《Kansas Kids (Editing)》Chapter 55


*After talking to Kat's Mom about the situation, she says that it's completely legal because you're 18 and there will be no legal action against you and you don't have to adopt them seeing as they are your siblings.*

Y/n: thank you so so much Melissa

(Idk Kat's mom's name so we're just gonna go with that.)

Melissa: it was a pleasure y/n.

*You hugged Melissa as a thank you and then walked over to the living room where Kat was playing with the twins.*

Y/n: hey Kat?

Kat: hmmmm?

Y/n: as we're moving in together, you don't mind sharing an apartment with the twins as well?

Kat: of course not. I love them to bits so it won't be a problem at all.

*Katrina said smiling.*

Y/n: okay great. want to go to the mall and get some stuff that we need?

Kat: yeah, let's go!

*Kat said starting to pack up the twins things into their diaper bag. Once that was done, she stood up and grabbed Bailey as you grabbed Brody and the diaper bag. you all walk out to your truck and put everything and everyone in their place, then you got into the drivers seat while Kat got into the passenger seat. you started the car and pulled out of the driveway and drove towards the mall, which was a 20 minute drive from Kat's house. Once you got to the mall, you looked for a parking spot and parked there. you then grabbed the diaper bag and unbuckled the twins from their car seat, walking towards the mall entrance and grabbed a stranded cart to put the twins in. you put Brody down and grabbed a blanket from the bag and put it down so the twins can sit in the cart comfortably. you then picked up Brody and placed him in the cart, Kat doing the same with Bailey. you then walk in and go straight to Target, because Target. is. LIFE.*


Kat: okay, what are some little essentials that we need?

*Kat said as she grabbed another cart for the things.*

Y/n: I have no fucking clue

*you said laughing.*

Y/n: Let's just walk around and see what there is

Kat: ok, sounds like a plan

*you walked towards the home section of Target and walked around, seeing what there was. you picked a few things out that you liked and put them in Kat's cart. you then hear a very familiar voice.*

???: I don't think we should get anything big 'cause we have everything, we really just need the small stuff like the kitchen supplies and shit like that.

*you looked at Kat and smiled. you both peered into the next isle and saw Sam and Colby with a camera. they were facing the other way but their camera was facing you, so you and Kat stuck your heads out more and stuck your tongue out at the camera. you then started walking up to the boys, leaving the twins with Kat. you stand behind the boys and scare them by jumping onto Colby's back. they yelled as you and Kat laughed hysterically. When Colby realised that it was you on his back, he started laughing with you and held your legs up and ran around the isle you were in as you kept laughing. When Colby got to the end of the isle, he saw the twins in the cart with Sam and Kat standing next to them. Colby stopped and puts you down as you wiped away the tears that had formed from laughing so hard.*

Colby: Hi

*Colby said chuckling*

Y/n: Hey

Colby: why do you have the twins?

Y/n: ummmm, about that. They're coming to LA with me.

Colby: why? what happened?

Y/n: well, umm, Michael has been physically abusing them so I'm taking them with me so they don't have to go through that.


*you said looking into Colby's eyes which you had made out had sadness in them.*

Colby: oh my god.

*Colby said pulling you into a hug. at that point, you started tearing up. you didn't realise how much you were keeping inside. when Colby pulled his head away from resting on your head to look at you, he saw the tears which had rolled down and wiped them away. he then leaned down and pecked your lips*

Brody/Bailey: Ewwwwww

*the twins said in unison as they saw Colby kiss you. You and Colby chuckled. you walked over to the cart and pushed it closer to Colby.*

Y/n: Care to join us on this exciting shopping trip

*you said with sarcasm laced in your voice making Colby chuckle.*

Colby: sure

*You, Colby, Sam and Kat walked around Target and looked for the things that you didn't have for the apartment and then went home.

Y/n: Colby?

Colby: hmmm?

Y/n: I know that this is a lot to ask for, but can the twins and I stay with you for the week as the twins and I don't feel safe at home?

*you asked as you all walked out to your cars.*

Colby: I'm good with that and I don't think my mom will mind, she loves you and the twins. I'll just make sure and call.

Y/n: ok

*Colby pulls out his phone out and calls his mom. after a bit of him talking to his mom he hangs up.*

Colby: she said she is absolutely fine with you and the twins staying over and she says that she is sorry for what you and the twins are going through right now.

Y/n: I love your mom, she's so sweet.

Colby: If you want I can go with you and the twins as Sam and I came in his car. Don't think Sam or Kat would mind

*Colby said laughing.*

Y/n: okay.

*with that, you and Colby put the things in the back of your truck and you put the cover on so nothing flies out. you then but Bailey in her car seat as Colby did the same with Brody. you then put the cart back while Colby stayed in the car with the twins. you walked back to your car and hopped into the drivers seat and drove to your house for the last time that week before you would have to pick the things up to move.*

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