《I am the ex-wife of the cannon fodder in the chronology [80s]》Untitled Part 13


Gu Shen and Li Yulan are here.

Now that it has been decided to move to S City, it is naturally sooner rather than later. And Li Yulan's stomach couldn't wait any longer, and it seemed that she couldn't hide it anymore.

Gu Shen went to the family planning office to say hello the next day, and handed over the fine, but in any case, in the context of this family planning, the impact was quite bad.

Rather than continue to stay here and accept other people's strange eyes, it is better to go to S City early to raise the baby with peace of mind.

And after the pregnant woman is older, it will be more difficult to travel long distances.

Gu Shen and Li Yulan both quit their jobs, so there is no need to worry about the work on the other side of the unit.

The most important thing to deal with now is the house they live in.

After going to S City, there is a high probability that they will not come back in a short time.

Whether to keep the house where I live now or not is the question.

Gu Shen and Li Yulan discussed it, and finally decided to keep the house. Anyway, the house is not easy to sell and can't sell for much.

If they come back in the future, their family will still have a place to stay.

It's just that the things in the house can't be left.

Even though the house they live in is not big, there are a lot of valuables in it. If they are left in a home where no one lives, it will not only be missed by little thieves, but also easily by family thieves.

Just as Gu Shen was standing in his yard dealing with various things, Wang Yinlian came hurriedly.

The yard was full of all kinds of debris, so the yard door was also wide open.

As soon as Wang Yinlian walked in, she saw a tall man happily moving out a 14-inch color TV. It wasn't the one in the living room of Gu Shen's house. Wang Yinlian had been jealous of this TV for a long time.

"What are you doing?" Wang Yinlian asked in a voiceless voice, staring at the man carrying the color TV, "What are you doing with my daughter's color TV? Put it down for me!"

But the man holding the color TV is not to be provoked. He stared at Wang Yinlian with a pair of copper bell-like eyes, and said in a rough voice: "What are you putting it on, I bought it with money!"

Wang Yinlian was speechless in surprise.

At this time, Gu Shen seemed to have finally reacted, and hurriedly said, "It's okay, eldest brother, let's go, this is my mother-in-law."

The tall man glared at Wang Yinlian again and walked away cursing.


Wang Yinlian stared at the color TV in his arms, her heart was bleeding.

"Xiao Shen, tell your mother what happened?" Wang Yinlian looked at Gu Shen again.

Gu Shen sighed and said, "Oh, since you're here, Mom, let's go in and talk."

After Gu Shen finished speaking, he took Wang Yinlian into the living room.

The living room, like the yard, was full of mess, and everything was piled up on the ground. A bad premonition appeared in Wang Yinlian's heart.

Li Yulan was packing things in the living room. She had already heard Wang Yinlian yelling in the yard just now, and it was no surprise to see her come in now.

Looking at Gu Shen, Li Yulan didn't even bother to say hello to Wang Yinlian.

But at this time, Wang Yinlian couldn't care about it anymore, she just wanted to find out what happened.

Why is Gu Shen, who has always been filial and sensible, no longer carrying things to her house, and what is going on with the mess in the room, and not only the color TV, but Wang Yinlian also found that the refrigerator in the room was gone!

Gu Shen unhurriedly took the kettle and poured a glass of water for Wang Yinlian, as if he was embarrassed to speak.

Wang Yinlian was almost dying, and urged him to speak quickly.

"Cough, it's like this." Gu Shen finally said, "Xiao Lan and I are going to move."

"Moving? Why are you moving and where are you going?" Wang Yinlian guessed that she was going to move.

"Go to the provincial capital." Gu Shen deliberately gave the wrong address. Anyway, when they got into the car, no one else could follow them.

"Okay, what are you doing in the provincial capital? Are Xiaolan and Dabao going too? What are they doing with a pregnant woman and a child?"

Wang Yinlian didn't really care about Li Yulan and Dabao when she said this, but she thought that if Li Yulan After she and Dabao have left, Gu Shen will definitely not come back when she is outside...

Then no one will come to her house to deliver things and money to her!

"No, I don't agree." Wang Yinlian immediately said after she figured it out, "My daughter and my grandson must stay here, otherwise I'm not at ease."

Li Yulan sneered when she heard this, causing Wang Yinlian to glare at her.

Gu Shen also lowered his eyes to hide the ridicule in his eyes.

His mother-in-law's reassurance is probably to pull his wife to have an abortion, and force his wife to remarry.

But Gu Shen is a smart person, knowing that it is not a wise choice to fall out with Wang Yinlian now.

This is what he discussed with Li Yulan last night.

"That's fine, Mom, I'll take Dabao back to her parents' house right now." Li Yulan said aloud.


Wang Yinlian was startled by these words: "Why are you staying at your parents' house?"

"That's right." Gu Shen said a little embarrassedly, "I lost a fortune in business, so I can only take this house and the house in it. Selling things to pay off debts... No, we have no place to live after the house is sold, so we thought about going to the provincial capital with the family to see if we could find some opportunities to make money and pay the bills back... "..."

"What, lost money?!" Wang Yinlian shouted when she heard this.

Gu Shen nodded and looked at Wang Yinlian again with a moved face: "It would be great if you would let Xiaolan and Dabao live with you, Mom."

Wang Yinlian's expression was a little reluctant when she heard this: "Xiao Shen, you know, our house is small, so how can we live with so many people. Why don't you let Xiao Lan and the others live in your parents' house, isn't your house a big space?"

It's impossible to live in her house anyway.

"Hey, I've thought about this too." Gu Shen sighed, "But isn't it because my mother and Xiaolan have a bad relationship? I'm not very relieved that Xiaolan and Dabao live there, but you're different, mother. Now , you are Xiaolan's mother."

Wang Yinlian's mouth twitched, you are worried about your mother, but you are relieved of me?

This is absolutely impossible!

Li Yulan doesn't have a job anymore. Gu Shen is said to be in debt, so let them go back to their own homes, so wouldn't they have two mouths to eat in vain?

Such a loss-making thing must not be done!

Wang Yinlian intentionally changed the subject and asked, "How much do you owe? Can you pay it back?"

She asked another question of concern.

"Well, now the house has been mortgaged to others, and after adding the money from deposits and selling things, it's still a little short." Gu Shen looked a little worried, "I can only go to the provincial capital to find an opportunity to pay it back slowly."

When Wang Yinlian heard this, her heart skipped a beat, it sounds like a huge sum of money!

"I'm going to borrow some money from everywhere to see if I can exchange the debt first." After Gu Shen finished speaking, he suddenly looked at Wang Yinlian with some anticipation in his eyes, "By the way, Mom, can I ask you to borrow some money? I promise to pay it back soon."

Wang Yinlian's expression changed, and she immediately said, "I have no money to lend you!"

After speaking, she realized that she was too anxious, what if Gu Shen could make money in the future? I still can't just offend him like this...

So Wang Yinlian softened her face again and said, "Xiao Shen, you know, my family and your father's wages are not high, and the patriotic monthly wages are spent on everything, Xiao Shen. Li is an unemployed person, how can we have any extra money!"

Since we are going to play, we should do it comprehensively.

Li Yulan also looked at her in disbelief: "Mom, I'm your own daughter, and you won't ask you to borrow some money now?"

"I really have no money." Wang Yinlian was a little panicked.

The loser who got married still wanted to take money out of her pocket, so Wang Yinlian gave a "bah" in her heart.

"By the way, I remembered that I still have something to do at home, so I went back first." Wang Yinlian smeared oil on the soles of her feet and wanted to slip away, "Since you want to move, then move quickly, and then I will send you off."

Wang Yinlian originally When she first came in, she wanted to take some of Dabao's toys and take them back to play with her precious grandson.

But now, under the eyes of Gu Shen and Li Yulan, she didn't dare to do anything, as if a ghost was chasing her, she ran away without looking back, afraid that the two would chase after her and ask her for money.

Gu Shen looked at Wang Yinlian's fleeing back, and couldn't help showing a mocking smile at the corner of his mouth: "Your mother is really..."

Of course Li Yulan wouldn't mind Gu Shen's bad words about her mother, but since they all said After Wang Yinlian, other people naturally can't fall.

"Let's stop laughing at each other. Your Gu family is not a good person. It's been so many days. Have you seen someone from your family who has come to the door?"

Li Yulan went to Sister Gu, Sun Yajing, and told her own pregnancy.

It's been so many days, she doesn't believe that Sun Yajing didn't tell Tan Chunhong about it.

But what can I say, can Tan Chunhong not know about Li Yulan's difficulties?

Which daughter-in-law is pregnant, and the mother-in-law does not come to take care of it? But Tan Chunhong just pretended not to see it.

Speaking of which, Tan Chunhong hasn't stepped into the house where they live now.

Gu Shen knows his fucking virtues, and he doesn't mean to speak for his family at all.

Seeing the dissatisfaction on Li Yulan's face, he reached out and pinched her nose, then took the person into his arms and said, "Then we can stop interacting with them after we move to S City, okay?"

Li Yulan snorted softly and said nothing.

    people are reading<I am the ex-wife of the cannon fodder in the chronology [80s]>
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