《Kansas Kids (Editing)》Chapter 49


A/n: Ik that there is a lot of skipping time lines right now but there isn't much going on in between this time. and also this book is finishing very soon which I'm very upset about. anyways, hope you enjoy these last few chapters. Love you! :)

*You were upstairs in your room with all the girls getting ready for prom that night.*

Devyn: OMG!!!! This is actually happening!

*Devyn squealed*

Y/n: I can't wait for tonight!

Tara: I know right!

Kat: Let's play some music!

Everyone: YEs!

*Katrina started scrolling through your Spotify then started play the playlist with all your favourite songs. you all started singing and dancing terribly as you got dressed. Devyn ended up doing everyone's makeup because she was the best out of everyone. after Dev was finished with everyone's makeup, you all put on your dresses, heels and jewllery. you decided to not wear the heels and instead wore your classic black and white converse. as you were putting your big gold hoop earrings in, you only just heard the door bell ring over the loud music.*

Mom: GOT IT!

*your mom yelled from the hallway running down the stairs. you all finished getting ready at the same time. you turned your music off as you all headed out of your room that had the lights on for once.*

Y/n: we're coming!

*you yelled from the top of the stairs, peeking your head out getting a glimse of Colby and the boys without them seeing you. you hide your head behind the cornor again as you saw everyone moving from the couch and walking over to the stairs. your staircase was big enough to fit three people side-by-side. in the front was Devyn, Tara and Katrina while you went behind them as you all walked down the stairs. Kat went over to Sam, Dev went to Corey, Tara went to Jake, while you walked over to Colby with a big smile spread across both of your faces. Colby pulled you closer to him by your waist with the biggest smile on his face. he then leaned in close to your ear*


Colby: you look absolutly stunning, princess.

Y/n: you too, bubba.

*you both whispered in each other's ear.*

Mom: okay everyone. crowd in front of the stairs.

*your mom said rushing out to the dining room. she came back with her camera in hand. she gestures with her hand for everyone to move closer. you all followed the silent instruction and move in closer.*

Mom: Say cheese!

*your mom said with a big smile on her face*

Everyone: cheese!


*the camera flashed blinding everyone. everyone blinked several times so they could see normally again. after everyone had restored their vision, they all moved away besides you and Colby. the twins begged your mom to let them be in the photo, eventually winning her over. the twins ran over to you and Colby and jumped in your arms. you were holding Bailey and Colby was holding Brody. your mom took a few photo's with the twins then with just you and Colby. after you were done with your photo with Colby, everyone had their couple photo. after taking everyone's photo's, it was time to head to prom. your mom already knew that you were staying with Colby that night. all the girls, including you, ran up the stairs and into your room to grab your phones and purses, with you grabbing your backpack with the clothes for tonight and tomorrow. you all headed back downstairs and met with the boys outside on your proch. as you left, you kissed Bailey and Brody on the cheeks and said goodbye to them, then did the same with your mom but instead just gave her a hug.*

Mom: Have fun at the dance, honey. Oh! and stay safe.

Y/n: yes mom, I know.

*you gave your mom one last hug and walked over to Colby's car with him. Colby opened the door for you as you got in thanking him. he closed the door as you turned back and threw your bag to the back seat. you turned back around and put your seatbelt on as Colby started the car. you waved goodbye to your mom and the twins as they waved back from the front door of your house as Colby pulled away from your driveway with everyone doing the same in their own cars after you.*


*time skip*

*you all arrived at the dance safely. you gabbed your purse as Colby helped you out the car. you and Colby met with everone else at the front of the venue. as you walked up to them, you could hear the loud music blaring through the walls from the speakers inside.

Tara: well what are we waiting for. Let's Go!

*you all started cheering as you all walked in. Colby grabbed your hand genlty and pulled you closer to him. you all walked in and saw disco lights blinking around the room with all of the seniors dancing, talking and drinking.*

Devyn: let's find a table first then some of us can go get drinks!

*Devyn yelled over the loud music playing in the background.*

Y/n: Sounds good!

*you all walked around aimlessly looking for a table big enough to fit everyone at. you finally found one in a pretty good spot, so you all sat at the table and talked about what drinks you wanted. in the end you and Colby were nominated to go retrieve the drinks and snacks. you grabbed the snacks while Colby some how managed to carry all the drinks.*

Y/n: the snacks and drinks have arrived!

*Everyone started cheering as you and Colby walked over with the food and drinks. you dumped all the snacks in the middle of the table so everyone can get what they want from the pile while Colby gave out the drinks to their rightful owner. After you all finished the food and drinks, you all got up to go dance with all the other seniors. not long after everyone started dancing, the song finished and changed to a slower paced song so everyone could slow dance with their partner. Colby gently pulled you by the waist pulling you closer to his body resting his hands there while you rested your arms around his neck.*

Colby: I can't stress this enough, but you look amazing in that dress.

*Colby said making you blush.*

Y/n: thank you. you don't look so bad yourself. also we are wearing the same shoes.

*you said letting out a small chuckle as you lifted your long dress up enough so Colby could see your shoes.*

Colby: so we are

*Colby said laughing. you returned your arms around Colby's neck and rested your head on his chest as you countinued to slow dance*

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