《Kansas Kids (Editing)》Chapter 41


*Christmas Eve*

A/n: I know it's quite a big skip but it would just be boring. anyway, enjoy beautiful people❤️

*It was now Christmas eve and both your's and Colby's family were celebrating it together at your house. everyone was now eating dinner at the table talking about random stuff. there would be random times that your's or Colby's parents would ask questions about your relationship, which you would answer. after everyone finished eating they all walked over to the 2nd living room where the Christmas tree was with all the presents under it. everyone sat in a circle as your mom gave everyone one present each.*

Mom: okay, everyone open it at the same time. 1...2...3!

*your mom yelled making you, Colby, Gage and the twins rip open the soft rapped present. when you opened it, you saw that it was a onesie. the same that everyone else got.*


(Grey for the boys and pink for the girls)

*a smile spread across your face. you looked over to everyone else's faces to see their reaction. the twins were ecstatic and Colby and Gage let out small chuckles at the same time. Colby then looked at you with a smile and leaned in pecking your lips.*

Mom: okay, everyone go get changed and come back down when your done

*everyone got up and went upstairs to the rooms they were assigned. Gage went in the spare room that he was sharing with his parents for the night, your mom went with the twins into their room to help them get changed and Colby and you went into your room.*

Colby: do you want me to get changed in the bathroom so we can see each other when we're ready?

Y/n: if you want

*you responded with a shrug. Colby then walked over to you and planted a kiss on your forehead and left the room and headed to the bathroom. a smile was plastered across your face as you got changed into the onesie. once you were finished changing, you sneaked out of your room and went downstairs and was met with Gage, the twins and the parents bit not Colby. as you sat down next to the twins, you heard footsteps come down the stairs and closer to you. you looked behind you and saw Colby coming closer to you with a smile. 'that damn smile' you thought to yourself. Colby sat down next to you and leaned in closer to your ear.*


Colby: you look adorable in your onesie

*Colby said making you blush*

Y/n: not looking so bad yourself, Brock

*Colby let out a small chuckle. you rested your head on Colby's shoulder and listened to your mom speak*

Mom: okay, so I'm letting you only open one present tonight. so Bailey and Brody, you pick first.

*your mom said as the twins couldn't sit still. the twins jumped up and quickly pick out a present from under the tree that had their names written on the little card. they ripped the wrapping paper off the present. Bailey got a cute little rag doll and Brody got little toy cars.*

Bailey/Brody: Thank you Mommy!

*the twins said pouncing up and giving your mom a big bear hug*

Mom; oh your welcome.

*Your mom said. Next was Gage to pick a present. he found one and took the wrapping paper off revealing a new phone case. he got up and went over to his parents and gave them each a hug. next was your go. you stood up and walk over to the Christmas tree and picked up and small box wrapped in black wrapping paper with little white stars all over.*

Colby: no not that one. you have to open that one tomorrow.

*Colby said from behind you. you shrugged and put the little box back down and picked another one and sat back down next to Colby. Colby had a big smile spreading across making you giggle and look down at the present and started opening it revealing a Polaroid kit box. your eyes were wider than the moon. you quickly grabbed the small card and read that it was from Colby. you looked at him and saw the same smile plastered across his face. you also had a massive smile spread across your face. you engulfed Colby in a big tight hug and when you pulled away you gave him a kiss. he kissed you back and when you pulled away, you rested your forehead against his and looked into his beautiful blue eyes and whispered*


Y/n: Thank you, bubs

Colby: your welcome, beautiful

*Colby responded. you then heard Gage clear his throat making you pulled away and look at him and giggling while all three parents awed.*

Y/n: Colby's go!

*You said loudly receiving a deep chuckle from Colby. he stood up and grabbed a present from the tree like everyone else. he sat back down next to you and opened the present. it was a new Canon Camera that you got him. you had a bigger smile spread across your face. if that was even possible. Colby then looked at me with a fat smile on his face as he looked at you then the present, then back at you. he then suddenly gave you a hug and rocked you both back and forth.*

Colby: thank you, thank you, thank you baby. thank you so much

*Colby said rapidly as you giggled. Coby then pulled away and smashed your lips together. when you pulled away, you looked into his eyes then out of nowhere you messed up his hair giggling.*

Mom: okay, let's go watch a Christmas movie!

*your mom yelled making everyone stand up and head to the living room and sit on the couch in front of the tv. you ended up watching the Grinch. the rest of the night was filled with cuddling and watching movies until it was late and it was time to go to bed. everyone all went to their designated rooms and went to bed. you crawled into bed with Colby following in behind. once the covers were over both of you, Colby wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him.*

Y/n: Goodnight, bubba

Colby: Goodnight, beautiful

*Colby said before you drifted into a deep sleep*

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