《The Dark Child Prophecy | Book One》PART II, Chapter Two: America
I inhaled a shaky breath as the SUV came to a halt on the gravel drive. I looked out the tinted windows on my side behind the driver's seat to see the rolling pastures and a large barn. In the field, a few horses grazed lazily and it made me smile.
This was America.
After changing at the airport, we'd been escorted out of the city and into the Great North Woods. I squirmed in my clothes, uncomfortable with how little I actually knew about the world. I turned to look back over my shoulder as Avalon undid his seatbelt quickly. He was already anxious to get out of the car, and I had to roll my eyes at his lack of patience.
I peered around him to see the large manor house that awaited us. It was gorgeous with three stories and wide, arched windows on the uppermost floor. I could see the ivy that grew up one side and it reminded me of our house in New Zealand. When I noticed the group of people waiting on the porch, I felt my throat close.
Avalon had explained in more detail while on the flight to the United States. I had sat in shock as I listened. He detailed the history of the coven and what the world was truly like outside our New Zealand paradise. Our enemies, called Moon Worshippers, were a coven of vampires who had been attacking ours for centuries. They were aggressive and deadly, attacking whatever supernatural or mortal faction they deemed worthy of death. And they wanted to put an end to our coven's leadership, including the prophet of all vampire-kind's religions named the "Dark Child." Our coven had spent centuries procuring the information of the religion that came from a pair of goddesses.
I remembered Dad's stories about the goddesses when I was a little girl; but, I had never thought it to be anything more than bedtime fairy tales. The goddesses were sisters, created by a Greek god to rule the supernatural creatures who lived outside of the mortal world. One ruled the Night and the Stars while the other ruled the Moon and the Tide. They had begun the creation of supernaturals and the paranormal.
The Night Goddess had given our family's grandsire Count Dracula his immortality, beginning the first of the Vampires. The goddesses were so amazed with his powers that they created more vampires and then other supernatural species, including werewolves, witches, and demons. The Night Goddess had also commanded order amongst supernaturals, tasking them with the duty to remain sacred in their ways and to treat fragile mortality with grace and gentleness. Witches began to align themselves within mortal civilization as keepers of the Balance. Without it, Chaos would engulf the world in darkness.
As Avalon spoke, I had worried that the world outside our home was on the doorstep of Apocalypse. And I was afraid.
Vampires had remained as one community for hundreds of years, or so I thought from the original stories my father had told me. And we had been one coven, according to Avalon, until the Moon Goddess became jealous of the way the vampires only worshipped her sister as their original Creator. Envious, she promised greater powers and strength if vampires pledged their loyalty to her. She created the Moon Worshippers, giving them heightened vampire speed and fearsome strength on nights of the full moon. They became bloodthirsty and cruel, nearly wiping out humans and werewolves alike in some parts of the world, driving Wolves into the deepest forests and isolated lands. Witches had been able to protect themselves with the aid of their magic, and still protected entire towns from the Moon Worshipper armies.
The remaining vampires promised to endure as guardians for humans and the natural order of life. They were deemed Shadow Stalkers, as followers of the Night Goddess who ruled the Darkness. But they believed that total peace could be achieved after receiving a prophecy from the Night and Moon Goddesses. The sisters had agreed they would resolve their differences and reunite the covens again when one vampire would arise and become the leader of all vampire-kind. The story went on that the vampire would be called the Dark Child, who would bring peace back to the world.
Just when I thought there couldn't be any more to hear, Avalon had gone on.
For hundreds of years, Shadow Stalkers served as the governing power to keep Moon Worshippers from ravaging the world. Shadow Stalkers formed their own democracy that ruled in the form of law and order, until the Dark Child was crowned. The coven was much more complex than my original suspicions. Our government was sectioned in four groups: the High Council, coven commanders, academics, and military. Mother served as an administrative adviser to the High Council while Avalon worked in the academia sector as a researcher and scholar. And Father had hidden us for years in our New Zealand home, far outside the reaches of both covens.
And now we arrived at one of the coven houses in the United States, run by an infamous commander who had taken charge within Shadow Stalker politics. Our escorts had said that Commander Lady Bartholomeu was one of the highest profile coven leaders to have as an ally. But I didn't fully understand.
I hadn't understood why Avalon was so excited to set foot in the States. After our father told him to relax, he'd retreated to sit with the Americans in their all-black clothing and asked them questions about someone's name I had never heard before. He had come back to sit with our parents and I, immediately asking my mother why she hadn't mentioned that Elizabeth Anne Bartholomeu had been promoted to coven commander. She'd shrugged off his question, making the joke she didn't realize he was still longing to see one particular person from his childhood.
My brother had told me the American coven commander was his age, surprising me. We were children in comparison to our parents' centuries of immortality. I found it hard to believe that a government would elect someone as young as my brother or I. And yet, this woman had already risen to a high title within the Shadow Stalker hierarchy. During the drive, Avalon had walked me through the coven structure a few times and why we had them. Despite meaning to tell me the whole definition of coven councils, he kept finding his way back to talking about Commander Bartholomeu...
As the car came to a complete stop, Avalon pushed the door open and climbed out into the gravel, his shoes making a soft crunch. I sighed, annoyed he didn't even bother to ask if I wanted help getting out.
I slid across the bench seat of the SUV and slowly swung my knees to face out the door, careful to keep them pressed together tightly. Slipping down into the small stones, my heels felt unsteady in the uneven ground as my knees threatened to buckle with nerves. I looked up at the manor house again, feeling it loom above us rather than the welcoming charm it seemed to have from inside the safety of the vehicle.
I inhaled a deep breath and adjusted the lapels of my trench coat.
Avalon finally acknowledged my presence before beginning to scan the crowd again. "Do you see her?" he whispered.
"Depends," I answered flatly. "I'm not sure what she looks like. I've never met her."
He shot me an annoyed look, his brow furrowed. "Never mind," he grumbled, turning to look back at the group of people waiting to receive us.
I wanted to roll my eyes but instead turned my head to see our parents arrive in their car. My father hadn't wanted us to be in separate vehicles, but Avalon had insisted. I was certain it was because he didn't want to be scolded for his overly abundant enthusiasm, despite the ambush in our hometown and fleeing New Zealand.
Our father got out first, turning immediately to help Mother climb out. He chuckled at something she said and nodded as he kept his hand steady for her. Mother found her feet and let go of his hands, smoothing her dress over her baby bump. She blew an exaggerated breath out of her mouth to make him laugh.
Just as I went to join them, a man that rivaled Father's height came forward from the crowd. He was tall and slender, with a strong nose and kind, hazel eyes. He was smiling fully, and I could make out his vampire fangs. His hair was long in a shade that made me think of honey.
I tried to smile, but was unable to make my lips part. I quickly settled for my shy grin I had yet to outgrow.
"Welcome, Eris Alexandria Katherine Eos Mezdor, the Dark Child," he said, his tone warm and welcoming, easing my discomfort that a stranger knew my full name. "We are so happy you have finally arrived. And Master Avalon, look at you. You're nearly as tall as I am. What a fine lad you've grown into. It's been years."
Avalon nodded his head immediately. "Grand Elder Seren Winslow," he greeted in respect to the man's rank, surprising me. "Thank you for having us. It's so good to see you again."
"Of course," the man responded, grinning at me again. Despite my nerves, I felt calm in his presence. He seemed friendly and compassionate. "We are happy to have you. We've been excited to meet the famed Dark Child at last."
"Thank you very much for your hospitality, sir," I said, working to keep my back straight and my chin up.
"You are most welcome, young lady," he replied before he gave me a fatherly wink. He glanced over my head to our parents as they approached. "I thought I told you on the phone, you didn't need to travel so far if you weren't willing," he said teasingly to Mother.
"And stay in Sydney whilst the rest of you gather half the world away? You know I'm not one to miss out on events," my mother scolded.
"Traveling in your condition is a whole lot harder now that the enemy is on all of our doorsteps, Rosebud," he responded. As they approached one another, he opened his arms to her for a hug. "How are you, Ranelle?"
"Besides 'delicate,' you mean? Quite well, Grand Elder. Thank you for the invitation," she said, exchanging a quick embrace with the man. Avalon had explained on the plane that anyone with "grand elder" in their title meant they were one of the oldest of all vampires, serving as part of the Shadow Stalker High Council.
"Wonderful. And Logan, good to see you again," Seren Winslow said, offering my father a hand.
"And you, Seren," Father responded, shaking his hand with a nod of his head. "I'm thankful to have you as our ally in these times."
"Of course, but it was not just my decision," Seren replied with a chuckle. The man turned back to glance up at the house as the front door opened and closed. "Ah, here's the lady of the house now."
Avalon's head whipped around to train his eyes on the new arrival faster than I had ever seen him move before. "Holy shit," he breathed, just loud enough that I could hear. I had a feeling he hadn't even meant for his comment to slip.
I glanced from him to the porch to see whom he had obsessed over while on the airplane.
The tall, dark-haired woman stepped down the few stairs of the covered doorway and into the gravel, her heels making a light crunch sound. She was easily five-nine in height, her body filled out in feminine curves with long legs and arms. Her black hair was swept up into a bun at the crown of her head, accenting her graceful neck and delicate bone structure. She was wearing a form-fitting lavender dress that went just below her knees, complimenting her body type. Confidence and sophistication seemed to roll off of her in waves with an air I had never seen on another person.
"Lady Eris, Master Avalon," she greeted, her tone not entirely warm but instead crisp and professional. "Welcome to the United States of America. Thank you for accepting our invitation."
"Commander Lady Elizabeth," Avalon said, immediately bowing his head to her. "It's good to see you again."
She glanced from me to my brother with eyes that matched her dress. She gave him a curt smile and dipped her knees in a half-curtsy. I thought my brother's heart would explode that she had so much as acknowledged his presence. "And good to see you, Master Scholar."
"Elizabeth, I'm sure you remember the Lord and Lady Mezdor," Seren interjected before Avalon could make a fool of himself. His eagerness was obvious.
The American immediately turned her attention to the grand elder and her smile warmed. "Lord Logan, Lady Ranelle, wonderful to see you both again," she said, walking towards them.
I glanced up at Avalon, nudging him with my arm. "You might want to pick your jaw up off the floor," I warned quietly. "We are in public."
"Hush," he hissed at me, elbowing me back.
"Hello, Elizabeth. Look at you, it seems like it's been ages. My goodness, does your father know you've grown up this much?" my mother greeted as the two exchanged a light hug.
"I've seen him at the Capitol a time or two in recent years. But I think he still looks for a little girl with braids instead of a woman my age," she answered with a graceful laugh.
"Well, I'll be sure to remind him the next time I see him."
The American coven leader smiled more truly. "He and my mother arrive tomorrow night, actually. I look forward to seeing you tell him that myself."
I glanced up at Avalon quickly. "Who?" I whispered.
"The English coven's commander and his wife, from London," Avalon answered just as quietly. "Mum and Dad's best friends."
I nodded, adding the extra information to memory. I barely remembered our parents ever talking about old friends or a life before New Zealand, always sounding as though they were speaking about a time long, long before Avalon and I were born.
"Then it's an all-around reunion of generations," my father commented, shaking Elizabeth's hand when she offered it.
"Yes, I believe so," the younger woman responded, smiling. She turned to look at my brother and I before finding Seren. "How about we bring this party inside before the rain moves in?" She signaled to a few doormen dressed in black suits. They came down the steps quickly and began to unload our suitcases.
Seren chuckled and glanced at our parents. "She's as strong-willed as her mother," he told them.
"I'm not surprised," Mum commented.
"Neither am I," my father added, smirking.
I waited for the three to walk towards the door, ready to fall in line behind them as I usually did. Instead, my father put a hand on my shoulder and guided me ahead of him to follow Seren and the coven commander inside. I shot him an uneasy look, unsure about going first as the representative of our family. He winked in return and I faced forward again, taking a deep breath as I ascended the stairs.
I glanced at the people flanking the door, giving them a tentative smile. I noticed many were dressed in expensive attire to receive us, and I felt underdressed. I nodded my head to a few of them, trying to keep the doubt off my face. Once I was inside and in the main grand foyer, Elizabeth turned to face us again. She met my gaze for a moment before shifting to my parents.
I quickly scanned the large, open floor plan that boasted a double staircase up to the second and third floors. There were two wings on either side and I could see another large room that looked like a formal dining hall behind Elizabeth and Seren. The manor house looked gigantic from outside when compared to our home in New Zealand; but from the interior, it felt even larger with its decadent crown molding, expensive art, and marble floors.
"We've made rooms available for you if you would like to freshen up before the reception in a half-hour," she said. "You're welcome to follow the valets upstairs and make yourselves comfortable. If you need anything else, please let us know."
"Thank you," I said at the same time as Avalon when tried to talk over me.
"Thank you very much," Avalon added, giving me a side-eye glance. "We greatly appreciate your generosity."
Could you try any harder, Avalon?, I thought, biting my tongue. I continued to smile and turned my attention to a pair of teenage boys that came forward. The two bowed their heads and then gestured for us to follow. I let Avalon go first and fell in behind him, staying a few steps ahead of our parents. The men who had retrieved our suitcases rounded out the group in the rear.
Once we made it up to the second floor, the valets opened up three different doors that were side-by-side-by-side on the right-hand wall. "Lady Eris, your room is the middle," one of the boys said, and I nodded my head. "Master Scholar, you are closest to the stairwell. Lord Mezdor, Lady Mezdor, Commander Bartholomeu has arranged for you to take the Homewood suite on this end where you will be more comfortable," he added, refusing to meet Dad's gaze as he stared at the floor. I glanced past them to see the men who had unloaded the luggage began to place our belongings in the rooms.
"Thank you very much, lads," Father told them, giving them both a nod in approval. When they walked away in a hurried gait, he chuckled. "Was it something I said?"
"You scare everyone, darling," my mother giggled with a shake of her head as she walked into their assigned room.
"I haven't any idea why," he answered her jokingly. "Avalon, Eris, you two should get cleaned up before we need to be downstairs."
I smiled and nodded before I stepped into my room once the luggage had been placed and the men retreated down the hall to join the valets. "Avalon will probably need time to iron his tuxedo first," I teased just loud enough they would hear.
"Ha-ha, Eris," my older brother shot back sarcastically. I could hear Mother laugh at our exchange from their room.
Grinning, I closed my door behind me and headed to the soft-sided mesh and canvas bag that sat on my bed. I unzipped it quickly, holding the top flap open. Dinah's ears appeared a second later, her only comment a soft chirp to acknowledge me. I smiled, stroking her head.
After she hopped out to sit on the mattress, I turned and began to explore my room. It was cozy and comfortable with dark wood trim and light walls. A desk was framed by a large window and I went to look at the view. I grinned, seeing a lush garden two stories below and a panoramic scene of the forested mountains in the distance, foothills and pasture making up the backyard to the American coven house. I glanced to my right to see a bathroom, and I stepped in to check my appearance.
The twenty-year-old who stared back at me looked more confident than I felt. Her green eyes were clear and alert, her brunette hair still curled around her shoulders, and her skin clean and creamy. When I smiled, I watched my reflection as her pink lips parted slightly just enough to show teeth.
Maybe I could do this.
On the flight over from New Zealand, my father and brother had finished describing the meaning of the title, Dark Child. The prophecy entailed a child of the Blood Warrior would rise to power and bring peace between Shadow Stalkers and Moon Worshippers alike. Our enemy had spent years looking for us to keep that from happening. Avalon explained I was going to be the next leader to our global coven and army. The Dark Child was needed to step up and end the fighting amongst all vampires. But I couldn't do so without the backings of the strongest coven leaders across the world...
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