《Kansas Kids (Editing)》Chapter 42


*you wake up the next morning ecstatic. You then feel movement in your bed behind you remembering that Colby was the movement. you turned around to face Colby and was met face to face to Colby being awake with a smile already on his face*

Colby: Good morning, babe

*Colby said in his deep, raspy morning voice*

Y/n: Good morning, bubba. ready to go downstairs?

Colby: yep, let's go

*Colby said sitting up and getting out of bed, then turned around to help you up. you walked downstairs hand in hand and was met with an amazing smell of a variety of pancakes, eggs, bacon, etc.*

Lesa: Good morning lovebirds. how did you sleep? (Colby's mom)

Colby/y/n: good

*You both said in unison*

Mom: breakfast will be ready soon, so go sit at the table where everyone else is waiting

y/n: okay.

*you said walking over to the dining table where everyone was waiting for you and Colby as you were the last ones to wake up. you sat down and waited for breakfast to be served. once your's and Colby's mom served breakfast, everyone started eating. once everyone finished eating you all walked over to the tree and sat down in a circle like last night. one by one, everyone went over to the tree and picked out the presents with heir name on it and once everyone had their presents, you all opened them. you've opened all your presents besides one. the one Colby said not to open till the next morning. you carefully ripped the paper off the small box revealing a small jewellery box. a smile spread across your face as you saw the small box. you looked over to Colby who was also looking at you. you looked back at the box and slowly opened it. there in the box was a necklace with Colby's name on it. Colby then leaned down to your ear and whispered,*


Colby: I wanted you to have my first name till I can give you my last.

*what Colby said made your cheeks turn a bright crimson colour as you looked down at the beautiful, silver necklace with Colby's name on it. Colby then lifted your head up to make you look at him. you looked into his deep blue, beautiful eyes as he looked into y/e/c eyes and softly kissed your lips. you pulled away smiling like a complete dork.*

Y/n: Can you?

*you said passing your new necklace to Colby. by this point everyone proceeded with opening their own presents as you were both taking forever*

Colby: Of course

*Colby said as you turned around facing your back to him. he put the necklace around your neck and rapped his arms around your waist and pulled you in to a hug from behind and kissed the top of your head. as you both were watching everyone open their presents, Colby leaned down to your ear and whispered*

Colby: I will love you forever and always, princess.

*you then felt your cheeks heat up*

Y/n: I will love you forever and always too, Brock

*you whispered back. Colby then kissed your head again and rested his head there. after everyone finished opening their presents everyone went upstairs to get changed because you were going ice-skating. you went to your room with Colby right behind you. you got to your room and went straight to your bathroom and brushed your teeth. you finished brushing your teeth and walked back into your room and saw that Colby was already dressed and laying on your bed on his phone. you walked over to your closet and picked out an outfit*


*once you got dressed, you did your makeup and grabbed your phone off your night stand and shock Colby lightly*


Y/n: c'mon bubba, everyone is waiting for us.

Colby: okay, let's go beautiful.

*Colby said turning off his phone and jumping up from your bed. you walked downstairs and met everyone there*

Lesa: now that everyone is ready, let's go ice-skating!

*Colby's mom yelled out in excitement and everyone cheered walking out the front door. your mom walked out last and locked the door behind her. Colby went with his family in their car and you went with yours. you buckled in Bailey and then sat in the passenger seat as your mom buckled in Brody and got into the driver's seat and started the engine. you pulled out the GPS as your mom started driving and with Colby and his family right behind us.*

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