《Percy Jackson X Reader》Chapter 3


When you woke up the next morning, you quickly moved silently around your room to gather your things and get ready for school. If your stepfather had a hangover, you did not want to be the one to wake him. As you pulled on your boots, you heard groaning in the next room over. You froze, and then opened the window and slipped out into the warm summer air. As you hopped off the fire escape ladder, you counted your change. You had just enough to get a bagel at the bagel shop. You turned the corner so that you could get your breakfast before school started.

*time skip*

You stepped out into the warm afternoon air, ready for the weekend. Going your usual route, you climbed the fire escape and into your room. Hearing a quiet apartment, you decided to see if you could get some food into your room so that you could have dinner. You opened your door and went to the kitchen. As you were getting out the ingredients to make a peanut butter sandwich, the door slammed open.

"You insolent child. You already cost so much between clothes, rent, and schooling. Now you want more food?" Your face was hit and you bit back tears and shouts of anger. You clenched your hands as the flames begged to be set loose. "Go to your room and stay there." Your mother shouted.

"What's with all this ruckus, I have a headache." Your eyes widened, your stepfather was up. Before you could dart away, your mother grabbed you by your wrist.

"Where do you think you're going? You are going to apologize to your stepfather for waking him. You made me yell." Your stepfather lumbered in, holding his head.

"This was you? I've never liked you. Always getting kicked out of schools and such. His hand reared back and you felt the sting on your cheek. You were flung to the floor and you huddled up against the wall, holding your cheek. It had hurt from when your mom had hit you, and now it burned like fire.


"I'm sorry, I won't do it again." You looked at the ground.

"Just get out of my sight." You didn't wait any longer and bolted out of the room.

You shut your door and collapsed against it. You shut back tears and calmed yourself. When your eyes opened again, they had a new fire in them, you were not going to be pushed around anymore by your stepfather or mother anymore. You stood up and grabbed a bag, you started packing everything you would need. Then, you waited. Once you heard that your mom and stepfather were asleep, you snuck out into the kitchen and grabbed money from the empty sugar bowl. After that, you were back in your room, taking one last look at the room you had grown up in and then the window was open. You slipped onto the fire escape and climbed down. Without looking back, you were on the move. You didn't know where you were going, anywhere as long as it was away.

*time skip*

You shivered, coughing and sneezing. You had never owned a rain jacket, but you now wished you had. Thunder flashed and the rain continued pouring while you sneezed again, your whole body shaking with cold.

"Achoo!" your eyes were squeezed shut so you had no idea that someone was right in front of you. You ran into something solid. You look up to see a shadowy face, you mumbled sorry and stumbled back, sneezing.

"Hey, aren't you the girl who I saw with Luke? Y/n, wasn't it?"

"That depends."

"It's Percy, remember?"

"Yeah, bye. I got to go." You sneezed again, your entire body shaking with cold. You needed to find a shop that sold rain jackets before you got too sick. Warm arms wrapped around you and you weakly struggled against them before sinking limply into whoever was holding you. You were so tired...


Percy looked at you, now unconscious in his arms. He sighed and picked you up, carrying you to his apartment, only a stone's throw away. He made his way to his apartment door and opened it.

Sally Jackson was sitting on the couch while her son went to investigate the figure wandering in the streets at 1 am. She stood up when he walked through the door, saw the unconscious figure in his arms, and rushed around to make sure that some water was heated for hot chocolate, warm blankets were pulled out, and some dry clothes were ready when the girl awoke.

*time skip*

You blinked and opened your eyes. Last night was a blur, you ran away and it was raining.... Your eyes flew open and you looked around, then you laid back down on the couch you were on. You were not in your house, that was good. You never wanted to ever go back there.

"Oh, you're up! Let me get you some hot chocolate." A pretty woman with brown hair streaked with grey and warm brown eyes started bustling around the kitchen, making hot chocolate. You sat up and realized that your shoes were off. A warm, fuzzy blue blanket was wrapped around you. You looked around and saw that boy from the other day, Percy, laying on the couch opposite yours. He was sleeping, curled up with a blanket laying haphazardly on the couch. He shifted in his sleep and fell off the couch. You smothered a giggle with the blanket. Mrs Jackson came in with a tray with two steaming mugs. She laughed as Percy sat up, rubbing his head. She handed you a mug as Percy clambered back up onto the couch.

You cupped your hands around the mug and let the warmth seep into your hands. Mrs Jackson handed Percy the other mug and then turned to you.

"Your bag is in the guest room. I have to go to work now, but Percy can help you if you need anything."

"Thanks, Mrs. Jackson."

"It's alright." Then she turned to Percy. "I've put cookies in the oven, they should be ready in about 30 minutes. Now both of you, be good, and Percy, don't forget to pack for camp. You're leaving the day after school ends unless you're needed earlier. Bye." She kissed Percy's head, waved to you, and then walked out the door with her things. You took a sip of your hot chocolate and then put it down on the coffee table. It should have burned your tongue, but it was just pleasantly warm.

"So, why were you out at 1 am in the rain with a bag and no proper rain gear?" You looked up at the green-eyed boy who was now looking at you and weakly smiled.

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