《Kansas Kids (Editing)》Chapter 53


*After a few hours of playing games and walking around you saw, off in the distance a massive koala stuffed animal sitting on the shelf of the tent thing.*

Y/n: look!

*You said jumping up and down like a little kid, pointing at the stuffed animal.*

Colby: I can win it for you if you want?

*Colby asked looking down at you, chuckling a little at the site of you like that.*

Y/n: mhm, mhm. Let's go!

*You said running towards the stuffed koala, dragging Colby behind you as he laughed at you. you saw that the game was to get 5 balls into the variety of cups in front of you. Colby grabbed out his wallet and paid for the game. because Colby plays a bunch of beer pong with his friends when there is a party, he got all 5 balls into different cups on the first try. you jumped up and down excitedly as the man got the big stuffed koala from the shelf and gave it to Colby. Colby thanked the man, passing the koala stuffy to you with a smile never leaving his nor your face. you walked away from the game hand in hand with your brand new koala stuffy. as you were walking, you grabbed your phone out of your purse and checked the time, seeing that it was 9:57 pm. you put your phone back in your purse and looked up at Colby as he looked down at you*

Y/n: baby?

Colby: yeah?

Y/n: wanna go on the ferris wheel as our last stop, because after that I think I wanna go home

*you said yawning a bit.*

Colby: yeah, of course.

*Colby said grabbing your hand again and walking towards the big ferris wheel. Once you got there, you both stood in line waiting for your turn. Once it was your turn to get onto the ferris wheel, you hopped on and sat down on opposite sides of the carriage waiting for it to go higher up. you got to the top and looked at Colby as he looked at you.*


Y/n/Colby: I have something for you

*you both said at the same time*

Colby: you go first

Y/n: okay

*You said opening your purse and grabbing out the small wrapped up box, giving it to him. He unwrapped the box and then opened it revealing the ring. Colby looked from the ring in the box, to you who had an enormous smile plastered across your face. you then saw tears forming in his eyes. you got up from your seat on the opposite side from Colby and sat down next to him, giving him a side hug. he put the box down next to him and turned to face you, wrapping his arms around you and gave you a tight bear hug. he pulled away, looking at you, with his hands resting on your shoulder with a tear that had run down his face. you raised your arm and wiped the tear away and placed a kiss on his nose making him chuckle.*

Y/n: for my softie.

*you said with a smile.*

Y/n: you had something for me too?

Colby: yes

*Colby said digging through his back pocket. his pulled something out and held his hand out that was in a fist so that you couldn't see what was in his hand.*

Colby: Close your eyes and hold your hands out.

*you obliged, closing your eyes and holding your hands out together. Colby then places something small and rectangular in the palm of your hands.*

Colby: and.... Open!

*you opened your eyes and looked down at your hands that held a usb with 'I love you' engraved on it.*

Colby: you can only see what's on it when you get home.

*You looked up at him with a smile. you put it in your purse and looked back at Colby, who had a massive smile overtaking his face making you giggle. you hold Colby's face in your hands and lean in placing a quick kiss on his lips. you pulled away and looked into his blue eyes with a smile.*

Y/n: I bet whatever is on that USB, I'll love.

A/n: so so sorry for not updating in a while have just been stuck with this one assessment thats due this week.

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