《Kansas Kids (Editing)》Chapter 44


*you look at the man standing next to your mother, outraged. you then look at your Mom with the same expression but this time with a hint of sadness. without saying anything, you got up from the couch and stormed up to your room and slamed the door. you turned around and faced your bed with tears in your eyes. you then saw Poppy laying on your bed tummy up. you let out a smile chuckle and walked over to your bed and sat down to rub her belly.*

Y/n: Oh my god, Poppy.

*you whispered to yourself as you let out a small chuckle while rubbing Poppy's tummy. Poppy then flips over and jumps off the bed and starts sniffing around your room. you quickly whip the tears away and pick up Poppy.*

Y/n: no, no Poppy. not in here.

*you quickly took off your jacket and put on an oversized, black Nirvana hoodie and a normal black beanie and walked out your room closing the door behind you. you walked to the kitchen island and grabbed your phone and Poppy's jacket and then walked to the front door and grabbed her leash before walking out. you put Poppy down and put her cute jacket on and then attached her to her leash and walked off to the dog park down the street. Once you arrived at the dog park with Poppy, you see a familiar figure standing on the other side of the park. the figure turned around and you could just see who it was. It was Colby and his two dogs, Foxy and Koki. you started walking up to him without him noticing until he turned around to throw a stick. when he saw you, his face went from a massive smile to a soft sad look. you let Poppy off her leash and she went straight over to Foxy and Koki to play with them. you continued to walk over to Colby and when you reached him, he engulfed you in a hug and all you could do was breakdown in his arms.*


Colby: It's okay, I'm here now.

*Colby said as he rested his head on top of yours rubbing up and down your back with his one of his hands. Once you collected yourself and calmed down, you pulled your head away and looked Colby in the eyes still in the hug. Colby pulled away and grabbed your hand and walked you over to a big willow tree in the corner of the park. he sat down with his back against the tree and then pulled you down onto his lap. you both sat there talking about random stuff and throwing sticks for the dogs as they played all together*

Colby: do you want to tell me what happened?

*Colby asked softly with his arms rapped around your waist.*

Y/n: to be honest, it was stupid for me to cry about it, but... my Mom got a new boyfriend.

*You said, nearly a whisper letting out a sigh as you fought the tears threatening to pour out again.*

Colby: it's not stupid to cry over that. you lost your dad and now your mom has a new boyfriend. that's something very difficult to go through. if you want, you and Poppy can stay over at my place, I'm sure my parents won't mind.

Y/n: are you sure?

Colby: of course. my Mom absolutely loves you.

y/n: okay, then. I'll just text my mom saying that I'm fine but won't be home till tomorrow, so she doesn't worry.

Colby: Okay, sounds like a plan.

*You both stayed like that for a few more minutes before the dogs all walked over to you and laid down.*

Y/n: I think the dogs are tired.

Colby: do you want to go now?

Y/n: yeah.

*you got up, re-attaching Poppy to her leash as Colby did the same to Foxy and Koki. you then walked back to Colby's place. Once you arrived at the house, Colby's mom engulfed you in a surprise hug and said that she missed you even though it had only been a few hours. you detached Poppy from her leash and hung the leash where Colby hung Koki's and Foxy's and then took off your shoes and left them at the door where all the other shoes stayed. you and Colby then walked up to his room and cuddled going through your phones. you then texted your mom to tell her that you'll only be back home tomorrow. after a few hours of cuddling, Colby's mom came into the room and told you that dinner was ready. you all ate dinner together talking about random stuff. Once you all finished, you helped Colby's mom clean up and do the dishes. Once you finished with that, you went up to Colby's room to where you found him laying on his bed.*


Y/n: where are all the spare towels, bubba?

*Colby got up and grabbed a spare towel from his closet and gave it to you*

Colby: why?

Y/n: I'm having a shower.

*Colby then walked over to his closet and grabbed out one of his hoodies and handed it to you*

Colby: here

Y/n: thank you

*You said with a smile spread across your face. you walked over to Colby's bathroom and closed the door and locked it. After your shower, you put on Colby's hoodie that reached down just above your knees which worked in your favour as you didn't have any shorts. you dried your hair and then walked back into Colby's room and laid on his empty bed. Colby then came through the door with a towel around his waist and his hair all wet and curly. he walked over to his closet and grabbed a pair of light grey sweatpants and boxers. you flipped over onto your side and faced the wall as Colby got changed. Once Colby finished changing, he hung his towel up next to yours behind his door and then walked over to his bed and laid down next to you. you rolled back over onto your other side now facing a shirtless Colby. Colby looked into your eyes for a hot second before speaking.*

Colby: y/n?

Y/n: yes, bubba?

Colby: I have a seriouse question for you.

*As Colby said that, you got really nervous and the expretion on your face showed it*

Colby: it's not anything bad. Don't worry

*Colby said making you calm down a bit*

Y/n: what is it?

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