《Kansas Kids (Editing)》Chapter 45


Colby: Sam and I have been thinking, and we've decided that once we graduate we'll move to LA together

*Colby said. you looked down at the bed sheet and started playing around with it. you then felt Colby lift your head up for you to look at him. as you look at him, tears threaten to come out and one falls and rolls down your cheek. Colby wiped the tear away and gave you a sad smile*

Colby: but I couldn't bare the thought of being so far away from you and nor did Sam with Kat, so we thought that you and Kat could come with us. and if you want, you can either choose to live with Sam and I, live with Kat in another apartment or live by yourself.

*the tears that were once threatening to fall out, disappeared and a huge smile found it's way to your face. as you're smiling, there is also a big smile spread across Colby's face. you then rapped your arms around Colby and dug your face into his chest and squealed. you then felt Colby's strong arms rap around you and and heard him let out a deep chuckle. you pulled your face away from Colby's chest and looked up at him.*

Colby: so is that a yes?

Y/n: of course you big goof ball.

*You said giggling. you then lean in and kiss Colby softly and then pull away and look at him again*

Y/n: has Sam already told Kat?

Colby: he's supposed to ask today

*as soon as Colby talked about Sam, his phone started ringing and it was Sam*

Colby: speaking of

*Colby answered to call and talked to Sam for a bit and then said goodbye and hung up*

Colby: Sam said that Kat said yes as well


*you squeal again and hug Colby tight. you both started laughing and when you calmed down, you felt your eyes get heavier and heavier until they fully shut and you fell into a deep, deep slumber*


*you wake up the next morning, faced with a snoring Colby. his hair covering his eyes and his mouth was partly open. you lay there just admiring your boyfriend. Once you decide to get up, you give Colby a kiss on the nose and sit up in the bed and stretch. as you are stretching, all the memories from last night come crashing back making a huge smile spread across your face. you finish stretching and stand up. just as you were about to walk to the bathroom, you feel arms rap around your waist and pull you down back onto the bed. you squeal and squirm trying to get out of Colby's grip as he is tickling you*

Y/n: Colby, please stop! I can't breath!

*you yelled. the tickling then came to a sudden holt but Colby's arms were still rapped around your waist. you then try to stand up, but get pulled back down and you came crashing down onto Colby. you were laying on your back on Colby's chest as you just laid there staring at the ceiling trying to catch your breath. you then felt several soft kisses being placed on your shoulder which made a smile dance across your face and giggle*

Colby: have you decided on who you're gonna live with?

Y/n: it's between living with you and Sam, or with Kat, I have to ask on her opinion.

Colby: hmmm

*Colby hummed*

Y/n: now, can I get ready?

Colby: no!

*Colby said in a little kids voice making you let out a little giggle*

Y/n: please Colbear?


*Colby sighed*

Colby: I guess

*Colby said loosening his grip.*

Y/n: thank you

*you sang standing up and turning back around to Colby and gave him a little kiss on his nose and walking out to Colby's bathroom. you grabbed the small makeup bag from under the sink that you keep at Colby's house and lay everything that you need out. you took a quick shower and changed into yesterdays clothes, brushed your teeth, washed your face and then did your makeup. when you were finishing off your makeup, you heard a knock on the bathroom door.*

Y/n: Come in

*You said to whoever was on the other side of the door. the door creaked open revealing a curly-haired, sleepy Colby rubbing his eyes as he walked in. he grabbed his tooth brush and brushed his teeth as you finished your makeup. Once you were finished with your makeup, you packed everything up and put your makeup bag back under the sink. As you are about to leave the bathroom, Colby's arms rap around your waist and pull you closer to him. you grab your phone out of your pocket and take a quick picture. after you take the picture, you put it as your lock screen. Colby then kissed your neck and then let you go.*

Colby: god I love you

*Colby whispered making you giggle. you then walked out and downstairs and opened the back door for the dogs to go out. as soon as you opened the door, all three dogs came running from the living room and out to the yard to do what they needed to do. you close the door and head to the kitchen and see that Colby's mom already prepared breakfast for everyone. you walk over to Colby's mom who was still in the kitchen trying to get everything on the table.*

Y/n: do you need any help mrs Brock?

*You asked as you put your phone in your back pocket*

Lesa: yes please.

*Colby's mom says as you grab the plate full of pancakes and the syrup bottle*

Lesa: oh and please, just call me Lesa honey

Y/n: Okay

*you set the plate and syrup down on the table, and as you turn around you come face to face with Colby. he engulfs you in a quick and tight hug making you laugh.*

Lesa: Breakfast is ready!

*Colby's mom exclaims. you and Colby sat next to each other while Gage sat in front of you and each parent on each end of the table. you all ate breakfast together and when everyone was finished, you helped Lesa with the clean up. when everything was done and clean, you went upstairs to get Colby so you can meet up with Kat and Sam. you get to Colby's room and see him on his bed playing with Poppy, Koki and Foxy. you stood there in the doorway just admiring the cuteness in front of you.*

Y/n: Colby?

Colby: hmmm

*Colby hummed not looking away from the dogs*

Y/n: we have to go. Sam and Kat are waiting for us at the mall

Colby: okay

*Colby said getting up and walking out with you. Colby says his goodbyes to everyone in the house and head to the mall*

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