《Dusk & Dawn》Chapter 16


The whole car ride up through the mountains Mason didn't utter a single word. He sat slumped in his seat next to me cracking his knuckles over and over. I put my hand on his clasped hands to stop him from cracking them every two seconds.

"Are you okay Mase?" I whispered, genuinely concerned.

I could ask that as a concerned friend, right? I saw the rise and fall of his chest as he took a deep breath and turned to whisper in my ear. His eyes were dark and full of worry.

"Just, be careful around those guys okay? I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you." A crease formed in the middle of his brows as he bent down to look at me. He brushed the back of his fingers along my cheek and closed his eyes as he pulled away. I didn't realise I was holding my breath until the car stopped and Lexi start clapping like a seal. We're definitely at the after party.

The driveway was thickly lined with trees and minimal lighting.

I'd hate to be walking alone out here for fear of getting mauled by slenderman. I shuddered at the thought.

Chris and the rest of his posse had already reached the balcony where some older men were doing keg stands. The front door was wide open and you could hear the bass of the music echoing out in the distance. The rowdy men at the keg started egging on Zach and Mason to beat their record.

"Bet you college boys are pansies."

"Yeah, try and beat our record losers."

"They're probably pussy whipped, they wont do it."

For some unbeknown reason to us females, whether it was a sign of being an alpha male of some sort or not, they rose to the challenge.

"Let us show you boobs how it's done." Zach bantered playfully holding out his hand for the hose.

"Show 'em whose boss babe!" Lexi punched the air enthusiastically trotting off behind him. Mason held Zach's left leg while a heavily drunk random who couldn't stand straight held the other.


Standing there with a massive smile plastered on my face watching the boys have fun , chills rose on my arms as a smooth voice speaks softly in my ear.

"Come, let me show you where the magic happens." Chris took me by the hand and started pulling me towards the back of the house before I could refuse his offer. I tried to make a quick excuse to save me from having to follow him.

"My friends will be looking for me though." I said looking back trying to get their attention. His grip was so strong it made the tips of my fingers start to tingle with pins and needles. I felt very wary and on guard especially after what Mason said in the car. 'Be careful.' The way Chris and Mason looked at each other made me certain they knew each other.

Once we were in a room at the very back of the house Chris closed the door. I was racking my brain of excuses to leave. I needed to pee. I'm getting a phone call, I need to step out. I don't want to be around you because you freak me the fuck out!

There were a couple of women sitting on the laps of passed out men while they snorted white powder from the glass table in front of them. In the corner of the room was a guy pressed up against a busty woman slowly undressing her. There were small plastic bags of the white powder being traded between a few people who had massive wads of cash. I started to get cold sweats and my heart raced looking for an exit route. Maybe I could sneak out before anyone notices I'm gone.

Back home I never hung around these types of people, or any people other than the church goers for that matter. I had always done everything by myself because I didn't have any friends outside the allotted buddy system my Christian school had set up. I'd never smoked a cigarette or touched drugs in my life and I was intimidated by people who did. Even though I messed up back home with listening to 'evil' music and danced like a 'whore', I'd never done anything illegal. By taking just one glance around the room, it was apparent multiple offences were being committed just inches from me.


Scanning the room trying to figure out which way I came in I bumped into the back of two burly men dressed in navy suits.

"Oh, excuse me, I should have worn my glasses." I laughed nervously.

"No harm done honey. Let us get you a drink." They both smiled and the bald man poured me a drink from the keg into a glass tumbler. The other adjusted his cuff links and took off his tie in a way that made me nervous. The bald man handed me the drink and just as I reached out to take it Chris came jogging from behind.

"Woah there Quinn. You don't want to drink that. That's for the more experienced drinkers. Here, have this instead." He handed me another glass with clean carbonated liquid instead. I sniffed it and it didn't smell alcoholic.

"Come on boys, you know better than to start a lady out on that shit. Use your fucking brains. We don't need the ambulance here pumping the stomachs of pretty girls and cops showing up to shut us down." He said smacking them both over the back of the head. They both complained as they rubbed the backs of their heads and went back to drinking like before. Chris snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me close. Unable to move I followed where he led me and sat down on an unoccupied couch along a wall covered with pictures. I took a closer look and they were Polaroids of girls who looked incapacitated laying on the floor, couch or in a bed. Under each photograph was a guys name, a date and a score out of 10.

Richard 20.12.03 7/10

Tristan 14.9.12 3/10

Chris 29.6.14 9/10

It looked like they were keeping tabs of the women they slept with and rated them out of ten. The rumour that was circulating around the college suddenly came to mind. I can't see Mason being this sort of person! This is just... inhuman! Maybe I've been trying to stay away from the wrong person.

Right at the very top on the wall I saw Raegaen and my stomach sank. No, no, no, not Raegaen.

"Drink up babe. Room temperature drinks are the worst." Chris tapped the bottom of the glass forcing it up to my lips.

"Umm, I'm not really thirsty. I think I just want to go back to my friends please Chris." I pulled my head away from the cup trying to scoot across the couch. My head was swirling with thoughts about Raegaen and Chris and if this was her old drug dealer boyfriend. What have I gotten myself into?

"Okay Quinn, I can tell you're a little uncomfortable with this scene. That's okay, it's not for everyone." He said taking my hand and helping me up from the couch.

"At least finish your drink and then I'll take you back. Don't want it to go to waste, That stuff is expensive." He rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb smiling. I just wanted to get out of there as quick as possible so I tipped the glass slightly and drank a few sips as he watched. When he turned his back to give some cash to someone I tipped the other half into the potted fern next to the couch and set the empty glass on the table in front of us. Chris linked his arm in mine and we made our way outside where the sky had opened up and rain pelted down in huge sheets.

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