《Kansas Kids (Editing)》chapter 38


A/n: shout out goes to . Remember that I give out shout outs every time I gain a new follower. Also, tysm for 3k reads. Love y'all❤️

*You kept running as fast as you could, and obviously you weren't going as fast as before. once you got to the car you quickly put your seat belt on as Colby started the car and sped off.*

Colby: Are you okay?

Y/n: Yes, but I was shot.

*as soon as you said that, Colby hit the gas and sped off to the hospital*

Colby: Where!?

Y/n: the back of my thigh

Colby: Okay, I have some towels at the back. grab them and apply pressure.

Y/n: okay

*you complied and grabbed the towels from the back of the car and applied pressure to the wound to try and stop the bleeding. it wasn't to long till you got to the hospital. as soon you got to the hospital, Colby insisted that he carried you in, so you let him. Colby carried you through the emergency room and to the front desk*

Colby: please help me. my girlfriend has been shot in the back of the thigh and she is losing a lot of blood!

*Colby said in a panic*

Nurse: Okay, follow me, Sir.

*The Nurse said leading us to a spare bed in the hallway and collecting some doctors on the way. Colby placed you onto the bed as you felt yourself become light-headed. in a second, everything went blurry as your eyes started to shut.*

Colby: stay with my bub, stay with me, please!

*you heard Colby say but it sounded so far. you then felt your eyes become heavier and heavier until they shut completely and everything went black.*

*Colby's POV*

Nures: you can't go any further, Sir.


*the nurse said to me. at this point, I could barely see a thing in front of me. everything was blurred because of the tears in my eyes.*

Colby: p-please, I-I need to stay w-with her. I-I can't lose h-her again!

Nures: I am sorry, sir but it is too dangerous for you to go back there. You can take a seat right here or in the waiting room.

Colby: I'll wait in the waiting room.

Nurse: Okay, come with me.

*The nurse started to walked back to the waiting room as I followed behind her. I looked back at the emergency surgery room.*

Colby: please don't leave me. I need you bub.

*I whispered to myself as I walked to the waiting room. I took a seat and texted Sam, Kat, Tara, Jake, Devyn, and Corey. After I texted them I walked outside and called y/n's mom.*

(K is your mom and C is Colby)

K: hello?

C: hi Mrs. y/l/n, this is Colby. I was calling because y/n is in the hospital.

K: why is she in the hospital?

*I could hear the automatic panic in her voice.*

C: Ummm well, I took her out to a more deserted place and when we were leaving someone was in the bush with a gun and fired. It hit her in the back of the thigh and she is now in surgery getting the bullet removed.

*As soon as I finished my sentence I could hear her mom let out soft sobs through the phone*

K: Okay, t-thank you for telling me. I'm going to drop the twins off at their aunt's house and I'll be over there soon. Okay bah Bye.

C: see you soon. Bye.

*end of call*

*I ended the call and went back inside and sat down in a chair. A few minutes went by and Sam, Kat, Tara, Jake, Devyn, and Corey arrived. Sam walked in and immediately gave me a hug. Once Sam hugged me I started crying once more.*


Sam: there, there dude. She'll be fine. She's the strongest person we know.

*I just stayed quiet and just cried. after a while, y/n's mom arrived. I looked at her when she walked in and I could tell that she had been crying. She walked up to me as I stood up and she just hugged me and cried into my shoulder. I started to tear up again and I couldn't hold them back anymore, so I let them roll down my cheeks. after Katie (your mom) pulled away we sat down. after what felt like forever, the nurse came out and called me*

Nures: Cole Brock?

*I stood up as soon as I heard my name get called out.*

Colby: Yes?

Nures: she's been asking for you since she woke up. follow me.

*I smiled to myself and followed the nurse. the nurses opened the door to y/n's room and almost immediately when she looked at me all the pain that I saw in her eyes disappeared and happiness took over which was shown by a smile that spread across her face.*

Nures: I'll leave you two alone.

*the nurse said and walked out of the room and disappeared into the hallway of the hospital. I walked over to the bed that y/n was laying in. I stood over her and bent down and placed a kiss on her forehead. as I did that, a tear fell from my eye that I didn't notice. I sat back in the chair behind me, and looked into her eyes.*

*Your POV*

*You woke up a few minutes ago and all you've been asking for was to see Colby and he was finally beside you. He sat down in the chair behind him and looked into your eyes. you immediately saw that his once beautiful blue eyes were bloodshot red and puffy. he's been crying*

Y/n: you were crying, weren't you.

*you said softly while gently placing your hand on his cheek as he rested his head on it.*

Colby: I thought I was gonna lose you and I would have to live the rest of my life knowing that it was all my fault.

*you looked at Colby confused as to why he said that*

Y/n: why would it be your fault?

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