《Kansas Kids (Editing)》chapter 30


*after you took that pic you jumped off the antenna and grabbed the camera out of Colby's hand and started recording. You pointed the camera at you and Colby and looked Colby in the eyes for a solid 20 seconds before kissing him.*

Colby: what was that for?

Y/n: can I not allowed kiss my boyfriend anymore?

Colby: in that case...

*Colby kissed you and when he pulled away you had the biggest smile on your face.*

Colby: god I love that smile.

Y/n: I love everything about you.

Destiny: Gross! I don't think your fans want to see you and Colby makeout, I think they want to see us explore the place now let's go explore more.

*You rolled your eyes while Colby let out a small chuckle which made you giggle*

Y/n: fine

*You and Colby walk back to the group and you all started walking back inside to go to the murder room. You jumped down the last beam still filming. Once everyone was down, Destiny snatched the camera out of your hand and started filming herself and talking to the camera*

Y/n: Hey! That's my camera!

*As soon as you said that you heard a small creek of doors opening.*

Y/n: shhhhh

*Everyone went quiet for a minute until there was another creek of a door opening*

Y/n: did y'all hear that?

Everyone: yeah

Y/n: that sounded like a door.

Sam: but all the doors here are broken and not even attached to the hinges.

*You turned your head towards Destiny as she did the same thing*

Y/n/Destiny: the lockers

Nate: the what?

Destiny: the lockers down there

*Destiny said pointing to the lockers at the level below us. You took the camera from Destiny and started walking down to the lockers*

Colby: wait what are you doing?


Y/n: going to inspect the lockers. What else?

Colby: did you not just hear that?

Y/n: I did. Now, are you guys coming or are y'all just a bunch of pussys?

*You then turned back around and continued to go down to the lockers. After a few seconds, everyone followed you. You got to the lockers but saw nothing but all the locker doors open. You just stared at the lockers while everyone gasped and took a few steps back.*

Colby: get back!

*Colby grabbed you by your free wrist and pulled you close to him*

Y/n: what, why?

Sam: that's some demon shit right there.

*Your eyes went wide as you stared at the lockers. Suddenly all the locker doors closed with a bang. you and Destiny screamed as Colby picked you up and Nate grabbed Destiny and you all ran away from the lockers. it was so dark even though everyone had flashlights, that you didn't realize that you all ran into the murder room. Destiny then suddenly screamed because she realized where you guys were. she tried getting out of Nates grip but he was too strong for her to get out.*


Nate: why?

Destiny: cause we're in the murder room!

*Nate turned her around and hugged her tight so she would calm down, and it worked. she calmed down and hugged Nate back. you were still recording and so was Sam. Colby turned you around and hugged you. you turned off the camera and hugged him back.*

Colby: why did Destiny react like that?

*Colby whispered in your ear*

y/n: because last time we were here she had a really bad experience in this room right over there

*you pointed to the back right corner*

Colby: oh, okay.


*After a while of just hugging and Sam talking to his camera, we decided to leave. as you were leaving, you heard someone whisper in your ear. you turned around quickly with the camera back on.*

y/n: did you hear that?

Colby: hear what?

y/n: something whispered in my ear.

Sam: What did it say?

y/n: I don't know. it was way too quiet.

Destiny: then that's our reason to get the fuck out of here.

*you turned back around and started walking again until you heard the voice again*

???: get. out.

*it whispered*

y/n: it said get out! the voice said get out!

Destiny: then let's get the hell out of here

*you all started running towards the exit until a beam from the roof fell in front of the exit which made everyone scream.*

Nate: let's get the fuck out of here!

*Colby threw you over the beam and Nate did the same with Destiny, then the boys jumped over and you all started running across the field still filming and back to the neighbourhood where your car was. you pass your camera to Colby and quickly unhooked the keys from your jean hoop and unlocked the car. everyone opened the car doors and got in. you started your car and drove off to drop off Destiny, then Nate, then Sam. Colby would be staying at your place.*

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