《Kansas Kids (Editing)》chapter 34


*once you got home you saw that your mom was on the sofa watching tv*

Mom: oh hey swee - why do you have a dog with you? I thought you were at a party with your friends?

Y/n: I don't really want to talk about that.

Mom: why? Did something happen? Was it Colby? It was Colby wasn't it?

Y/n: yes it was Colby now calm down

*You said chuckling.*

Y/n: anyway, I found this little cutie at the park.

Mom: we can't keep her

Y/n: please mom. I will pay for everything and clean her up. She will be my responsibility. I promise.

Mom: fine.

Y/n: thank you, thank you, thank you.

*Went up to your mom and bagged her*

Mom: what's her name?

Y/n: I don't know yet. I was thinking Poppy

Mom: that's a beautiful name.

Y/n: so Poppy it is. Anyway me and Poppy are going to bed now. Tomorrow im going out with Poppy and spoiling her.

Mom: okay then goodnight honey

Y/n: goodnight mom

*You kissed your mom goodnight and went up to your room. You changed into some PJs and got into bed with Poppy.*

Y/n: goodnight Poppy

*Poppy barked*

*You then fell into a deep sleep.*

(Next morning)

*You woke up to Poppy licking you hand.*

Y/n: good morning Poppy. How did you sleep?

*Poppy barked*

Y/n: sounds good. You ready to be spoiled today?

*Poppy barked*

*You got up out of bed and walked over to your closet to pick out your outfit.*


*You got dressed and took Poppy out for a quick walk around the block.*

???: Hey y/n!

*You turned around and saw Kat*

Y/n: oh hey Kat!

Kat: I never knew you had a dog.

Y/n: i didn't. I found her at the park last night.

Kat: what's her name?

Y/n: Poppy.

Kat: so cute! But I need to talk to you about last night.

*You were hoping that Kat wouldn't bring last night up.*

Y/n: oh yeah.

Kat: Colby wants to talk.

Y/n: I don't even want to see him.

Kat: he wants to explain. Please y/n, just let him explain.

Y/n: fine. Tell him to meet me at the park.

Kat: which one?

Y/n: he'll know where to go.

Kat: okay. Then I'll see you around?

Y/n: yeah. Bye

*You and Kat hugged each other goodbye and you went over to the park were Colby took you when you guys skipped class*

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