《Kansas Kids (Editing)》Chapter 48


*Time skip to the week before Prom*

*You wake up to your mom, the twins and Kat, Devyn and Tara in your room yelling. you instantly wake up and jump out of bed*

Y/n: I'M UP, I'M UP!

*they all laughed and calmed down*

Y/n: why is everyone in my room yelling?

*you say rubbing the sleep from your eyes*


*When you processed what the girls just said, your eyes went wide with excitement. A massive smile spread across your face*

Y/n: let me get dressed. I'll be down in a minute

*everyone left your room as you walked over to your closet and pick out and outfit*


*you do your makeup and put your outfit on. you then grab your phone and head downstairs where everyone was waiting.*

Kat: Let's go!

*Kat yells, making her way out the door. you all follow her out and head to the cars. your mom and the twins were going in your mom's car, while you, Kat, Devyn and Tara went in your yellow truck. you hop into the driver's seat while Tara got into the passenger seat and Kat and Devyn got into the back. you gave Tara the aux cord and drove off to the mall. when you got to the mall, you parked your car next to your mom's and got out. you all walked inside and saw your mom standing to the side. when she saw you, she walked over and that's when your dress shopping adventure begun.*

*Time skip to when you get home*

*you walk through the door with a sleeping Bailey in your arms followed by Kat with Brody. You and Kat take the twins to their room then go back to your car to take the girls home. when you dropped the girls at their houses, you went back home and straight up to your room with your prom dress in hand. you put it on again and just stared at yourself in the mirror admiring the beautiful dress that you picked out.*



*after a while of looking at the dress, you decided to change into your pyjamas and went to bed.*

*Next morning*

*you wake up the next morning to your alarm yelling at you to wake up. you turned your alarm off and got out of bed and got ready for school*


*once you finished getting ready, you got all your books and put them in your bag and grabbed your phone and went downstairs. you decided to skate to school today, so you grabbed an apple and your skateboard and headed to school. when you got to school, you went straight to your locker and put everything away only grabbing what you needed for your first two classes. when you closed your locker, you felt arms snake around your waist and a head being placed on your head.*

Colby: good morning, princess

Y/n: good morning, bubs. we have Literature and then physics together first two periods

Colby: okay, thanks

*Colby said walking to his locker on the other side of the hall and grabbing what he needed. Once he finished getting his stuff, the bell rung signalling for students to go to their classes. when you waked into your first class, you saw Kat, Tara and Jake already sitting at the back. you walked over to them and took a seat next to Kat. as you sat down, your teacher for literature walked through the door*

*Time skip to end of lunch*

*It was the end of lunch and you were at your locker getting your PE uniform. as you were walking to the girls changing room, you feel a hand grab your wrist and pull you into their embrace.*

Y/n: Hi, Colby.

Colby: Hi, gorgeous. I just need you to meet me out the front of the school after school.


*Colby said as he pulled away*

Y/n: Okay

*You said giving him a kiss on his cheek. you both walk your separate ways.*

*Time skip to the end of the day*

Tara: damn, that sub really mad us do all that. I'm gonna be sore tomorrow

Y/n: same here. he was harsh with that fitness, like does he expect us to be able to do 10 burpees then 20 push-ups, like damn.

*you and Tara complain as you two walk to the changing rooms. Once you two got changed, the last bell for the day rang. you automatically got excited and nervous for what Colby was doing. you walked over to your locker and there was barley anyone in the halls which was really odd because the bell only just rang. you quickly got your backpack in your locker and started making your way to the front of the school. as soon as you got out of the doors of the school, there was a crowd of people and a line of people with roses in the middle. you walked towards the crowd and started walking through the middle receiving the roses from the people. once you got to the end there were tears welling up in your eyes as you saw Colby with people behind him holding signs saying ' WILL YOU GO TO PROM WITH ME?'*

Y/N: Yes!

*you yelled running towards Colby with tears in your eyes. you ran into Colby's arms with everyone cheering around us. you were tight in Colby's embrace. you were swaying side by side.*

Colby: I love you, Y/n

*Colby whispered in your ear. you looked up at him with a massive smile on your face*

Y/n: I love you too, Brock

*you said laughing.*

Colby: this is going to be an amazing video

*Colby said*

Y/n: yes it will.

*The crowd started to die down and you, Colby, Kat, Sam, Tara, Jake, Devyn and Corey were left standing there. Sam, Jake and Corey were congratulating Colby and The girls were talking to you and saying how cute it was and how Colby put so much work into this over the past 2 weeks*

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