《Kansas Kids (Editing)》Chapter 52


*you pulled up into Colby's driveway and turned your car off. you took your keys out of the ignition and hopped out of the car. you then walk up to Colby's front door and knocked on it, waiting for him to answer. As you waited, the door opened revealing Gage, Colby's brother.*

Y/n: oh, hey Gage!

*You said with a wide smile on your face.*

Gage: hey! Colby's outside with Koki and Foxy.

*Gage said, stepping to the side to let you in. You walked inside and thanked Gage as you walked out to the backyard. you slide the sliding glass door and stepped outside, closing it behind you. You looked around and saw no one but heard Colby's voice coming from around the corner of the house. You started walking to the side of the house, but was startled when Foxy and Koki came running around the corner nearly tripping you, soon followed by Colby who bumped into you making you fall back. Luckily, Colby's fast reflexes saved you and pulled you up and into him.*

Colby: hi there.

Y/n: hi

*You said looking up at Colby's bright ocean blue eyes. He slowly leaned in and placed a soft kiss on your lips.*

Colby: I've missed you

*Colby said with a smile.*

Y/n: you dropped me off at my house only a few hours ago.

*You said giggling.*

Colby: yeah, and that was way to much time without you

*You look into each other's eyes and laugh. Colby looks behind you, then looks back into your eyes.*

Colby: you're lucky that I reacted fast, or else you would have fallen in dog shit.

*Colby said laughing. You looked behind you and saw the dog shit*

Y/n: oh thank god you did. Thank you


*You said turning back around and placing a kiss on his cheek. You pulled away and stepped over the poo. You held out your hand for Colby to take, which he kindly took. You then walk inside and then out the front door to your pick-up. You let go of Colby's hand and walk over to the driver's side while Colby goes over to the passenger's. You turn the car on and started playing Weezer. You buckled up and pulled out of Colby's driveway, driving to the destination of the date location.*

Colby: where are you taking me, princess?

*Colby asked curiously*

Y/n: can't tell youuuuuuu.

*You said with your eyes still fixated on the road ahead.*

Colby: Ugh, why noooottttt.

*Colby whined.*

Y/n: because I said so, colbs.

*Colby sighed again, leaning his head back. He then calmed down and just sat in silence all the way to the place with his hand on your thigh. when you arrived at the fair, you look around for a parking spot. you finally find one and park your car. once you turned your car off, you looked over at Colby who still had his hand resting on your thigh, asleep. a smile sweeps across your face at the sight of this adorableness in front of you. it pained you to do this, but you had to wake him up. you unbuckled your seatbelt and opened the truck door, hopping down onto the floor below and walking around to the passenger side where Colby resided. you opened his door and climbed up onto the step and bent down into the truck, placing a kiss on Colby's lips. his eyes slowly open and look straight into yours.*

Y/n: good morning kind, sir. it looks like you have arrived at your destination.


*you say in a terrible english accent, making Colby chuckle*

Colby: it does look like that.

*Colby said sitting up straight leaning into you for another kiss. you kiss him back and then pull away, pulling your head back, standing up straight and jumping backwards onto the floor. you walk to the backseat of your truck and open the door, grabbing your purse that layed on the floor as it fell on the way to the fair. As you were about to jump backwards, your foot slipped and you fell. As your falling, you felt a pair of strong arms catch you.*

Colby: be careful there. We don't want you to get hurt before moving to la, do we?

*Colby said as you turned around to face him.*

Y/n: no, no we don't.

*You said with a smile. You put your bag on your shoulder and hold onto Colby's hand. You looked up at him as he looked down at you.*

Y/n: you like it?

*You asked looking at the colourful lights in the distance*

Colby: I love it, baby. How did you get tickets to this though. I heard that they sell out fast as shit.

*Colby exclaimed, squeezing your hand a little.*

Y/n: I'm just a little faster.

*you said winking at him.*

Y/n: I also wanted to do something like this for our last date while living in Kansas.

*Colby shrugged in agreement and started.walking towards the fair with you. As you are walking, you remembered about the present in your purse. You decided to save it and give it to him at the end of the date when you go on the big wheel. You get into the fair, passing through security.*

Colby: what do you want to do first, baby

Y/n: ummmmmm, cotton candy

*You yelled jumping up and down, making Colby laugh*

Colby: cotton candy it is

*He said walking to the cotton candy machine. You both get a massive Cotto candy each and then head to the game area.

A/n: sry for the slow updates I've just been drowning in homework lately. Hope y'all understand. Remember to wash your hands my children Love you!!❤️❤️

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