《Kansas Kids (Editing)》Chapter 47


*Colby ended up leaving after staying at your house for 3 and a half hours, making it 4pm. you texted Tara, Kat and Devyn and asked if they wanted to meet up at the movie theatre*


(T=tara, K=Kat, D=Devyn)

Y/n: hey girlies!!

Y/n: I was wondering if y'all wanted to see a movie or something

T: Yeah!

T: I'm down

D: Me too

K: Sorry can't

K: Sam and I are going on a date

Y/n: all good :)

y/n: meet me at the theatre at 5

~end of text~

*You put your phone on charge and hoped out of bed. you walked over to your closet and pick an outfit out to wear*


*You put the outfit on and headed to your bathroom to touch up your makeup. once you were finished, it was 4:30 and you had time to spare, so you go downstairs and into the kitchen and grabbed lemonade in your big water bottle and grabbed candy and put then in your bag. you then walked into the living room and saw your mom all alone on the couch. you walk over and sit next to her. you looked over at her as she did the same thing.*

Y/n: I'm sorry on how I reacted when your boyfriend came yesterday. It was really wrong of me, I was just really upset and confused on how you moved on so quick from dad.

*you said looking down at your lap in shame, as tears started to trickle out. your mom lifted you chin up and looked you in the eyes*

Mom: It's okay. I know that it might seem fast for you, but at some point we all have to push forward and move on in life, like your dad said, Onward and Upward


*you mom said making you laugh a little. you nodded and hugged her. you tried hard to not let any tears escape or it would ruin the little makeup that you had on*

Y/n: I just miss him

Mom: I know, me too

*you stayed in the hug for a few more minutes before pulling away. you felt around for your phone with no luck, so you got up and went to your room to find it on your nightstand on charge. you quickly grabbed it and headed back down*

Y/n: I'm going out with Tara and Dev to the movies

*you said as you grabbed your keys and headed out the door, receiving an 'okay' from you mom. you opened your door and got in immediately turning it on and cranking the heater up to max and then made your way to the movie theatre.*

*At the movie theatre*

*when you arrived at the movie theatre you went up to the ticket booth and bought everyone's tickets. you waited off to the side until Tara and Dev showed up.*

Tara: Hey Girl!

*you looked up from your phone and saw Dev and Tara walking towards you.*

Y/n: Hey!

*you said as you put your phone in your pocket and giving them a hug.*

Devyn: what movie are we watching?

Y/n: IT

Tara/Devyn: nice

*you all start walking into the theatre and find a seat and watched the movie*

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