family milk powder one day to wash a cup of calcium, the next time to return to the second old post.

"How did I give birth to a few of you inconsiderate?"

Mother Hao's heart was warm when she listened, thinking that the second daughter-in-law was pregnant and still doing these jobs, and the guilt in her heart would be full.

Mother Hao took out everything and divided it into four parts: "I keep these two copies with your father, this one is sent to your grandfather, you take this home, remember the good hearing of the second daughter-in-law!" "Know


the mother." The eldest brother was embarrassed, he was the eldest brother who did not think about the younger brother, and he had to take the old woman's things.

"Mother, can I eat something?"

"One for one person, the rest is your father's!"

"Then don't eat it, or eat it with Daddy." The fourth elder pulled his third brother.

The third elder felt that it was right to listen to the fourth elder's protection, and nodded his head to say no.

Hao Mu rolled her eyes, and only then did she look at the little clothes underneath: "Oh my God! The second brother is really a baby, you see this little dress is cloth, look at the pins, this hand is skillful! By the way, boss, you can't write a letter and can't let the second daughter-in-law make clothes, this thing should be bad to do more eyes, just like me, instruct? Why is there an envelope?

Hao Mu opened a look, good guy is a roll of money!

"Boss, look at it!"

"Mother, the letter is written, this hundred dollars is the money for the brick tile house, you are a little older and push the next door together, then the second family will come back to live with the baby."

"What are we doing with all this money?" This two children think that it is a set, this money is not good, and everywhere you have to ask for money! Old Father Hao sighed.

"Yeah, this house has only been around for a few years, really!"

"Mother I also have some money in my hand, and when my three children are older, I also want to think of a brick tile house."

Hao Mu sighed: "After the old boss was busy farming, he pulled a few people up for the brick tile house, and the boss just asked your grandfather to ask us about the brick factory, let's get a big one, and talk to the big captain's house."

"Just tomorrow morning I went to class to send something to my grandfather and talked to my grandfather together."


"I'm going to the captain's house!"

Hao Mu gritted her teeth and cut three of the lamb chops that the second daughter-in-law had brought back last time: "Take this!" Carrying

the ribs and smashing it, he blinked his mouth, and Old Father Hao went to the captain's house.

"Sister-in-law, has Peng Jun returned?"

"The second brother came, quickly enter the house, Peng Jun washed his face, just a piece of food, sister-in-law collapsed eggs today."

"No sister-in-law, this lamb chop old second daughter-in-law took back, you taste."

"Second uncle! Go inside and get in, what?

"This can't be done, you can't take a finger from the people."

Old Father Hao rolled his eyes, and Peng Jun felt that he saw the shadow of the second child.

"Give your dad something to eat, and you'll taste it."

"Hey hey, good uncle, what's the matter?" You just say it. "The

second eldest of the family took the money and wanted to build a brick tile house for the two elders, but the second elder said that he pushed the building of his house a big one, but he didn't know if it was in order?"

"What's the matter, that is, how can the old three and four get married when they arrive?" This house is definitely the second brother's, that is, the eldest brother and the third brother and the fourth brother can be happy not? "When the


third and fourth elders arrived, they would go out of their families and build a mud house, and their two brothers would be able to withstand the brick tile house on their own."

"Big brother also wants to build a tile house?" Is this brick tile? "Tomorrow

let my father-in-law contact the brick factory, he can pull goods cheaply."

The captain is constipated, but they have no way to build a brick tile house, and the second uncle's family can still be cheap!

"Second uncle, how much money does it cost to build a brick tile house?"

"The founding army said that three rooms will cost more than seventy, and if they build six, they will have to build more than a hundred, the old people will build four, and they will build six, and then the second family will come back to live with their little treasures."

"My brother and sister are pregnant!" What a good thing! The captain of the brigade made a calculation, this year he has also increased his salary, there is some surplus money in his hand, the

second uncle's family has built a large brick tile house, is his own family also built, or this earthen house is a bit delayed in the next election captain.

"Second uncle, see if you can get Grandpa to send a letter to my family, me."I also have some spare money in my hand, and I want to build a six-room one.

Old Father

Hao nodded, "Then let your eldest brother ask, and you will have a letter when you come back tomorrow night."

"Thank you Second Uncle, Second Uncle Tuo's family eats!"

"Don't eat it and go back! Your second sister-in-law stir-fried sausage!

When Old Father

Hao went out to meet his cousin, he saw his cousin who had just returned: "Old man! Choo family to eat and drink! "Don't

eat Big Brother!" I went back!

"What did your second uncle do?" Uncle Hao washed his hands and prepared to eat.

"The second uncle wants to get up the house, and the eldest brother's family also wants to get up, come and talk to me."

"His second uncle is too outward-looking, and he gave us two pounds of pork ribs."

"It's okay to take it, his family's life can be considered good, married to a lucky star, what kind of house is his family, this is not the boss before he got married?"

The captain smiled mysteriously: "Father, the second uncle and the eldest brother will have to build a brick tile house, and then our family will also have a six."

"That's great, it's not convenient for the baby to grow up in two years."

Old Father Hao went home to look at the two-meter meal and the pickle Gada, full of anticipation to become a face of resentment, Hao Mother could not use a stick of intestine to fry garlic: "The three of you really deserve you, I have to eat so well without working today, this sausage is really fragrant, the oil is really much, this oil can still fry garlic tomorrow morning."

Hao Mu thought well, but this dish is too fragrant, look at more than one person a few bites will be gone, Ye a few and then mixed the oil,

Hao Mu took a look at the sigh, even if the days are good now, you don't have to live so fine.

"Mother, give you a bowl too!" You're so delicious!

Hao Mu smiled, which is the incense made by herself, the fragrant sausage made by the second daughter-in-law, that is, how much pork is obtained, I am afraid that not a year's meat ticket is used.

Father Hao ate the beauty of the nourishment, this day is really the gods and immortals come and do not change, oh where there are any gods!

Hao Mu looked disgusted: "Wipe the mouths of the three of you!" It's all oil! "

That's not okay, I have to go out and walk around for them to see!"

Hao Mu was eager to kill this boy, how could he only grow a head and not a head?

Sister-in-law Hao covered her mouth in surprise when she saw her husband bring back a bunch of things: "How can I take all the things that the second brother has brought back to our family!"

Big Brother

Hao knew that she had misunderstood: "This one was sent back to our family, sent back by the second brother and sister, and the mother gave half of our family to my grandfather, and I sent it to my grandfather."

There are also small clothes made by younger siblings, which are very good-looking, and the fabric is still soft. "My

younger sister is pregnant and still thinking about us."

"There is also Red and Xiaomi, I see that my younger sister does not return to the mail this, this will be pregnant I estimate that someone told her, he sent a message back to his father and mother must be thinking of you."

Big Brother Hao gave the two little guys a piece of yogurt bumps and a piece of beef jerky for the daughter-in-law: "The taste is delicious, how much money do we have in our hands?"

"Your salary for these months is useless, plus the previous savings, there are still one hundred and thirty-two pieces of six cents and seven cents."

"Okay, in a few days our family will set up a brick tile house, the children are old, it is not convenient to do anything, the second elder on the father's side will give the mail back money, if we can start a big one, we will start a three-room tile house."

"Wow! Daddy big tile house! Is that in the county town?

"Well, how about you have a small room for each of you then?"


Sister-in-law Hao thought about the three large tile houses and also longed for it, who did not want her family's life to get better and better.

After a few days of busy farming, Hao Lao'er's family knew about the house in ten miles and eight villages, but the old Hao family (Hao's father's mother's family) was angry, and only hated that the relationship with the second brother was too stiff, and the second elder also vowed not to be involved with them.

After the Hao family started the captain's house, and then the Hao family's house could live in the Hao family's family, they moved into the six large tile houses that opened up, and this began to build the Hao family's house.

At one time, no one in the whole village did not envy Hao Lao'er, and at the same time, they also looked at the jokes of Hao Laoniang's family, laughing at her partial pain that her son could not remember! Take it as a warning.

At the same time, many people have their eyes on the two children of the Hao family, and the twins are looking at the adults, even if there are many underage marriages at this time, the people who want to see it at the moment are going to knock on the door of the Hao family.

Frightened, the old man did not dare to go home, and ran directly to his grandmother's house.

Sheng Xi received a call from home, knowing that when the house was going to rise, he told his father that the money was not enough for her to give the mail again, so that the old couple would not suffer themselves.

The old couple knew that Hao Jianjun had not returned home for more than ten days on a mission, but it was a good meal to drop his son, and the joy of being happy was to comfort the two people and let the old two people not worry.

The old two clanged over this before they reluctantly put down the phone, painfully gave the money, thinking about the next time or send a letter, this money thing can not be used next time.

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