《•complicated• (Enhypen Mgl)》7
Мина- Юу болсон юм? Сонхүн зүгээр үү?
Юүжин- юун зүгээр. Цаа чинь удаан хугацаанд хайрласан охиндоо тоогдоод өчигдрөөс үерхэж эхэлсэн гэсэн..
(Минагийн царай цонхийгоод л явчихлаа..Тэр Яг л ухаан алдах гэж байгаа аятай зогсох аж..)
~Хайрыг таних заримдаа хэцүү. Энэ хайр уу? эсвэл шохоорхол уу? Гэх асуулт хүн болгонд л ирдэг. Гэхдээ бүр хааяа даа огт хайртай биш хэрнээ хамт байх, хайрлаж байгаа мэт байх тохиолдол байдаг. Үүнийг хүмүүс юу гэж тодорхойлдогийг мэдэхгүй л юм.. Би лав хувьдаа худал хуурмаг энэ зүйлийг хүмүүний бас нэгэн нүгэл гэж харна...~
Мина анги руугаа орон суунгаа Сонхүнийг хүлээлээ..Яг л маш том хавцалаас унасан мэт санагдана.. Унах унахдаа хамгийн их хайртай байсан хүн нь түлхчихсэн мэт..
Сонхүн удалгүй нүүр дүүрэн инээмсэглэлтэй орж ирлээ.
Мина- ямар нэгэн сайхан юм болоо юу?
Сонхүн- аан харин би саяханаас нэг хүнтэй үерхэж эхлээд..
Мина- хэн юм?
Сонхүн ёжлонгуй инээмсэглэлээ. Тэр Мина руу үнэхээр аз жаргалтайгаар харав.
Сонхүн- яагаав дээ. Миний сайн байсан охин. Тэр арай гэж намайг тоочлоо шдээ.
Мина- тийм бол болж дээ.
Сонхүн- гэхдээ чи яагаад ийм гунигтай харагдаад байна аа?
Мина- юу! Би хэзээ гунигласан юм! Жаахан гэдэс базлаад байна.
Мина зөөлнөөр суудлаасаа босон ангиас гарлаа. Гэтэл нэг хүн гарнаас нь атгаад авав. Эргээд харвал Хисын байх аж.
Хисын их санаа зовсон янзтай харагдана.
Хисын- Чи зүгээр үү?
Мина шууд л Хисынээс гараа татан авлаа.
Мина- Зүв зүгээр байна. Гэдэс базалсан л төдий. Надад санаа тавих хэрэггүй ээ.
* яагаад тэнэг юм шиг Сонхүнийг хүлээсэн юм болоо?..Тэр хэзээ ч над дээр ирэхгүй байсан шүү дээ. Дээрээс нь Хисыний царайг дахиж харах ч эрхгүй болчлоо.. Өөрт нь сайн юм шиг мэдрэмж төрүүлчихээд өөр хүнээс болж шаналж л байдаг..*
Мина гийн утас гэнэт чичирлээ. Нээгээд харвал "Гэдэс чинь одоо зүгээр биз дээ?" Гэж Хисынээс бичсэн байх аж.
Мина ч хариу бичихийг хүссэнгүй. Тэр одоо Хисынтэй харьцвал дэндүү муу хүн болчихсон юм шиг санагдана гэж бодно..
Маргааш нь нэг л гуинглангуй хичээл дээрээ суулаа. Эхний цаг ороход үргэлж л хөгжилтэй зүйлс сурагчидтайгаа ярилцдаг залуухан багш орж ирэв.
*Өнөөдөр Сонхүн ч баяртай харагдаж байх чинь. Ямар нэгэн сайхан зүйл болоо юу* хэмээн тэр багш сониучирхав.
Сонхүн юу ч дуугаралгүй ичингүйрэхэд хажууд нь суух охин:
*Та таньдаг бол тэр доод ангийн Сүми тэй үерхэж байгаа. Үнэхээр хөөрхөн охин шүү*
Мина энэ ангид суухыг хүссэнгүй..Хамгийн хэцүү нь Сонхүн Мина г анзаарангаа инээж байсан юм...
Хичээл дуусмагц хурдхан л энэ газраас арилахыг хүсэн Мина гүйлээ.
Гэтэл дахиад л Хисын..
Хисын- Чи сүүлийн үед их таагүй харагдах боллоо..
Мина- Би чамд хэд хэлэх юм бэ? Би зүгээр байна
Хисын-Тийм бол ашгүй дээ..
Мина- Хэлэх юм дууссан бол би явлаа
Хисын- Хүлээгээрэй!
Мина эргэж харвал Хисын гунигтай бас дэндүү чухал царайлчихсан зогсох аж..
Мина- за юу хэлэх гээв?
Хисын- үнэндээ..Би...Б..би
Мина- юу вэ?
Хисын- Би.. чамд сайн!..
- In Serial784 Chapters
Ancient Bones: The Changed Ones book 1 (Post-Post Apocalypse LitRPG)
Is it truly an RPG Apocalypse... if no one can see the RPG? Generations after the Fall, Mankind has achieved a balance in a world it is no longer the master of. But your prospects in this Malthusian world are limited. Johanna Milton and her friends have an answer: delve into Ancient ruins, avoid Changed beasts and mana pockets, and salvage Ancient materials, collectibles, and trinkets to sell. It pays well if you avoid the perils of the Ancient world. But when they find the skeleton of an Ancient, their lives take a strange turn. Suddenly, Talents straight out of fantasy novels become theirs. While they try to make sense of what happens, eyes turn to them, to the four who seem to break all rules. Or are they merely following them? Because, in the Beyond where he's spent 150 years waiting, one dead Ancient knows the truth. Douglas Moore has played those games often enough when he was alive to make sense of the System that rules the Changed world. He can no longer act on his own, but he has access to the Interface. And four people for which he can bring whatever it takes to face the world. Change is coming. The Changed Ones is a slow-burn litrpg fantasy trilogy (Ancient Bones, Ancient Books, Ancient Bonds) set on Earth, 150 years after the RPG Apocalypse... which mostly failed. It is an homage to the venerable ancient RPGs of the Golden Box era, the Baldur's Gates, and many others, offering adventure where You must gather your party before venturing forth. Keywords: LitRPG, realistic setting, low-leveling, post-post-apocalypse, fantasy earth, slow-burn, secondary POVs, female primary MC, team adventure, worldbuilding. Trigger warnings: casual swearing, adult innuendo (no explicit scenes whatsoever, though). Oh, and potentially a bit of politics. Bonus content: a Litrpg Easter Egg hunt. With lots of eggs across the book, some easy, some hard to find. Current score: 6/20 (20 eggs, 6 found) Publication schedule: on hold until September for book 2.
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Isekai Avenger
There are many tales of an ordinary person travelling into a 'fantasy world' and getting cheat abilities and saving the world from a demon king & collecting women like they were trading cards while bumbling comedically around.This is not one of those tales. This is what happens when the reverse happens, when an extraordinary person travels into the 'mundane world' as revenge for a life times work ruined by some highschooler.Read what happens when the Lich Lord, the undead mastermind behind the Demon King travels to Earth for payback. *******Cover art does not belong to me, stock photo for a necromancer, think it looks okay, slight modification made to original text.
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The Limits of Limitless
Author's Note: So, new author here, nice to meet you from this lovely one sided conversation lol. I was so tired of waiting for the perfect story for me so I decided to write a few of my own. These are basically just to make me happy, but if you enjoy them too that would make me happy as well lol. ______________________________________________________________________________________ So once upon a time, there was a convienent, and slightly cliche, plot device used by a somewhat lazy author.... Which in turn, created an easily made story of how a lucky high schooler posing as a hardcore gamer dies only to resurrect in a fantasy reality, meeting beautiful women, powerful dragons and ancient beings, an assortment of insanely escentric fellows, and a certain over powered ring. Journey with them as they explore the wilderness of twisted imagination. Or for you old timey folk who like their synopsis a bit tame, here you go: Jason, a senor in highschool, is slowly failing school due to not giving a fuck. Like many people now in the year 3056, he is obsessed with the wonderful invention most lovingly called, 'True Virtual Realities'. now by using his obsession with his favorite Virtual Reality game called 'Reality Controlled', which is the first and so called best Virtual Reality ever made. it was basically the all around escape humanity wished for, and he with heaven defying luck came across one of the three cheat items the game developers left for themselves: The Limitless Ring. The ring was a support type item and had the ability to grant wishes, store worlds, clone items, grant skills and easily learn abilities. But those are just a few of the things it could do. Using the ring he successfully became the "best player" and had a herd of fans following him everywhere. It was a dream come true. Until, he was killed from a power surge that fried his brain which was hooked up to the Nerve Capsule, an unsafe prototype of the Dive gear that he bought do to low funds. The end. Or so you would think.... ______________________________________________________________________________________ Author's Note: I was, to be honest, wanting to do a collab, because to me it is sooooooo incredibly boring to write by yourself since you always know what happens next, however no one enjoys a bit of friendly cooperation *sigh* so I'm forced to journey these roads alone.... 'Tis but a sad fate tha' 'is here young'un has t' bear. The cover isn't mine, all rights and stuff goes to its artist and such.
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Heavenly Paragon
Within the universe of thousand world, the great earth world has been chasing the heavenly void venerate after the great war. After heavenly void venerate left the great earth world many have started to arise and transceded to heaven. In heavenly orchid institute experience a great change upon an arrival of a mysterious young man.
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Star Trek Picard - Infinite Pathways
After the events of Nemesis, Jean Luc Picard serves for three more years as Captain of the NCC 1701E, before being promoted to Admiral, eventually becoming a special envoy for the Federation aiding new races as they were integrated into its membership. Retiring from Starfleet, he returns to his family home in France, but quickly becomes restless with the quiet life. He decides to pursue his other passion in life, archaeology.He soon finds himself part of a new expedition to a largely unexplored region of the quadrant. To visit an ancient, now uninhabited world known as Othallia, where a mighty civilisation once resided. This race, known as the Triath were wiped out, seemingly over night. Arriving at the ruins of a major city, Picard is about to discover what led to their downfall and unwittingly releases something that has laid dormant for eons.Could this be the end of his journey? Or the beginning of a new one?
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