《Kansas Kids (Editing)》chapter 29


*you parked at the end of the neighborhood that lead to a field that leads to the warehouse. You took the keys out of the ignition and clipped them to one of the hoops on your jeans. You opened the car door and stepped out as everyone did the same.


*You and Sam pulled out your cameras and you started the intro to your video*

Y/n: Hello my beautiful people, and welcome to today's video. Today's video is much different then my first video. It is an exploration video. But I'm not here alone. I am joined by...

*Colby jumps into frame*

Colby: Cooooooolllllbbbbyyyy Brooockk!!!

Sam: Sammmmm Gollllbbbaaaccchhh!!

Nate: Naaaaattttteeee!

Y/n: and last but absolutely not least my BFF... Destiny!

Destiny: what's up people

*After you finish your intro, Sam started his and Colby's. After they finish theirs we all started walking across the field to the warehouse. You and Sam were filming. You look at your watch and it says that it's 6:38 and at this point, it was nearly completely dark.

Y/n: so we decided to come here at night because the people that live in the neighborhood behind us.

*You turn around to show the camera over to the neighborhood*

Y/n: always calls the cops if they see people go into the warehouse. Isn't that right Sam and Colby?

*You turn your camera to your right and left and film Sam and Colby who were both beside you.*

Y/n: yes Mr Brock and Mr Goldbach over here have told me that they have gotten caught before.

Sam/Colby: yep

*Skip to when you get to the warehouse*

*You get to the warehouse and walk in. The first thing you notice is that there is a lot more graffiti on the walls then there was the last time you and Destiny were here. You pan the open room that you and everyone else entered.*


Sam: as you guys can see, there is a lot of graffiti and there's a lot of broken beams, railing, and walls.

*After Sam spoke, you point your camera to a room and you started walking towards it by yourself. You stop at the entrance of the room to see the door on the floor with a pentagram on it.*

Y/n: hey guys!

Everyone: yes!

Y/n: you might wanna come see this!

*You yelled out and everyone came to you and once they see the pentagram on the door that was on the floor they all gasped*

Y/n/Colby: and that's the murder room too.

*You look and point your camera towards Colby and you both let out little laughs.

Everyone: awwww

*You quickly turn to them with the camera and gave them a glare from behind the camera and they then went silent. You couldn't not laugh at their reaction so everyone started laughing.*

Colby: we'll be going into the murder room later on so stay tuned for that.

*Colby said to both cameras. *

Destiny: noooo. Do we have to?

Everyone: Yes!

*Later that night*

*You have been walking around for a while now and decided to go up to the roof. You turned the camera back on.*

Y/n: hey guys?

Everyone: yes!?

Y/n: before we head to the murder room, do you want to go to the roof?

Everyone: okay

*Everyone becomes one group again from being scattered around the palace and started heading up to the roof. Colby climbed up before you and when he turned around to help you, he saw that you didn't need any help and he just looked at you amazed because you also had the camera.*

Y/n: What?

Colby: nothing, it's just that you climbed up with no struggles, WITH a camera.


*You let out a little giggle and so did Colby. You and Colby then started walking to the rest of the group cause they walked In front of us. Once you caught up to the group you noticed that Nate wasn't around so you looked at the antenna and saw him up there.*

Y/n: hey Colby, film me.

Colby: okay?

*You gave Colby your camera and started running up to the antenna and climbed up and sat next to Nate who was up there*

Nate: hey! this is my spot!

y/n: No

*you said crossing your arms and just stayed there. you looked over at Colby and the group and saw that he was still filming so you poked your tongue at him as he zoomed in on you. Nate then decided to hop off so after he got off you stood up on the antenna like it was nothing.*


Destiny: she always does that. She'll be fine. Trust me.

Colby: are you sure?

Destiny: I swear on my mother's life.

Colby: okay then.

*After a few minutes of you just standing on the antenna you decided that you wanted to film the view*

Y/n: hey Colby!

Colby: yes?

Y/n: pass me the camera please

*Colby then walked up the roof and to the antenna and threw the camera up*

Colby: catch!

*You caught the camera and you scanned the area showing every part of what you could see*

Y/n: isn't it beautiful

*You said to the camera. You then passed the camera back to Colby and before you got off the antenna you decided to take a pic of the view for Instagram*

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