《Fated to Miss Jackson ( GXG )》Chapter 1


"Katy! Move your lazy ass and get out of bed!" I groaned at the sudden invasion of light and pulled the duvet back over my head, retreating back to the dark comfort of my bed. But of course, my sister continued to harass me.

"Ugh Natalie!" I yelled, my voice muffled by my warm comforting duvet, "5 more minutes?" I begged, peeking slightly out at her. But of course she continued to relentlessly pull me out of my bed, resulting in a loud and painful thump on the floor and me in a pile on the carpet. "I will take that as a no"

I sighed, having no other choice than to restrain my blonde curls into a ponytail as I was having a bad hair day, just my luck. I adjusted my tie and tugged my short tight skirt down slightly. It was an inch too short for my liking as I had taken it up the night before, making it slightly too short, probably from tiredness and stress.

I picked up my backpack and slung it carelessly over my shoulder before lacing up my dirty doc martens wincing slightly, I placed a hand on my stomach. Nerves. Seeing my reaction, Natalie came over am put her arm round me, a sympathetic look plastered on her face.

"You will be fine Katy, don't worry about it" I had been to many different school and they had never really affected me before, but this one was different. It was alright for Natalie, she had finished school and was not starting uni for another year, I however, was starting year 13. Not a good idea to move school halfway through my A-level courses.

It's not that I struggled at school, I was actually quite bright, I passed all of my GCSEs with flying colours, many A*s and I was on track for the same grades for my A-levels.

I plastered a fake smile on my face, the one thing I was truly good at. I hugged Natalie and called a quick goodbye to my mum, which she replied to with an apology that she couldn't drive me that morning.

I stepped out of the house, instantly regretting not choosing a warmer coat as the cold September air hit me like a brick wall. Each step I took toward this new school, the more I wanted to turn around, refuse to go back, demand that we move back to Brighton. But I knew that was just my anxiety talking, so I took a deep breath and carried on walking. I was almost 18, almost an adult, how could I handle my life if I couldn't handle changing schools?


I knocked tentatively on the door before walking into my biology class. The teacher, a stern looking brunette woman, possibly in her 40s, was in the middle of introducing the A-level topics of biology. She looked up at me and before I had a chance to apologise profusely, she began to speak. "Miss Rose I presume?" I nodded nervously. "You're late" she said bluntly

"Yes, I am so sorry, I couldn't find the room, I was lost and-" she put her hand up, signalling for me to stop.

"I understand you are new, which is why I will overlook this behaviour but in the future, the same allowances will now be made." She interrupted. I nodded

"Yes miss" she looked at me and then nodded towards an empty seat in front of me, I quickly sat down, eager to not make anymore of a scene.

"Wow, Miss Daniels sure likes you!" I turned to see a boy next to me, he had a slight shocked look on his soft brown eyes. He had dark brown unruly hair slightly falling into them and he had tanned skin. His comment sounded genuine rather than sarcastic, confusing me.

"I'm sorry?" I asked, my brow furrowed.

"I've never seen her let anyone off a detention for being late, even new people, she's fierce mate." He said chuckling, as if on cue, Miss Daniels spoke

"James if you continue to talk in my lesson you will find yourself without a lunch for the next week." I struggled not to laugh, in fear of losing my own free time.

"James, although everyone calls me Jamie. Everyone except miss Daniels of course"

I chucked slightly, still not wanting to feel the wrath of Miss Daniels

"Katy, everyone calls me Katy" I joked, smirking. Jamie laughed and smiled sweetly at me, which I returned before turning my attention back to our scary biology teacher. I was starting to think that this school may not be as bad as expected, I had already made a friend. Little did I know, that year certainly wouldn't be a walk in the park.

Suddenly the bell rang, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"English next?" Jamie asked with an all knowing smile.


"What what? How did you-"

"Miss Jackson, room 27?" He smirked. I nodded, dumbfounded.

"I could tell you were smart, top set A-level English huh?" He chucked while I simply blushed slightly as we gathered our stuff and made our way to English.

"So what's the English teacher like?" I asked

"surely not at bad as miss Daniels?" I chuckled lightly.

"Actually I'm not sure. she's new to this school"

He explained, seeing my quizzical look. "But I heard she's pretty hot!" Chuckling, I punched him playfully as we entered the class. I scanned the room for this 'hot' teacher. I don't think I would have noticed her if it wasn't for the fact we were all wearing uniform whereas she was wearing jeans because she was only an inch taller than me.

Her long blonde hair was curled and cascading down her back. She was wearing skinny jeans with a few holes in and a loose pink t-shirt. I couldn't help but let my eyes glide up and down her long slim legs and perky butt. Her hips were slim but slightly rounded. Hearing our footsteps enter her classroom, she turned round to look at us. I quickly shifted my eyes upwards, only to be distracted by her low cut t-shirt, showing a little cleavage. I met my eyes linger there for a second before meeting her gaze. Her soft blue eyes glowing in the sunlight creeping in through the crack in the curtains. Her soft pink lips curved up slightly into an omniscient smirk and she cocked her head to he side slightly, looking at mine and Jamie's perfect goldfish expressions.

" Good morning, Jamie I presume?" She said, glancing at the register list in her hand which had everyone school photos on. Everyone but me though as they were taken last year. Jamie nodded, unable to speak or raise his eyes to meet her gaze.

I chuckled slightly and rolled my eyes with this new teacher, she responded with a smile, showing a little of her white teeth. I tried and failed desperately not to blush. She looked back at her register looking confused.

" I don't appear to have you on here?" She asked looking quizzically at me.

"I'm Katy, I only joined this year" I explained,

"Miss Jackson" she said holding her hand out for me to shake. I took it and felt a tingly electrical surge through me. Must be static

"I'm new too so I guess we are in the same boat" she said softly smiling at me. I returned the smile, silently willing my cheeks not to flush. We stood there for a second before she laughed nervously and ran her hand, which I hadn't realised I was still holding, through her blonde curls. I quickly took a seat next to Jamie who was already seated and had his books out. I could feel his searing gaze on me so I turned and raised my eyebrows.

"Can I help you Jamie?" I asked

"Cute isn't she?" She said giving me a knowing smirk. I shrugged but knew I had already lost the argument as I felt colour seeping into my cheeks.

"Bi or gay?" His blunt question made me gasp and laugh quietly.

"What happened to the straight option" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Oh honey, the way you looked at her, there's no way you are straight!" I quickly shushed him as I saw Miss Jackson approaching.

"I don't have to start separating people this early do I?" She asks with a stern hint in her voice, and also a slight flirty tone but I may have imagined that. We shook our heads in unison and silently returned our gazes to our work to avoid more confrontation.

"Good." She said quietly, turning away, gently brushing her hand against my arm in the process. Damn static again.

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