《Kansas Kids (Editing)》chapter 50


*you danced with Colby and your friends for another 2 hours before everyone got tired. you grabbed your phone out of your pures and saw that the time read 10:28 pm. you looked at Colby with a tired expression. he rapped an arm around your shoulder as you rested your head on the side of Colby's body*

Colby: Y/n and I are getting kinda tired and it's pretty late to, so I think we're going to head out.

*Colby said to everyone.*

Tara: yeah, I think we're all gonna head out as well.

*Tara said holding Jake's hand. you all head out together and before you all get into your seperate cars, everyone all hugs and says their goodbyes. Colby opens the door for you and once your inside, he closes it for you and walks around to his side. Colby drives you to his house with his hand resting on your thigh while you were resting your head on the window, watching the few light posts and cars go by. when you get to Colby's house, you turn around towards the back and grab your backpack with all your clothes and other things that you needed to spend the night. Colby then opened the door for you again and you stepped out waiting for Colby to close the door so you can both walk in together. when you both get to the door, Colby grabbed out his house keys from his pant pocket and slowly unlocked the door so he wouldn't wake anyone up. Colby let's you wake in first, so you do. you put your bag on the floor and sit on the couch and started taking off your shoes with Colby doing the same after he closed and locked the door behind him. you both put your shoes on the shoe rack near the door and headed upstairs.*


Colby: do you need to take a shower, or have you already had one?

Y/n: I had one before but I want to take a quick one because I'm all sweaty.

*you said laughing. you grabbed your backpack and walked over to Colby's bathroom and took a shower. After you took a shower, you folded your dress nicely and put it in your bag. you opened the door and walked to Colby's room. you opened his door and found him laying on his bed shirtless and with wet hair as he scrolled through his phone. you put your bag on the small couch in his room and sat on the edge of his bed. you grabbed the spare phone charger that Colby keeps in his room for you and put your phone to charge. you then lay down next to Colby and rest your head on his chest, watching him scroll through instagram. you eventually fall asleep in Colby's arms.*

*Next morning*

*you wake up the next morning with Colby's arms rapped around you as you lay your head on his chest. you tilt your head up to look at Colby's face and saw that his hair was all messy and in his face making you smile. you place a gentle kiss on his cheek and try to get up but fail as you feel Colby's grip around your waist tighten and pull you back down.*

Colby: where do you think your going, missy

*Colby asked with his deep morning voice*

Y/n: to get ready, mister

*you said trying to get but fail again.*

Colby: if you dare try and get up I'm gonna start to tickle you

*you look up at him and gasp dramatically*

Y/n: you wouldn't dare!

*you said over the top*

Colby: suit yourself

*Colby said with a shrug. you try and get up but fail once again making Colby tickle you. you squealed and squirmed around pleading for Colby to stop but he showed no sign of stopping any time soon.*


Y/n: if you don't stop... I won't ever kiss you again

*you squealed making Colby stop instently. you catch your breath and look up at Colby seeing that he had a big pout on his face making you giggle which was soon joined by Colby laughing.*

Y/n: can I get ready now, I have something planned for us to do today.

Colby: just 10 more minutes and then I'll let you go.

Y/n: fine

*you said leaning down and planting a few quick kisses around his face which made him chuckle. you laid your body on top of Colby's for the next 10 minutes just admiring each others company. after the 10 minutes were up, you slowly hoisted yourself up and out for Colby's bed successfuly. you then grabbed your bag from the small couch in his room and walked out and into Colby's bathroom and locking the door behind you. you changed into your outfit for the day. you decided to not do any makeup today as Devyn caked the hell out of your face the night before.*


*You leave your hair out in its natural waves and just put a plain black bean on. You put your pj's into your backpack and walked out and into Colby's room. As you walk into Colby's room, you see Colby dead asleep on his back and with his mouth hanging open filling the room with soft snores. You crack a smile and place your bag on the floor near the door and walk over to him. You squat down next to the bed and kiss Colby on the cheek making him smile. You stand back up and look down at him while laughing.*

Y/n: were you even asleep?

Colby: yes, but when you came in I woke up. Can I have another kiss?

*You lean down and kiss Colby again. You stood back up and grabbed his arm and gently tugged him*

Y/n: let's go, I have a to get everything ready for later today.

Colby: fine

*You let go of Colby's arm and walk out of his room with him soon following. As you get to the top of the stairs, you feel Colby grab your hand and hold it as you both walk down together. You both walk into the kitchen to find a note on the kitchen bench.*


Dad, Gage and I have gone to the mall and will be back only around 1 pm

Love - Mom♥️

*End of note*

*Colby read the note aloud. You both crack a smile. You walk over to the cereal cabinet and grab out Fruity pebbles and then milk from the fridge and 2 bowls from the other cabinet. You poured the cereal in both bowls and then milk. You put everything back in its place then grabbed the bowls and walked over to the TV room where Colby was and gave him the bowl. Colby put on SpongeBob as you both ate.*

A/n: I really hope you guys are enjoying this book♥️

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