《Extra Ordinary》24.


Life went on, even without gaming.

Whether it was still an enjoyable life? Hard to say.

Not playing video games anymore left a big, gaping hole of free time before and after school that I wasn't quite sure how to fill. So, I ended up brainlessly watching movies and listening to music. Not having fun, but rather keeping myself occupied.

It was like my days were on pause and I was in limbo. At school things were marginally better. I didn't get picked on more than before.

I had a feeling that had something to do with the memory of Asa protecting me lingering in the school population's mind. Even after we stopped hanging out. The only thing that changed was Rolf having more ammunition to hiss a me when he and his lackeys tripped me in the classroom.

Randall, Camilla and Landon had stopped mentioning video games. My parents did as well and every time they tried to get into a conversation with me, I deflected them to the best of my ability.

That didn't stop them from trying.

Mornings at the breakfast table on Sunday were a classic favourite moment.

Mom poured me some hot chocolate - homemade with milk cacao and sugar. It was my absolute favourite and I already knew another attempt was coming up.

"So, Gabe," Mom started. "How's your friend doing. Asa?"

I stared at the steam rising from my cup. "We don't really hang out anymore."

"Oh... that's a shame. Why is that?"

"Just because."

Mom's face fell. I knew I was hurting her by shutting her out. I could see that.

Just as I decided to compliment her on her delicious hot chocolate recipe to make up, the doorbell rang.

Mom and Dad first exchanged a glance, then looked at me.

"Are either of you expecting someone?" Dad asked.

I shook my head. Mom did the same.

Dad dropped his toast on his plate. "Okay, I'll get it," he said, trudging towards the hallway.


I heard him open the front door, followed by some muffled conversation, and finally the door closing again. Dad returned to the living room with a quite sizeable carton package in his arms.

I figured it was just the neighbours not being home and having their stuff delivered here. But then Dad walked over to me and placed the package on the chair next to me.

"It's for you," he said.

I must've looked puzzled because Mom asked, "You really don't remember ordering this?"

"Can't say I do..."

While I was obviously curious as to the contents of the mystery box, I waited out breakfast to open it in my room. After all, what it was an elaborate prank from one of my lovely classmates and they'd sent me a box with cow shit or something?

The box was too heavy to contain shit, however. I needed both hands to carry it up the stairs and lower it on my bed.

Gingerly I removed the tape with a pair of scissors before folding the carton flaps open one by one.

I saw a box, then I read a title on said box that made me freeze in place and stare down. Just, stare down at the box.


I had always built my own PCs, but I knew the brand and I knew this type had to cost anywhere from 1900 dollars to hell. Expensive as hell.

Someone had sent me a brand new gaming PC. I broke out of my shock and looked in and on the box for clues where this came from.

After a thorough search during which I found nothing, I ran down the stairs.

"Mom! Dad!" I called out, making a sliding around the kitchen corner. "Did you buy me a new PC?"

They both looked at me, blinking in genuine surprise.

"What?" Dad asked, and I immediately knew my parents had nothing to do with it.

They had, in the past, bought me big gifts and pretended it wasn't them. But they weren't good enough actors to fake it when I confronted them like this.


"... Never mind." I walked out of the kitchen again, the gears in my head turning at full speed.

It wasn't Randall, Camilla and Landon. Landon wouldn't be able to keep quiet, plus, we weren't quite close enough for this.

None of my 'fans' had my home address.

If it wasn't my parents or anyone else I knew, there was only one person left who I suspected could do something ridiculous like this.

Asa Walker.

I had told myself I wouldn't contact him anymore. I had my principles, which lasted about three more hours before curiosity took over.

I honestly shouldn't text, call, or contact Asa in any sort of way... but what if I happened to feel like a yoga class on this lovely Sunday afternoon?

And what if the closest gym offering classes happened to be the one Asa went to as well?

Of course it was bullshit, but it was enough of an excuse to myself to go out and bike over.

I stopped in front of the gym building, already hesitating and rethinking my decision. So what if Asa had sent the PC. That didn't change anything, did it? It only meant Asa had yet again decided to do something beyond my understanding.

I had hesitated too long.

The door of the gym swung open and out walked a bunch of older and young women wearing yoga pants. Asa was last to exit the building. His eyes met mine immediately.

He stopped dead in his tracks for a second, then shoved his hands in his pockets and dragged his feet as he approached me. Like he already knew I would chase him down anyway if he wouldn't.

"Did you send me that computer?" I asked, doing my best to ignore the stomach rollercoaster sensation Asa still caused when he was close to me. When he was looking at me.

Asa simply nodded. "I did."


"Because you wouldn't let me stop Rolf from stealing yours."

I was rendered speechless. Asa explained things so matter of factly and genuine that I just didn't know what to say. Buying me a PC made no sense whatsoever after the tournament, but Asa made it sound like it was a logical choice.

"Why now?" I breathed.

"Because I needed to budget and save up a bit more to afford it," Asa replied. "And I used the money you paid me."

Gaming PCs were expensive, indeed. Insanely expensive.

"It's too big of a gift," I said. "I can't--"

I trailed off and Asa didn't help me by finishing my sentence nor showing any sign he understood what I wanted to say. He just stood there, waiting.

"I don't understand what's going on," I finally managed to phrase my thoughts. More or less.

"Me neither," Asa muttered. "You know what I did before going back to high school and yet you're still talking to me."

I realised, with a start, that this was the first time Asa had started about that topic himself. I took a deep breath

"I don't know what you did," I said. Carefully, to not disturb whatever made Asa decide to talk. "I just know the... the nature of your work. But that still doesn't make me understand what you're doing."

Asa's eyes darted down to the pavement. I saw his fingers clenching the handle of his bag at his shoulder. "If I tell you," he started slowly, "..will you keep the PC?"

Asa raised his eyes to meet mine again, and I didn't know what to say.

I honestly couldn't accept a two thousand dollar gift from someone other than my parents, especially when I wasn't sure I'd be using it soon.

I had my principles. That's what I always thought, anyway. I'd already violated them by going to the gym. And when Asa stuck out his hand for me to shake, I couldn't stop my curiosity, worries, and just the need to know from taking over.


I slipped my hand into Asa's.

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