《Kansas Kids (Editing)》Chapter 43


*once you got to the ice rink, you got out and unbuckled Bailey and Colby went around and got Brody out, each of you carrying a twin. everyone, then walked over to the ticket both and each parent paid for their family. once that was done, everyone walked over to the ice-skating boots and looked for their size and put them on. you and Colby were the first one's to get your boots on and so you went out onto the ice and started skating. as you've been coming here since you could remember, you could do a few tricks and skate backwards. you watched Colby, by going backwards get in the ice rink with struggle. Once he caught his balance, he looked up at you and saw that you were skating around close by really good. you looked back at Colby and saw his mouth hanging open and his eyes were wide. you skated back to him and just laughed at his reaction to you skating like that*

Colby: wha- how- when- huuuuh?

*Colby said trying to stand up straight but lost balance and fell on his bum which made you laugh even harder. you calmed down and looked at Colby and saw he had his arms crossed against his chest and had a mad expression that toddlers have when they don't get what they want.*

Y/n: awww, I'm sorry. did I hurt little Cole's feelings

*you said in a baby voice with Colby cringing when you said 'Cole' which made you let out a little giggle*

Colby: yes, yes you did.

*Colby said*

Y/n: god you cute

*You said under your breath while helping Colby up*

Colby: what was that?

*Colby said with a smile on his face*

Y/n: Nothing, bubba

*Colby just stayed silent. once Colby was up and balanced, everyone was on the ice.*


Y/n: you stay with everyone, okay? I'm going to skate by myself for a bit.

Colby: Okay.

*Colby said slowly making his way to the family's. you then went off and started skating really fast and doing some of the tricks that you knew. After a while of that, you looked around for Colby and found him skating pretty well, so you went over to him.*

Y/n: here, hold my hand

*You said stretching your arm out for Colby to hold. Colby grabbed your hand and you started skating slowly hand-in-hand around the ice rink. slowly, Colby got the hang of it and you started going faster and faster until you were at a good speed. after 2 hours of skating around and playing with the twins, everyone was tired and decided to go home. everyone went back to their own homes and just chilled for the rest of the day until there was a knock on the front door.*

Mom: I'll get it

*your mom yells from the kitchen. she stops what she is doing and attends to the person at the front door. as you were in the living room, you could see who was at the door as your mom opens it. Once the door is open you saw a tall man that you've never seen before in front of your mom. your mom hugs him and tells him to come in*

Mom: y/n, this is Michael.









































My boyfriend





















































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