《Fated to Miss Jackson ( GXG )》Chapter 13


The birds began to chirp as they swooped back and forth above my head. I opened my eyes to see tanned arms around my waist. Michelle and I were still collapsed on the grass next to the calm river.

I looked up to the sky, calm and blue. The sun was high, it must be late. I scrambled around for my phone, 12:38, we were late. So much for a clean slate with Miss Jackson.

"Michelle wake up, we are late for school" Michelle stirred lightly before opening her soft brown eyes.

"it's fine baby" she smiled, pulling me back into her

"no I can't miss school" I panicked, rushing to out on my crumpled clothes from last night and tame my now wavy hair from the water, with my fingers.

"I don't think i'm going to go, but you can" I looked back to see her still laying on the grass, unbothered and not caring. I didn't have the time to argue, I just sighed and turned away.

As I hurried through the overgrown grass I couldn't help but wonder why Michelle wouldn't come back with me. She knew school was important to me so why just cast me aside like that?

By the time I got back to school, lunch had ended and English had just begun. I nervously opened the door and tried to slip in as quietly as possible to not disrupt the lesson that had just started.

Miss Jackson looked up and over to me, meeting my nervous expression with her own, tinted with anger.

"Late again Katy? are my lessons really not that important to you?" she said, not a single hint of humour or warmth in her voice or face.

"i'm really sorry miss I overslept" I half whispered, my voice shaky, for once I was scared of her. Not scared of what she would do or how she would punish me but scared of how she would start to feel about me. I couldn't stand to lose all of her respect.


"you overslept? Katy it's 1:18" she deadpanned

"i'm sorry" I mumbled, looking down at my shoes. It was then that I realised my shoes were caked in mud and my jeans had a dirty rip in them, an obviously unintentional one. I nervously brushed my damp wavy hair behind my ear, suddenly aware of my dirty appearance and the fact I most likely smell of lake water.

I glanced up to see Miss Jackson also looking at my shabby appearance. For a second I thought I saw a glimmer of sympathy but perhaps it was disgust.

This fired me up, how dare she be disgusted in me? She had no right.

"something you want to say?" I stared her right in the eye. She seemed a little shocked by my sudden burst of confidence.

"yes, detention after school today" she said, her lips curved into a smile. Clearly pleased with herself. Pathetic. I chose not to argue and took my seat

"someone's clearly not the favourite anymore" I heard someone mutter. And it was true, Miss Jackson didn't like me anymore... and it hurt me more than I expected.

The school bell rang loudly, almost as threatening as a funeral bell. I walked slowly towards Miss Jackson's classroom, dragging my feet against the squeaky floor.

I felt my phone vibrate lightly in my pocket. I fished it out to see Michelle's name lit up on the screen

"Hey, sorry about earlier, my place in 10 minutes?" I felt a smile creep across my face as the butterflies danced in my stomach. Sure would beat detention. I stopped and turned to ditch when I saw Miss Jackson approaching. Her blue eyes rose to meet mine and a light smile crept across her face.

I couldn't help but notice a smile threatening my lips too. She walked up to me.


"Hi Katy, I've just got to quickly grab something from the staff room but I'll meet you in there." She said, hurrying past me. I couldn't let her down further. I pushed down on the door handle but it was stuck, i wiggled it a few times but it didn't budge, it must be locked.

I leaned against the wall waiting for Juliet. I could help but think back to the gentle smile she gave me, was she okay with me now? Or maybe there was sarcasm, or worse, disappointment embedded in the smile that I simply hadn't noticed.

Just then Miss Jackson appeared from round the corner, her khaki green dress swishing around her knees. She brushed her long pale blonde hair from her face with her hand.

"You could have gone in" she said chuckling lightly

"It's locked" I said, confused.

"Oh not again" she mumbled, irritated "the handle keeps getting jammed" she tried to forcefully shove the handle down and failed multiple times, trying to shove her petite body against the door to barge it open.

"I'll push the door, you try the handle" I suggested, she nodded. Juliet forced the handle down as I heaved my whole body weight against the door.

It swung open suddenly, causing the ground to slip from beneath my feet and I fell to the ground, somehow tripping up Miss Jackson in the process so she landed with a light thump on top of me. Her face was not even an inch away from mine.

She lingered for a second, neither of us moving, until I realised my hand was on their waist. It took all my willpower not to slip it round her and pull her closer to me. I wanted nothing else in that moment but to kiss Juliet.

I wanted no one else, not Michelle, just Juliet

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