《Kansas Kids (Editing)》chapter 37


*after telling your mom you were going out, you went outside to Colby's car with him already in the car. You hopped into the passenger side and Colby started driving. After a while of driving you finally arrived.*

Colby: we're here

Y/n: tender greens?

(Idk if there are any tender greens in Kansas but just roll with it)

Colby: yep

Y/n: I've never been here before.

Colby: wait what!? Never?

Y/n: never.

*Colby just stared at me with wide eyes.*

Colby: okay then this will be ten times better.

*you both hopped out the car and Colby held your hand and walked you into the restaurant and got a booth. You sat there and looked at the menu and looked for something to eat.*

Y/n: what should I order?

Colby: just let me order something for you

Y/n: okay.

*After a few minutes of waiting, the waiter finally came over and took your orders. For drinks, you just ordered a lemonade and so did Colby. You and Colby talked about random stuff before the food came. Once the food came you both sat in comfortable silence and ate.*

Y/n: wow that was really good

Colby: I knew you would like it.

Y/n: you always know what I like

*After you finished eating you two fought for who would pay so when the waiter came over with the check you pulled out your wallet before Colby and paid for the dinner*

Colby: I wanted to pay

*Colby whined*

Y/n: but I paid. Get over it. You can pay next time... If you can beat me to it.

*Colby rolled his eyes and you giggled. You guys left and Colby started driving. You didn't recognise where you were.*

Y/n: where are you taking me?

Colby: somewhere I know you will like.


Y/n: okay, I trust you

*For the rest of the drive it was silent. A comfortable silence. When you got there Colby parked his car and got out to help you.*

Y/n: thank you

Colby: anything for my girl

* when Colby said 'My girl' it sent shivers down your spine. He's never called you that before. You liked it. You looked down to the ground but Colby lifted it up and looked into you your eyes and kissed you ever so lightly.*

Colby: come on. You'll love this place.

*Colby said grabbing your hand and dragging you across the road.*

Y/n: slow down Colby. I'm gonna trip over myself

*You said with a chuckle making Colby laugh. He slowed down to your walking pace and leaded you through some trees. It took about ten minutes to get to a clearing. There in the clearing of the woods there was a beautiful, old and abandoned house. It had no graffiti, it wasn't broken from the outside, nothing. It looked preserved.*

Y/n: oh my god, Colby. It's beautiful.

*You said looking at the structure in awe.*

Colby: do you like it?

Y/n: I love it. How did you even find this place?

Colby: I got into a fight with my parents a long time ago and I ran away. I ran here and found this place. I stayed the night here then went back home after a few hours. No one knows about this place besides me, and now you.

Y/n: so Sam doesn't know?

Colby: nope. And promise you won't tell anyone about this and not make a video about it either.

Y/n: I promise.

*Colby started walking towards the building and you followed behind him. You walked inside and it was beautiful. It wasn't broken, there wasn't any graffiti, nothing. Just old and abandoned. You followed Colby up some stairs to the top of the house. Colby hopped out a window and turned around to help you out. You hopped out the window with Colby's help and followed Colby to a flat-ish spot on the roof. Colby sat down as you laid down resting your head in Colby's lap and looked up at the stars. You and Colby stayed like that for hours just talking about random stuff until it got late.*


Y/n: it's getting late, we should go home.

Colby: okay, your right we should get going.

*You both stood up and left the astonishing building and started the ten minute walk through the woods. About three minutes in, you heard something move in the bushes. You stood dead in your tracks and Colby looked back at you in confusion*

Colby: what's wrong?

Y/n: I heard something move in the bush.

Colby: it's probably nothing bub. C'mon

*Colby held a hand out for you to grab, and you did. You started walking again till you heard it again.*

Y/n: Colby. Did you hear that?

*You whisper yelled*

Colby: yeah. We should get out of here.

*You both started running, but as soon as you started running you heard a gun shot. As soon as the gun shot was fired, you felt a burning sensation at the back of your thigh.*






































You've been shot

































A/n: I'm working really hard on this book and I hope U like it.

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