《Kansas Kids (Editing)》Chapter 54


*You dropped Colby off at his house and then went home with a smile on your face. Once you got home, you parked your car in the driveway of your house and got out walking inside and straight to your room. you hung your purse on the coat rack that you used as a bag rack, and then grabbed your pj's and went to your bathroom and took a shower. you finished your shower and changed into your pj's and walked into your room. when you looked in your room, you saw both Bailey and Brody sitting on your bed whispering something. you walked over to them and sat next to Brody on the bed. Once you sat on the bed, they looked up at you with glistening eyes. they looked like they were crying. they jumped onto you, hugging you tightly. Bailey broke into quiet sobs.*

Y/n: hey, hey, hey, what's wrong?

*you asked in a soothing voice.*

Brody: Michael. he mean to me and Bailey when mommy is no round.

Bailey: he... hit... me...

*Bailey manages to say in between her sob. once those words left Bailey's mouth, your blood boiled. you got up quickly, picking both Bailey and Brody u in your arms and stormed downstairs into the living room where your mom and Michael were. you walked in front of the tv and stood there. you put the twins down and stood there with your hands on your hips trying to calm your nerves, but they wouldn't calm down.*

Mom: hi honey, what's wrong?

*your mom asked in a sweet voice.*

Y/n: did you know, that this man that you call your boyfriend, hits your children when your not around!? did you know that he abuses the twins!?

*you yelled at your mother.*


Mom: oh, don't be silly, Michael is the sweetest man, he would never. Also, don't raise your voice at me young lady!

Y/n: no mother! Look at your children. fearing the man on the couch next to you, they came to ME and not you! they're scared, Bailey came to me crying. they're scared of this man, mom.

*you said throwing your hands in the air at Michael. your mom looks at Michael, but he just shrugged.*

Mom: Michael did nothing! the twins probably had a nightmare! now go to bed!

Y/n: no mom, I've never seen the twins like this. this scared of someone ever. If you don't breakup with this monster of a human being I will be taking Bailey and Brody to LA with me!

Mom: okay, no. you are to young for that, and you can't just take them from me, you'll get charged for kidnap.

Y/n: not if I adopt them. I can do that. Katrina's Mom is a lawyer and she will stand by me through and through, unlike my own mother! Come on Bailey and Brody.

*you said grabbing onto one of their hands and taking them upstairs. once you got to your room, you kicked the door closed and locked it, walking over to your bed and tucking the twins in. you kiss them both goodnight and turned the lights off, then stumbled to your bed and got under the covers yourself, falling into a deep sleep with the twins in your arms, safe and sound. you wake up the next morning and the bad memories from last night came flooding back. you grabbed your phone off of your nightstand and texted Kat.*

~Texts with Kat~

Y: hey Kat!

K: Hey! what's up?

Y: I was wondering if I could come over with the twins and talk to your mom if she ain't busy


K: Yeah of course!

K: She has no one to attend to today

Y: ok great

Y: I'll come over around 9

Y: is that good?

K: no yeah that sounds amazing

K: can't wait to see Bailey and Brody

K: oh and you too :p

Y: k i'll see you then

K: k cya

~End of text~

*you got up and out of your bed and walked over to your closet and picked an outfit for today.*


*After you got changed, you woke up the twins.*

Bailey: where are we going?

Y/n: we are going to play with K today!

*you explained as you got the twins dressed

Bailey/Brody: YAY!!

*once you got both twins dressed, you went over to their toy box and let them pick 3 of their favourite toys to take to Kat's house. once they picked their toys you put them all in the diaper bag which already had everything that they needed. you then grabbed the diaper bag and walked downstairs into the kitchen and got the twins sippy cups and filled them up with chocolate and strawberry milk. you then grabbed your purse and car keys and walked out the house and to your car with both kids in your arms. you threw in the diaper bag onto the floor of your car and first buckled in Brody, then walked around to the other side and put Bailey in her car seat. you then got into the drivers seat and put your seatbelt on, then turned on your car and drove to Kat's house. you pulled into Kat's driveway and turned off your car, hopping out and knocking on the front door. Kat opened the door and hugged you as a greeting*

Kat: OMG hi!

Y/n: Hey! I have the twins in the car and all their stuff, would you mind helping?

Kat: of course.

Y/n: thank you.

*You and Kat walked to your car talking about random things. once you got to your car, Kat walked over to Brody and got him out while you went to Bailey and got her out and then grabbed the bag off of the floor. you all walked in and you placed the bag and twins on the couch and walked into the kitchen.*

Y/n: do you have anything that the twins could eat, I ran out of the house before my mom and the monster could wake up.

Kat: yeah! what do they eat?

Y/n: literally anything

*you said with a chuckle. Kat laughed as well as she turned around and walked to her pantry and got out some fruity pebbles and milk from the fridge. you grabbed two plastic bowls and put them on the counter as Kat poured in the cereal and then the milk. you placed them on the island.*

Y/n: Bailey, Brody. cereal is ready

*Bailey and Brody jumped off the couch and ran over to you and Kat. you sat down on the stool and placed Brody on your lap as Kat did the same with Bailey. the twins ate while you and Kat talked about why your here and want to talk to her mom.*

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