《Kansas Kids (Editing)》Chapter 33


*at this point, most of the people at this party including you, were drunk. All the girls were dancing all over the boys, including you.*

Colby: you good at this baby girl

y/n: you like?

Colby: very

*as you were dancing, you felt hands grip your waist and pull you closer to them.*

Colby: wanna take this to my room?

Y/n: sure

*Colby then intertwined your fingers with his and took you up to his room. Once you got to the top of the stairs Colby picked you up bridal style and started kissing you passionately and took you to his room. When you arrived at his room he closed the door behind him and threw you onto his bed. He started taking his shirt off and you did the same until you both were only in undergarments. I think we all know what happened next.*


*You started putting your clothes back on and tidied your hair and walked back downstairs to where everyone was. You grabbed a bottle of beer from the fridge and went out to the backyard where there weren't many people. You looked to the right and saw all your friends talking.*

Y/n: hey!

Everyone: hey!

Tara: where you've been?

Y/n: inside dancing. Why?

*The girls gave you a strange look and then you saw the boys look behind you so you looked over your shoulder and there stood Colby and a girl you've never seen, making out. You felt tears threaten to poure out. They kept making out until you yelled*

Y/n: How dare you fuck me THEN start making out with some rando whore!

*Colby pulled away and just stood there looking at you with wide eyes. Wider than the moon.*

Colby: it's not what it looks like. I swear.


*At that moment tears were pouring out of your eyes like Niagara Falls.*

Y/n: really! Cause it looks like you're eating this slut's face off and was about to fuck her too!

*The girls were now beside you. You then stormed out but was stopped by Colby grabbing your wrist. At this point, the girl was gone*

Colby: please let me explain.

*Colby whispered. You looked into his eyes with tears threating to come out again but you still had a firm, angry look. Colby took his hand that was holding your wrist and placed it on your cheek. His eyes were glossy and looked like he was about to cry.*

Y/n: NO!

*you took a step back and slapped Colby in the face really hard leaving a red handprint on his cheek. you walked back into the house then out to the front. you ran as far as your feet could take you, which wasn't that far as you were in heels. you ended up at a park. the park your dad used to take you to. you waked over to the bench your dad would always sit at and sat there. memories of you and your dad flooded back, making you cry.*

Y/n: oh dad why did you have to go? why?

*a few beats of silence passed*

Y/n: I miss you so much.

*as soon as you said that, a little Yorkshire terrier came out from the dark and walked over to you. you looked at him/her and saw that it had no collar. you picked it up and looked if it was a boy or girl. it was a girl. she looked to be around 9 months.*

y/n: hey little girl. what are you doing here?

*the dog barked*

y/n: let's get you home.

*You stood up from the bench and walked home with the dog in your arms*

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