《Run To You | Pietro Maximoff [1] ✓》THREE


It looked like one of Tony's suits, but it was in terrible condition. The paint was scraped and parts of its body were missing. The metal face plate was cracked and the arms and legs were bent in odd angles. Oil dripped from it and wires hung from the whole body.

"No, how could you be worthy?" He asked in a deep voice, the words falling from his lips lazily. "You're all killers." He gestured towards us.

"Stark?" Steve said his eyes still focused on the robot.

"Jarvis?" Tony called.

"I'm sorry, I was asleep," the legionaire spoke as if he was confused about his surroundings.

Tony mumbled something as he pressed some buttons.

"Terrible noises," he continued. "I was tangled in... strings." He said as he stumbled back slightly while he looked down at his body.

We all watched trying not to make any sudden movements. I reached back slowly into my jacket to get my gun.

"Had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy." He muttered as if it was absolutely normal to mention something like that.

"You killed someone?" Steve asked.

"Wouldn't have been my first call," the robot answered. "But down in the real world we're faced with ugly choices."

"Who sent you?" Thor asked.

"I see a suit of armor around the world." Tony's voice played from the armor and everyone turned to him.

"Ultron," Dr. Banner said as he turned to Tony as well.

"In the flesh," Ultron replied sounding quiet proud of himself. "Well, no. Not yet. Not this... chrysalis."

I pulled out the gun but kept it low. Thor adjusted his grip on the hammer. Maria stood, holding her gun low as well.

"But I'm ready, I'm on mission." He continued.


"What mission?" Natasha asked.

I focused my hearing as Ultron said "peace in my time" and quickly pulled Maria, who was closest to me down just as two more of the iron legionaire burst through the wall behind Ultron and flew right at us.

Everyone jumped into action as they flew around us.

"Thanks!" Maria yelled to me.

"No problem," I called out as I shot the thrusters of the armor which came at us. It crashed to the ground before struggling to get up but a couple more shots later, stayed down.

There was a lot of shooting and people being thrown around as I stood up ducking every now and then to avoid being hit. One of the armors grabbed Loki's scepter that was sitting on a table in Tony's lab.

I quickly shot at it but it was too late. I turned to see Helen cornered by one of them and quickly ran in her direction. I shot its arm distracting it as Steve ran forward grabbing the armor, well half of an armor, and flung it at Thor who threw his hammer at it.

Once the last robot was gone, I turned towards where Ultron stood. I rubbed a spot on my arm that I had hit the ground pretty hard when we dropped down.

"Well, that was dramatic," Ultron said. "I know you mean well. You just didn't think it through."

Everyone turned to look at him unable to think of what to do at the moment. "You want to protect the world but you don't want it to change," Ultron continued to pace. "How is humanity saved if its not allowed to... evolve."

He picked up one of the broken armors. "With these? These puppets?" He said breaking the face mask with his hands.


"There's only one path to peace," he said gravely. "The Avengers extinction."

Thor flung his hammer at Ultron breaking him apart. Normally that wouldn't be my solution, but at the moment, it was the best one. At least he had shut up. He was starting to creep me out.

The armor glowed again.

"I had strings but now I'm free," Ultron voice mumbled before it shut down.

There was dead silence in the room as everyone took in what just happened. I sighed and shifted my weight onto my other foot as I waited for someone to say something.

The bad guy just couldn't leave without saying something that proved that this wasn't over. Not yet.


Hi! So, this chapter is slightly shorter than my other chapters, but we are getting into the movie now. The next few chapters should be interesting and Pietro is going to come in! But not yet! About two or three chapters to go! Thank you for reading!

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